Posted at 01-02-18, 04:00 am Link | #21
Forum Banned

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I'm bored and banned from league so I guess i'll reply to you, at least then I have someone to talk to even if they're a nazi, we should get along tho im white
mabi.northkorea ran by Kim Jong-Drahun and his staff of communist gms
Posted at 01-02-18, 04:02 am Link | #22
Drahan GM

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I'm bored and banned from league so I guess i'll reply to you, at least then I have someone to talk to even if they're a nazi, we should get along tho im white
Hm I wonder what you might have gotten banned from league for...
Posted at 01-02-18, 04:03 am Link | #23
Forum Banned

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Joined: 04-16-17
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saying the n word bc you guys taught me it was okay if I said no offense, its ur fault so make me a new account
mabi.northkorea ran by Kim Jong-Drahun and his staff of communist gms
Posted at 01-02-18, 07:34 am Link | #24
Hisao GM

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Posted at 01-02-18, 10:50 am Link | #25

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Banned from league and uses mabipro as his secondary means to escape :eyes:

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