Craftable basic alchemy crystals & Craftable arrows stacks (rev. 1 by Fruttielicious on 01-08-18, 06:12 pm)
Posted at 01-08-18, 06:04 pm Link | #1

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Here is an idea to discuss about.

What if you could improve the regular water/fire/wind/earth crystals by making them in diffrent grades with cuilin stones.
As an example:

Low grade cuilin stone + water crystal(50) = refined water crystal(50) +5 water alchemy dmg
Common grade cuilin stone + water crystal(50) = polished water crystal(50) + 10 water alchemy dmg
Fine grade cuilin stone + water crystal(50) = superior water crystal(50) +15 water alchemy dmg
Finest grade cuilin stone + water crystal(50) = exquisite water crystal(50) + 20 water alchemy dmg

Low grade cuilin stone + fire crystal(50) = refined fire crystal(50) + 3 fire alchemy dmg
Common grade cuilin stone + fire crystal(50) = polished fire crystal(50) + 6 fire alch dmg
Fine grade cuilin stone + fire crystal(50) = superior fire crystal(50) + 9 fire alch dmg
Finest grade cuilin stone + fire crystal(50) = exquisite fire crystal(50) + 12 fire alch dmg

Low grade cuilin stone + wind crystal(50) = refined wind crystal(50) + 5% knockback distance
Common grade cuilin stone + wind crystal(50) = polished wind crystal(50) + 10% knockback distance
Fine grade cuilin stone + wind crystal(50) = superior wind crystal(50) + 15% knockback distance
Finest grade cuilin stone + wind crystal(50) = exquisite wind crystal(50) + 20% knockback distance

Low grade cuilin stone + earth crystal(50) = refined earth crystal(50) + 10% blind duration
Common grade cuilin stone + earth crystal(50) = polished earth crystal(50) + 20% blind duration
Fine grade cuilin stone + earth crystal(50) = superior earth crystal(50) + 30% blind duration
Finest grade cuilin stone + earth crystal(50) = exquisite earth crystal(50) + 40% blind duration

These changes would give dedicated alchemists an option to improve their damage but at he cost of crafting the ammunition needed.
And since fine/finest cuilin stones are pretty difficult to obtain in large quantities, it would be their ammo used for mainly only really difficult content.

As for craftable arrows for improving archery damage, these currently already exist in the game but the fact that they only stack to 100 arrows max makes them very much pretty difficult to use. I'd suggest increasing the stack to 300 ~ 500 arrows atleast. Since you have to go out of your way to craft them in the first place, and since they are higher quality then regular arrows they might aswel take up less space (lore wise).

Please leave your feedback down below and new idea's are always welcome.
Fruttie the Water Alchemist.

PS: Cylinder upgrades already lol?
Posted at 01-08-18, 06:16 pm Link | #2

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I quite like this idea, it'd be interesting to have a good reason to craft crystals for alchemists. So +1 on this

Also yes, cylinder upgrades pls
Posted at 01-08-18, 07:10 pm Link | #3

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Would be nice to have Bhafel Huntress arrows, without the restriction of only being use able by Bhafel Hunter.
Could implement mats for it to future end game content. It would be like mages and warriors endgame piece Rosemary Gloves/Elsinore Sword
Posted at 01-08-18, 07:17 pm Link | #4

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Really hoping that the GMs at least increase the chance to discover the cylinder upgrades...
As of now getting any of the special cylinders is not worth the extra cost in repairs since there is no upgrades. Is there reason why fire only gets +12 and water gets +20? I think fire alchemy is actually weaker than water atm
Posted at 01-08-18, 07:18 pm Link | #5

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Really hoping that they at least increase the chance to discover the cylinder upgrades...
As of now getting any of the special cylinders is not worth the extra cost in repairs since there is no upgrades. Is there reason why fire only gets +12 and water gets +20? I think fire alchemy is actually weaker than water atm
Posted at 01-08-18, 07:36 pm Link | #6

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Really hoping that they at least increase the chance to discover the cylinder upgrades...
As of now getting any of the special cylinders is not worth the extra cost in repairs since there is no upgrades. Is there reason why fire only gets +12 and water gets +20? I think fire alchemy is actually weaker than water atm

To basicly sum it up really easy:

water dmg = dmg * charges(= 100 total)
fire dmg = dmg * charges * 5 bursts(=300 total)

Thats the reason water damage has a higher base dmg on the skills/enchants/upgrades in general then fire. So I applied the same reasoning to my math here.
Posted at 01-09-18, 06:31 pm Link | #7

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Fire also ignores protection for crit chance, where as water does not.
post rev. 4 by gmerc on 01-09-18, 08:37 pm
Posted at 01-09-18, 08:21 pm Link | #8

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These changes would give dedicated alchemists an option to improve their damage but at he cost of crafting the ammunition needed.
And since fine/finest cuilin stones are pretty difficult to obtain in large quantities, it would be their ammo used for mainly only really difficult content.

wasting a finest cuilin on an elemental crystal with a minor buff would need to yield at least 500 crystals to be worth it. ultimately the problem with your idea is that you have the damage boosts increasing at a static pace rather than a damage boost proportionate to the difficulty of actually aquiring the cuilin stones. on water, for example, with +5, +10, +15 and +20, it's just not worth burning the good cuilins on it. you'd be best just using the low-grades and commons you have no choice but to collect on them while saving the higher-grades for golems. if you wanted to have boosts proportionate to the actual value of the cuilins, we'd need to be talking a damage boost growth closer to +3, +7, +17, and +35.

and even then, it doesn't really feel thematically appropriate to just flush cuilin stones into an oven to make your crystals better, because it sort of ignores what the crystal-making process even entails. the cuilin stones are the golem, not a catalyst for generating energy.

Summon Golem

I think fire alchemy is actually weaker than water atm

if you think fire is weaker than water you aren't thinking at all. even ignoring the critical hit properties it's downright stupid to not recognize that a damage boost applied over 3 hits of Flame Burst is better than one applied to a single hit of Water Cannon.
Posted at 01-10-18, 01:21 am Link | #9

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The idea that cuilin stones are only used for golems doesn't really do it justice in my opinion. Yes you could just use the fine/finest for making golems, but not every player uses golems. So why not give them another reason to mine and use them instead.

Also the proposed values I mentioned above are just an example. I'm not a game balancer and I haven't exactly calculated the impact of said damage values.

making the ammo on smaller quantities (maybe 100 ~ 200 at a time when the stack sizes increase again) might be better yes, but again that also depends largely on game balancing reasons.

You could even make the succes % for making and the ammount of crystals yielded per cuilin stone increase proportional to your alchemy mastery or/and the mastery of said element.
Posted at 01-10-18, 10:29 am Link | #10

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Still, the actual mining rate of Fine and Finest is ABYSMAL. The only real way to get more than a handful is to grind them out from Other Alch golem drops on the higher difficulties.. Mining out every single stone twice of the stones mission on adv (I don't think difficulty maters but some people think it does) didn't net me a single fine, let alone a finest. For this idea to really work out, it'd need to be increased, the mining rate that is, which would in term somewhat buff golems.

That said, I like your idea. Alch crystals of the basic elements have always felt strange to me. We can buy them but not make them.
So where do they come from? They have to be made somewhere, and in MASSIVE quantities. They're simply mass produced, most likely in tara somewhere, and shipped off to tail with some easy to do recipe that results in shoty crystals that get the job done and don't stack too high due to their imperfect sizes.

So ontop of your idea, let's make it so we can craft base crystals too? They're about to get doubled again to stack to 200, so we can easily make this work out in terms of least for 3 of the elements.

Water Crystal x100: 2 water bottles (3?)
Fire crsytal x100: 2 firewood (3?)
Clay crystal x100: (This one I feel is tricky) Either 2 low grade stones, or any 2 non-processed ore?(3?)
Wind crystal x100: This is the ONLY one I have no clue whatsoever for. Maybe 2 empty bottles? (3?)
(That or x50 for each of these)

This way, a start up alch can make their crystals, train alch mastery in doing so as well as getting their ammo, without having to focus on a non-base skill like golem or spikes, and your upgrade can come later in the ranks, say around rank B for the first low grade addition.
Posted at 01-10-18, 09:58 pm Link | #11

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+1 This is how Golems work and for non-golem users this is a great way to earn stat boosts for harder content. I'm also on board with changing the damage scaling/droprate so that the finest bonus is actually worth its trouble.
Posted at 01-11-18, 12:16 am Link | #12

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The idea that cuilin stones are only used for golems doesn't really do it justice in my opinion. Yes you could just use the fine/finest for making golems, but not every player uses golems. So why not give them another reason to mine and use them instead.

I think we'd be much better off if Stones of Sliab Cuilin were made into a mission worth running and mining for cuilins in than just arbitrarily creating a higher demand for something that's still abysmally unfun to gather.

Cuilin Stones don't need to be "done justice". They're just rocks. Melting them down into elemental crystals for a damage buff makes about as much sense as melting down Dead Bees for a damage buff would.

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