King of the Skies - Hot Air Balloon PVP Event
Posted at 03-06-18, 05:41 am Link | #1

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King of the Skies Event

Long ago, the elves and giants of Iria fought a brutal war, costing each side many, many lives. With the rediscovery of the heart of Courcle, however, these hostilities have all but ended, with the sole holdouts residing over their races' respective home villages. However... an argument has begun brewing, over that of the ancient land of Zardine. Home to many dangerous species, no race has dared lay claim to the land... until now.

King Krug, shortly after downing 9 Camellia Slings at Tara's yearly banquet, announced how only giants held the power to fight off the dangerous monsters in the land. Castanea, nursing her 7th BnR, overheard him and soon an argument overtook the entire banquet.

Before a fight could break out, a Millitian stepped forth and told the two a simple truth: only those brave and strong enough to pilot Hot-Air Balloons could ever hope to defeat the dragons and wyverns living in Zardine, so only the race with the strongest Hot-Air Pilots could hope to lay claim to the land.

Smiling (and drunk off their asses) they decided that their race was superior in the skies, and a challenge was made to support it. On [whatever dates we decide] the giants, elves, and their respective allies would take the the skies in giant hot air balloons, all in an effort to knock the other side out of the sky. To prevent needless bloodshed, only Millitians will be permitted to join, as they cant truly die and are willing to do anything for a nice shiny title are the bravest in the land. After a predetermined amount of attempts, the race with the most wins would be declared the winner. By that time the two leaders are sure to have sobered up, at least a little bit, so it is unknown what prizes they will give to their champions other than bragging rights, but to those champions sure to attend, the fight itself may be its own reward.

So yeah, I've always wanted an event like this, ever since hot-air balloons were introduced to the game. the rules would be simple: 2-4 hot air balloons on each side, with Elf v Giant pvp on, whom would prepare a distance away and move slowly towards each other until meeting in the skies and blowing the other side out of said skies. Alchemy, magic, and range would all be used and allowed, with adv magic not permitted due to the rather broken nature of it in pvp (plus you cant used it in a hot air balloon anyway). Since the big balloons would be used, the ballistas can be used as well. The HP of the balloon itself would be the measuring stick of who wins and loses.

The reason this is in suggestions is just in case any changes needed to be made to the game to allow this event to go off as planned (maybe increase the range of the ballistas by a large amount to make them worth using, both in this event and in the future), as well as if the GM's want to make it an official event rather than a player one. If it is made an official event, I would propose the Title "The King/Queen of the Skies" as a potential reward.

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