Posts: 40
Joined: 01-04-18
Last post: 1696 days
Last view: 390 days
'flexing' is internet slang for showing off. completing generation quests adds to your journal score, to show off how much you have done in the game.
but to answer your question, It depends on what exactly you want long term. the 'goddess' enchant from g1 can go along with the 'obsidian' enchant from g3 very well, though its recommended to put it on an item with low repair rate like a wooden sword.
the title 'saved the goddess' from g1 is extremely good if you want luck and critical. it gives 20 luck and 20 will (so basically 6 critical), in addition to 10 mp, 1 max damage and 1 min. not too bad for a title.
I did g1-3 years ago in mabi live, and will do all them again in here for sheer nostalgia factor. the tedious parts aside (ideals, waiting for saturday, etc), the idea of taking on glas back when he was still a difficult boss... i want to for no other reason than i want to, but thats just my opinion