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Animal Taming Rework
Posted at 02-09-18, 01:40 am Link | #1

Posts: 121
Joined: 03-22-17
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So, as we all know, Animal Taming is one of the least used skills and...quite underwhelming for the amount of work you put into it. But it doesn't have to be that way. Now, this is just the base line idea with few 'solid' numbers. Just concepts for others to jump on and fine tune.

Before I go on, who remember Mercenaries? For those of you who don't know. Here's a link.

I'm mainly talking along the lines of the ones that were once bought in Tail for use in shadow missions. These are the base of this entire idea. Scrolls and all.

First, Taming revamped to work off of will for taming %, but also as it stands with ranking the skill. Maybe make the base a little higher too.

Next, taming an animal turns it into a scroll of 1x1 or 2x2 in size and stack-able to 5? Based on how strong the mob originally was? Of course not everything can be tamed!

Monster scrolls you get are based on your rank. Similar to how the Merc scrolls could be bought in Beginner, Int, Adv, HM and Elite. This does pose the first problem, because scrolls either need to summon a monster with the tittle, or just summon a base monster and based on rank set a tittle, as that's how the original mercs worked. They summoned a monster and gave it a title based upon the scroll. Set tittle gave a set buff to it's original stats.

The second problem this brings, is making it so if you tame a mob (Even if we limited this to animals, there are some story missions with animals in them) in a SM, it needs to draw on a BASE and not the SM level to summon.

On to the rest. Canes are now reparable and absorb the bait you give them, holding only up to 100 at a time. This way you can use them with a shield. If you use a cane, you have unlimited summon time on the mob. If you don't, the time becomes set in stone based on rank, even if you summoned the mob and switch away. The time is now set. Putting the cane back on does nothing to put back the time. Not having the cane on, should cut the mobs dmg and defenses by 50% as well, but should be regain-able when you put the cane back on?

Finally, they go through loading zones with you (unlike current tamed mobs), give you similar small buffs(?) and that's it.

This means 15 (16? Master title?) titles need to be made or just a title that bases stats off YOUR rank if that's possible.

Finally, at all ranks, only ONE mob can be summoned.

Training needs to be revamped a little.

And lastly, DK taming needs a slight % buff to working, to maybe scale with will, and scrolls should stack to 50. Maybe gain a passive small % buff to work even further by taming animal, but not the other way around. The previous buff to taming animals via DK taming should be removed for balance. The only reason I view DK version should get the buff is it's tremendously underused as even a trans skill.

Lastly, Alder, our Lore Sage (haha) even came up with some lore for it.
Further research in Courcle teaches us of runes used to seal the spirits of beasts similar to fae contracts the druids make (magic circles)
Posted at 02-09-18, 04:36 am Link | #2
Alder The LoreKeeper

Posts: 64
Joined: 02-14-17
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I agree with all of this, anything to make lesser skills more worthwhile really.

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