Life Skill Exp gain for gathering
Posted at 12-20-17, 02:09 pm Link | #1

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Suggesting adding exp gain(like in live mabi) for all sorts of gathering/production involving life/alchemy/magic skills.

This gives non-combatants/life skillers a choice not to resort to combat for their fantasy life instead of relying on it to level up.

Posted at 12-20-17, 02:11 pm Link | #2

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I pledge my allegiance to life skill exp!

(and also food truck plz...)
Posted at 12-20-17, 03:15 pm Link | #3

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Very iffy about it, can be abused by botters/scripts to afk level. Exp would have to be very miniscule like in live mabi
post rev. 4 by Uzuu on 12-20-17, 03:52 pm
Posted at 12-20-17, 03:46 pm Link | #4

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Very iffy about it, can be abused by botters/scripts to afk level. Exp would have to be very miniscule like in live mabi


To elaborate on this, we already know people have botted on the server illegitimately, so think of how much you can gain from (for example) metallury botting and getting levels at the same time. Even if you use legitimate inbuilt mouse macros you can abuse the system. Any way to prevent this would be to reduce it down to a miniscule amount in which case in order to get serious levels you'd still have to resort to dungeons.
Posted at 12-20-17, 04:16 pm Link | #5

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The exp gain doesn't have to be very high for gathering, but production skills might give a decent ammount.
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 12-20-17, 06:13 pm
Posted at 12-20-17, 06:12 pm Link | #6

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The exp gain doesn't have to be very high for gathering, but production skills might give a decent ammount.

Would result in a similar problem as giving the xp boost to gathering, because you only delay when you receive the XP (instead of when you pick up the firewood, you get it when you craft the average firewood or a bow for example).

Furthermore, if good XP is given for crafting (XP that is actually worth the time) people can also start selling XP by gathering materials for crafts that give a lot of XP (sounds kinda funny in my opinion though xD).
Posted at 12-20-17, 06:32 pm Link | #7

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Suggesting adding exp gain(like in live mabi) for all sorts of gathering/production involving life/alchemy/magic skills.

This gives non-combatants/life skillers a choice not to resort to combat for their fantasy life instead of relying on it to level up.


+1 👌

Gathering as others mentioned, should be minimum. But production should definitely recieve the buff. With enough reward to make it a possible alternative of exp grind of a 'medium-ish' level, so we don't fall in the "B>Mats for lvl 1-100 2-4m".
Mabi & Salsa Dance lover
Posted at 01-23-18, 10:31 pm Link | #8

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Please no..
I would suggest abit of AP...or ranking up the specific skill abit faster..

But life skills should not ADD/Subtract to Fighting skills..(lookup first aid)
The game is Double and faster, a little focus can take you into HIGH CP, where SOME SKILLS can not be trained(taming)..

For anyone that dont know..
Life skills DO WILL help you...MOST DONT ADD CP..

The real hard part of Life skills tends to be AP..getting the points to raise them.
Would be interesting to add a second group, that only adds points to Life skills.. Running around beating up fomors/doing ohter fighting skills, just to get Life skills abit weird..
Posted at 01-24-18, 11:45 pm Link | #9

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Please no..
I would suggest abit of AP...or ranking up the specific skill abit faster..

But life skills should not ADD/Subtract to Fighting skills..(lookup first aid)
The game is Double and faster, a little focus can take you into HIGH CP, where SOME SKILLS can not be trained(taming)..

For anyone that dont know..
Life skills DO WILL help you...MOST DONT ADD CP..

The real hard part of Life skills tends to be AP..getting the points to raise them.
Would be interesting to add a second group, that only adds points to Life skills.. Running around beating up fomors/doing ohter fighting skills, just to get Life skills abit weird..

We are not talking about te gathering skills from live, we are only talking about gaining experience (to level up) from gathering materials/crafting products.
Posted at 02-22-18, 06:43 pm Link | #10

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I have no idea if implementing this is possible, but if it is, it could very well allow for exp gain for life skillers and deny botters.
When going to gather, have a little window pop-up at a random location and you have to click a designated button/icon in it, possibly in a random location within the window as well. This pop-up disappears, along with any possible exp, after a second or two. Think of it as a quick captcha/mini-mini-game to ensure a human is actively gathering/producing to be rewarded with exp. I don't know how fast a bot/script can brute force click every location on the screen, but just to be on the safe side, have the pop-up happen twice so only a human can know if it hit the first prompt on time.

Admins, if this is possible, please implement it! I love the idea of an MMO where some people never go into combat and get by just as well from honing their craft.
Posted at 02-23-18, 12:29 am Link | #11

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Anyone who is skilled at making bots is capable of running recognition on the pop-up, which negates the anti-botting thing.
Posted at 02-24-18, 05:56 pm Link | #12

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I don't see much harm in adding a small amount of exp to gathering, personally. Something in the ballpark of 50-100exp would knock out the lower levels at the very least and then quickly taper off in practicality. It'd give some breathing room to lifeskill-heavy characters but also be inefficient enough that if someone does resort to botting (be it for exp or money), they'd still be better off elsewhere.

re: Metallurgy, simply don't apply exp to that since it's an actual skill, and apply it to non-skill gatherings like wool, eggs, firewood, potatoes.

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