Do you recommend to skip or not to skip the skippable generation quests?
10 (55.56%)
Don't skip
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Does anyone recommend skipping generation quests?
Posted at 02-03-18, 10:21 pm Link | #1

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Do you recommend to skip or not to skip the skippable generation quests and why?

Correct me if I'm wrong as I haven't completed the quests on this Mabi.

Generation 1
Currently for the first generation, from what I can find out, the rewards are a journal entry, a title and an enchant.

Generation 2
The second gen gives a journal entry and the Paladin skill.

Generation 3
The third gen gives a journal entry, a title, an enchant and the requirement to obtain Dark Knight transformation.

From what I can tell, there are no reasons to NOT skip these missions are they only serve to tell the lore which, if you have already played and come from the official Mabi, should already know and skipping them gives you the Paladin transformation anyway. If anyone knows if they give AP like it does in official Mabi or if anyone has a complete reward list, let me know. Most likely I have missed something because I am only human after all.

Also to address the elephant in the room. The words aren't even translated into English (duh). Completing the gens for the story does not count.
Posted at 02-03-18, 10:34 pm Link | #2

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You miss out on 2(3?) titles and the end reward enchants. That's it. They do not give AP in this version and while they aren't hard, they can be rather annoying to complete with IRL time gates to get through and should Ceo not line up with your play time ever, you'll have to rely on people to warp you there with housing coupons.
Posted at 02-03-18, 11:28 pm Link | #3

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It's mainly for flexing. Skip if you want to have an easier time early on and get a head start on lvling your trans skills.
Posted at 02-04-18, 10:03 am Link | #4

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It's mainly for flexing. Skip if you want to have an easier time early on and get a head start on lvling your trans skills.

Can you explain flexing to me? I'm quite confused as to what you're referring to. Flexing what to be precise.
Posted at 02-04-18, 10:21 am Link | #5

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'flexing' is internet slang for showing off. completing generation quests adds to your journal score, to show off how much you have done in the game.

but to answer your question, It depends on what exactly you want long term. the 'goddess' enchant from g1 can go along with the 'obsidian' enchant from g3 very well, though its recommended to put it on an item with low repair rate like a wooden sword.

the title 'saved the goddess' from g1 is extremely good if you want luck and critical. it gives 20 luck and 20 will (so basically 6 critical), in addition to 10 mp, 1 max damage and 1 min. not too bad for a title.

I did g1-3 years ago in mabi live, and will do all them again in here for sheer nostalgia factor. the tedious parts aside (ideals, waiting for saturday, etc), the idea of taking on glas back when he was still a difficult boss... i want to for no other reason than i want to, but thats just my opinion
post rev. 1 by Fruttielicious on 02-04-18, 11:15 am
Posted at 02-04-18, 11:14 am Link | #6

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Note: you will still be able to become paladin if you skip g2 (so essencially g2 only gives journal points and nohing else).
Posted at 02-04-18, 01:39 pm Link | #7

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Note: you will still be able to become paladin if you skip g2 (so essencially g2 only gives journal points and nohing else).

I see that as being the only reason to complete the generation quests. However, the fact that it's not a requirement gives me more of an incentive to skip than to play.

A player previously mentioned the stats for the enchant scrolls. If I remember correctly, the scrolls are exclusive, personalise your selected item and are untradable. Even including all of that, I still feel that it's not worth not to skip. The effort and time is just not something I have enough of. Sorry if my opinions are conflicting with anyone.
Posted at 02-04-18, 03:58 pm Link | #8

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Goddess/obsidian/caliburn are in no way personalised, as scroll or as item.
Posted at 02-04-18, 07:56 pm Link | #9

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g2 also gives you access to the mythril mines, if you do refining then having access to the mines is a godsend.
Posted at 02-04-18, 11:15 pm Link | #10

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g2 also gives you access to the mythril mines, if you do refining then having access to the mines is a godsend.

Skipping g2 still gives you the mytril mine keyword to get the barri mytril passes.

Btw I forgot to mention, but skipping g2 makes you get a few additional pages in the passive defence quest*
Posted at 02-22-18, 12:31 pm Link | #11

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So skipping G1 also lets you have access to Tir na nog?
Posted at 03-09-18, 02:28 pm Link | #12

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If it's like Mabi live was in 2011, you aren't getting another chance to do them. Better complete them so you don't regret it later. You want to see the story for the good generations anyway.
Posted at 03-09-18, 06:39 pm Link | #13

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Do G1. I reccomend you do all of them, but if you do any of them, do G1.
[Posted by Blighty on 03-27-18, 08:36 pm, deleted by Blighty]
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