New server migration and ranged attack dilemma.
Posted at 02-02-18, 04:24 pm Link | #1

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I want to discuss about current dilemma on Ranged attack accuracy.

After server migration took place on 27th Jan, I found many of my ranged attacks started to miss a lot. In rough figure, 20%~30% more arrows misses ( hitting at 90%+ accuracy, including normal Ranged attacks and skills)

I have not raised huge conversation about this but number of people around me did say archery attacks do not land as much as it used to.

Problem is, with newly introduced lagless monster server and vigorous mob aggression created from it, I find archery very hard to execute.

I tried many of my tactics and tricks to manoeuvre away from the improved* combat difficulty, but no genuine improvement was found, only more deaths occurred.

Please don't misunderstand my opinion about the new server change. It dramatically reduced random jitters and annoying pet lags and I am so happy about it.

So, I want to raise a small thought on this and want to hear out what you guys think as well.

Is archery really at a bad state with the new server migration? or it takes time to adjust to new mob response time.
Posted at 02-02-18, 04:28 pm Link | #2

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+1 from human archer.

Accuracy drops killed me so much, a lot more than usual...
Posted at 02-02-18, 05:23 pm Link | #3

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archery has always been left behind; even on live mabi they've yet to do a proper touch up.

I'd like to see some fresh re-vamp of it, for sure.
post rev. 1 by Banned on 02-02-18, 06:21 pm
Posted at 02-02-18, 06:16 pm Link | #4

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archery has always been left behind; even on live mabi they've yet to do a proper touch up.

I'd like to see some fresh re-vamp of it, for sure.

Even in Pre dynamic combat, archery was always considered to have the highest single target DPS in the game, the ability to miss is a trade off for being the fastest skillset in the game. On top of that, it combos and has the best synergy with melee by a long shot. Charge into mag, N into mag, mag into fucking windmill. Elf mag is fucking silly. Or you could be boring and just shoot arrows into mag, but w.e. Elf run speed makes it safer and final shot makes spamming free. Elves may not have the extra 100% aim speed humans have, but they trade that for mobility and much shorter load times.

On the human side of things, there's a reason that AR has a significant aim speed bonus at R1. You can't throw out magnums as much, those combos are significantly harder and less safe/consistent to do, but you have AR, 1 second load time with a 50% percent aim speed bonus on the first shot. AR is probably the best tool for extending combos and just plain being safe. AR can be lead into charge, allowing for a smash, or a windmill, whatever you fancy. It can be loaded out of windmill as well. It provides a huge amount of safety to humans.

I think the devs never gave archery it's own tab for a reason. It's not a good idea to act like any of these skills exist in a vacuum in a game that encourages hybrid characters.

edit: mb if i derailed
post rev. 1 by Tuesday on 02-02-18, 09:13 pm
Posted at 02-02-18, 09:11 pm Link | #5

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edit: mb if i derailed

I am not trying to go over entire flaws or of current combat/archery.

Let's stay focused on specific. I can definitely tell you that after server migration you do more misses on ranged attacks compare to any other servers.
(Source? I spam/grind a lot. Proof? My elf archer rebirths at lvl. 140 So what?I have experimented range accuracy through many many deaths)

I just have a feeling that this whole ranged related hit accuracy may demotivate people from ranking up range related skills.
It is not so fun when majority of population does the same thing, in this context, going melee or golem.
Posted at 02-02-18, 10:01 pm Link | #6

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Do you think you could record some vods, and maybe try to describe some situations you tend to get fucked in that wouldn't get you before?

Like, are you trying to get N+ shots?

What distances are you attacking from where this tends to happen?

What's your ping like? Maybe it's positional lag which is a factor in this more so now.

I'd test, but my current setup in game isn't really ready for that, though I guess I could get on an alt...
Posted at 02-02-18, 10:22 pm Link | #7

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I personally do not use archery, but I think Tuesday means that you have less time to aim now then before the migration because mobs aggro and respond/react faster in combat then they did before.

Combine that with maybe being on a node thats slightly lagging(that happens alot lately). And you have even less time to get your shot up to aim compared to what it would have been before.

Also the aim% ingame doesn't always accuratly represents how much actual aim % your at.
Posted at 02-02-18, 10:33 pm Link | #8

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archery has always been left behind; even on live mabi they've yet to do a proper touch up.

I'd like to see some fresh re-vamp of it, for sure.

Even in Pre dynamic combat, archery was always considered to have the highest single target DPS in the game, the ability to miss is a trade off for being the fastest skillset in the game. On top of that, it combos and has the best synergy with melee by a long shot. Charge into mag, N into mag, mag into fucking windmill. Elf mag is fucking silly. Or you could be boring and just shoot arrows into mag, but w.e. Elf run speed makes it safer and final shot makes spamming free. Elves may not have the extra 100% aim speed humans have, but they trade that for mobility and much shorter load times.

On the human side of things, there's a reason that AR has a significant aim speed bonus at R1. You can't throw out magnums as much, those combos are significantly harder and less safe/consistent to do, but you have AR, 1 second load time with a 50% percent aim speed bonus on the first shot. AR is probably the best tool for extending combos and just plain being safe. AR can be lead into charge, allowing for a smash, or a windmill, whatever you fancy. It can be loaded out of windmill as well. It provides a huge amount of safety to humans.

I think the devs never gave archery it's own tab for a reason. It's not a good idea to act like any of these skills exist in a vacuum in a game that encourages hybrid characters.

edit: mb if i derailed

I agree that archers are king of burst damage and DPS, but anything not lower level in this game has multi aggro, and even higher tier is multi aggro with passive defenses. Archery loses its grip when it starts to matter, in my opinion anyways
post rev. 2 by Credit on 02-03-18, 07:32 am
Posted at 02-03-18, 07:24 am Link | #9

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I don't think I miss any more shots than I do on the old server, but it's a lot more punishing if you do miss. On the old server there would be a grace period if by chance the mobs lagged to prepare another shot, however on this server I can easily go through 3 Naos in one shadow mission if I was unlucky.

It also feels like there are periods of time when the aim speed completely desyncs from client to server and you will miss a series of shots in short spans regardless of aim %.

It is incredibly frustrating if you've for example compromised your position, resource, and load time for a Crash Shot only for it to miss at no fault of your own.

On a side note while Arrow Revolver's first 4 shots do less than a regular ranged attack, it feels rather weak since many situations it would not be safe to shoot the last shot of the volley even though it does the most damage.
Posted at 02-03-18, 07:37 am Link | #10

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It also feels like there are periods of time when the aim speed completely desyncs from client to server and you will miss a series of shots in short spans regardless of aim %.

It happens more often after server migration. I am not a techy person so I can't back it up with actual client side data, but as I have said before, I've done multiple grinding sessions and it just feels that way.
Posted at 02-04-18, 10:51 am Link | #11

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from my experience, mabi's "success" rate has always been inaccurate.
a long time ago, i used to min-max my characters in mabi live with stats, enchants, etc, and after failing stuff more than i was comfortable with, as a side project i would record averages on success in production skills and ranged attacks. i dont still have the raw data, but i remember some of my conclusions.

90% is closer to 80% over about 200 attempts in potions production, for example.

the '80%' for ranged attacks when an enemy is running at you is closer to 65-70%, after attempting normal ranged attack on enemies 200 times as they run at you. this took a looooot of deaths on my human to figure out, and is the primary reason i stopped using ranged attacks in mabi live. to this day I hate ranging in mabi, and will probably make my elf a mage/alchemist.

ive no idea if there are hidden variables in mabi, or if the 'aim' meter display is off by a millisecond or something, but I used to think that it had to do with mabi being a pay to win style game, and this was a way for them to make more money selling nao soul stones. in fact i still think they dont fix the massive server lag for the same reason.

as for mabi pro, i think being in the new server has basically made ranged as it was in live, with no buffer with enemy lag to help manage it.

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