Increase the CP Limit for Enthralling Performance.
Posted at 03-18-18, 05:46 pm Link | #1

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The CP limit for Enthralling Performance is currently at 4700 on rank 1.

However, Taunt shared a similar CP limit with the Enthralling Performance but Taunt got their CP limit increase due up to 13k which actually made Taunt useful often in the party plays.

I feel that Enthralling Performance should get a similar buff that Taunt got with the CP limit increase so Enthralling Performance would actually have some more uses, especially in the party play along with the Taunt to help out your partymates.
post rev. 1 by Blighty on 03-18-18, 06:25 pm
Posted at 03-18-18, 06:24 pm Link | #2

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While I agree, if I can play the devil's advocate without obligatory "balance" speeches.

From a skill point of view Enthralling Performance is a really good mechanic by itself. You already said it supports party plays which I totally agree with under normal circumstances. However, I can't picture Enthralling being useful among the already existing support skills before other areas have made improvements. Music as a class already feels lacking and there are other areas in the game that could be improved. Like the rank caps for the other music skills which the devs are probably thinking about.

Without over-analysing anymore than I already have, I agree. Just that other skills need improving otherwise Enthralling Performance just has little priority in comparison. Who knows, we might get this in the next poll.

Even if others don't agree, I hope this sparks some type of discussion. I really liked some of the bard features on live and I'm hoping that bard skills are improved in this Mabi to compensate for the lack of skills we have in comparison to live.
Posted at 03-18-18, 11:19 pm Link | #3

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I feel Enthralling preformence is WAY stronger then Taunt, because you can group up alot of monsters together without taking damage. Taunt makes you a huge target for everything that is affected instead.
post rev. 1 by Voz on 03-19-18, 08:36 am
Posted at 03-19-18, 08:34 am Link | #4

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I feel Enthralling preformence is WAY stronger then Taunt, because you can group up alot of monsters together without taking damage. Taunt makes you a huge target for everything that is affected instead.

Yes, you would be right which is maybe why CP limit being raised doesn't have to be on par with the Taunt like maybe make it bit lower than what Taunt are at plus I should mention that using Enthralling.. especially at r1 eat up your stamina REALLY fast too (300 stamina for 45 seconds at r1) and the mobs would attack you right away once you run out of the stamina to use or when the time is up unlike Taunt. Also... Enthralling is only able to lure up to 7 mobs while Taunt can get up to 10 mobs, I believe? So there is some difference in between those two skills.
Posted at 03-25-18, 04:43 pm Link | #5

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Making a comparison between Taunt and Enthralling Performance appears somewhat unfair. I'm not going to bother finding out why. Just seems like one is made for specific purposes than the other
Posted at 03-25-18, 08:33 pm Link | #6

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Making a comparison between Taunt and Enthralling Performance appears somewhat unfair. I'm not going to bother finding out why. Just seems like one is made for specific purposes than the other

Fruttie pointed out the reaosn why the buff to increase CP limit for Enthralling Performance would be unnecessary and she made a very good point because apparently the enthralled mobs actually receive 200% damage from whoever attack them on rank 1 so...

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