Add purchase history for shops/housing?
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5 (31.25%)
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Purchase History
Posted at 01-02-18, 02:56 am Link | #1

Posts: 53
Joined: 06-21-17
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Have you ever gone afk just to come back and find out something sold , but you don't know what? Well look no further! You will no longer be confused on which item has sold and there will be a list that displays all your last sold items and also who purchased them! Only 5 easy payments of 10 red coins required, limited time offer. No coin back guarantee, recommended for use if you are over age of 65, and have bouts of dementia.

Townsperson A: Hey man, you still selling Item X?
Townsperson B: Let me check for you. Nah sorry it's gone.
Townsperson A: Damn... You know who bought it?
Townsperson B: Nope , sorry bro.

This scene could be ...

Townsperson A: Hey man, you still got Item X?
Townsperson B: Lemme check for you... Nah it's gone sorry.
Townsperson A: Can you find out who bought it?
Townsperson B: Sure hold on, it was Friend A
Townsperson A: Alright thanks bro, i'll go talk to them and see if they are willing to trade it for anything.
[Posted by Primate on 01-02-18, 03:03 am, deleted by Drahan: High toxicity; no contribution]
  • #7279
Posted at 01-02-18, 03:33 am Link | #3

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It's in your System "X has been sold to X" but it easily gets buried by other server messages
Posted at 01-04-18, 03:14 pm Link | #4

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I have another suggestion, Make it so people on your blacklist cannot purchase things from your house/personal store.
post rev. 2 by Alistine on 01-08-18, 12:05 pm
Posted at 01-08-18, 11:29 am Link | #5

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I have another suggestion, Make it so people on your blacklist cannot purchase things from your house/personal store.
You can ban people from your house already, though it works on it's own system.
Posted at 01-08-18, 12:16 pm Link | #6
Drahan GM

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This suggestion is actually really easy to do, but likely we'd have to do it from a web GUI of sorts - not ingame.

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