Issue with the Tele-Balloon in Taillteann (rev. 2 by Kakusha on 03-10-17, 10:35 pm)
Posted at 03-10-17, 10:31 pm Link | #1

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I've only done it once, and maybe it was a fluke; but if you hit the balloon while on a pet (i.e. Snow Tiger) you teleport as normal, then are frozen in place. Almost looks like you are stuck inside the wooden post. You cannot exit combat mode, either.

Wasn't sure where to post this, but here seemed semi-appropriate.

EDIT: Seems to only happen from Altar->Taillteann. Not the other way.

EDIT2!: Does not happen when single-wielding (tested with Broadsword and no shield, Mace and Shield and Two Broadswords).
Posted at 03-10-17, 10:35 pm Link | #2
Flipend0 GM

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Thank you for reporting this.

I will write down a fix for this later on.

Game Admin Operator Flipend0
Posted at 03-10-17, 10:43 pm Link | #3

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Just to mention, relogging/changing channel fixes the lock-up.
Posted at 03-15-17, 01:42 pm Link | #4
Drahan GM

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I believe that this has been fixed. Let us know if otherwise.

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