Posted at 02-01-18, 10:14 pm Link | #1

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This is a suggestion (and a wee rant),

so, I've been doing Ghost of Partholon with my friend and we agreed on blinkers being too broken, not OP, just broken. When he's on the sky, it's almost impossible to kill him, combine my mediocre ranged skill and even worse luck with a crossbow, perfect combo for misery. But that's not the main issue, the problem is his ridiculous 'spotlight' time, and his quick recovery from it + ranged resistance. I know it's going to be difficult to do something about it, but my question it possible to do something about it in terms of enemy nerf?
Posted at 02-01-18, 10:23 pm Link | #2

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get stronger, you'll quickly find theyre easy to deal with. they don't escalate that much with each SM difficulty, HM ones are relatively squishy
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 02-02-18, 03:03 pm
Posted at 02-01-18, 11:37 pm Link | #3

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They require either raw strength or some niche skills like sandblast or frozenblast to deal with.

Also, some general pointers on fighting them. Do not use ranged on them untill they start flying, arrows trigger them into flying. When you see them spawn, immediately focus them. If you start off on them with a windmill before they aggro anyone, they won't aggro you (and they do with other attacks). If you are quick enough, you can do a windmill into smash (and sometimes another windmill) before they fly.
Posted at 02-02-18, 10:52 am Link | #4

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Okay, I guess I'll give it a try then.
Posted at 02-09-18, 01:54 am Link | #5

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Alternatively sacrifice your pets to them while you handle the room. They generally target the last thing that attacked them with their beam, so have a pet run up and tank it for you.

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