Discussion on the Gachaphon
Posted at 03-10-17, 07:31 pm Link | #1

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So, what does everyone else think of the gachapon that was released this morning? I saw a lot of good things (rare cosmetics, manuals previously only available in things like production gachapons) and bad things, such as the Highlander claymore and WING BOWS.

I personally am all for getting gachapon related cosmetics through the gachapons implemented for coins, but I am not for high end weapons and armor that take a lot of effort being offered at a random chance to anyone with 50 coins (enough to buy two gachaphons). I feel like this significantly undermines the satisfaction of working towards these types of items as, why bother working hard, trying to synth or kill the red dragon for a wing bow when any average joe that killed wolves for a while has enough coins to just get it out of RNG? Same goes for the Highlander Claymore, a high end weapon that has difficult ways to obtain it (Rundal Advanced Hardmode for the manual and peaca enemies as a drop).

In the end, I feel like gachapons should be reserved for the items we don't have ANY other means of getting (be it a gacha/event only or character card only) and not for equipment that we can obtain through working hard towards it. We aren't live, I feel like we shouldn't be trying to be like them by babying the playerbase by handing out easy to get high end weapons.
Don't get into the Totemizer.
Posted at 03-10-17, 08:16 pm Link | #2
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Yeah, the whole good items in gacha thing, no. I'd much prefer custom gachas that don't pander to people who can just bot the crap outta it on alts or some crap. This is one of the biggest issues with live, the gachas were profitable, to the point they ruined most sense of effort and accomplishment. I don't feel rare equipment has any place in them.
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post rev. 6 by Woofle on 03-10-17, 09:20 pm
Posted at 03-10-17, 08:22 pm Link | #3

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Unfortunately, I'd have to agree with you as well. I'm fine with us getting really cosmetic or rare gacha only outfits that don't affect combat performance very much (tiger robe, kimono, blockheads hat), but I kinda felt that this was a serious kick in the guts for people who have been ranking alchemy, blacksmithing, and tailoring so far....or people that have been hunting and working hard nonstop to get high tier equipment such as wing bows.

I understand that this is a private server and that to an extent, things should be easier to obtain than back in the main server. Heck, there are probably people who are already rejoicing at be able to obtain powerful weapons from the gacha after previously spending so much money and effort only to get nothing. However, putting these high end weapons in the gachas to be easily obtainable enough (getting coins in comparison to spending days, sweat, time, and blood to ranking skills and leveling) feels like a slap in the face for players that I have seen who have put countless hours of honest effort into trying to get these items without gachas before.

If the majority of players insist on keeping the gachas the way they are however, I hope that the rates for obtaining high end gear are at least significantly reduced. Better yet, replace some or all of the equipment available in the gachas with their tailoring/blacksmith manual counterparts. Doing it this way would give tailors and blacksmiths even more worth than they have now. I also hope that the GM's can address this soon within a day or two before things start spiraling out of control and the market is filled with gacha items that far outperform the current gear we were able to get pre-gacha.
Posted at 03-10-17, 08:31 pm Link | #4

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I agree, gacha should be cosmetic only
post rev. 1 by Spawnfestus on 03-10-17, 09:06 pm
Posted at 03-10-17, 09:04 pm Link | #5

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I do agree with a lot of what's been said here. High tier weapons like D-fangs and Staffs should come in it's manual form to be crafted if included at all... or at least wait till a few of those higher teir gears are already in circulation from crafting them or getting them as loot in their respective instances. For instance, D-fangs come from Fiodh Advanced, until there are at least a few of these weapons in circulation already from the dungeon, I wouldn't want to see it in an RNG box. If you are going to put gear like weapons or armor in, keep it the basic weapons we all buy and craft now, but give them differences such as S grade (+ Extra Crit or Durability) or pre enchanted with Rank 6~A effects (Maybe even no higher than rank 8) that way they are unique(ish) but not terribly OP. It's just too early right now to have gachas giving us the best stuff, like Woofle said I'd rather roll the manual , get all the mats, and have someone smith it for me and feel a sense of accomplishment (and fairness).
Posted at 03-10-17, 09:04 pm Link | #6

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Yeah the high end weapons and what not kind of put a hamper on the people who were working towards taking on the content that gives these items.
Posted at 03-11-17, 12:53 pm Link | #7
Eriul the Wanderer

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Reason I and some others suggested already to implement the Manuals/patterns into shops/dungeons, and even if the said manuals/patterns were into the gacha, make it low %, Gachapons shouldn't the easy way out to get gear, they should be cosmetic only.
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post rev. 1 by aoes on 03-11-17, 04:32 pm
Posted at 03-11-17, 04:32 pm Link | #8

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Sad boys, was hoping for cosmetics only.
Posted at 03-13-17, 10:05 pm Link | #9

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I have to ask the question, do we need a gacha and If so, why?

Because I don't think the game does, and items that are special and without craft patterns could be put into mobs, giving a reason for players to go out and explore.

Frog robes could be potentially fished up, tiger robes could drop from lions (heh)

A beholder sword could come from hobgoblins since they wield them or come from rafting at a low rate.

And so on.

But if the gacha must stay, I have a suggestion to make about it, why not replace the items and instead mix in every limited edition rebirth outfit. Those items generally have no place in the world, you could add the wigs, which really doesn't make sense for players to make themselves either. I don't like wings, but they'd make a perfect fit in the gacha as well since they're quite silly. Stuff like that.

I also had another idea that could replace gacha, dyes. Yes, we already have a dye purchase option, but you could also do a dye monthly purchase option that limits your random dyes to a specific color shades. For example, a spring time dye set could be green shaded dyes, and so on. Depending on the month, you could do red, orange, christmas themed colors, etc.

Just my two cents.
Posted at 03-13-17, 10:16 pm Link | #10

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I personally was fine without having a Gacha in the first place. However, I find that removing items from the gacha after implementing it is completely unfair for other players. There was absolutely no warning and it puts a gap that cannot be closed between players that got lucky with the un-nerfed gacha and those who didn't. Again, I don't really care if there are strong weapons in the gacha or not, but I am kind of frustrated at the lack of consistency and the fact that some players got unobtainable items that put them ahead.
post rev. 3 by Velox on 03-13-17, 10:24 pm
Posted at 03-13-17, 10:17 pm Link | #11

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1) I'm fully against the existence of gacha in the first place.
2) Gacha should be cosmetic only. No armors with anything besides the standard vanilla stats, so no %ping or enchants. No end game weapons. No enchant scrolls. Fashionogi only.
3) plz no gacha
4) oh god rng

5) The current set up of any mob dropping coins, which you then spend on gacha could be very easily botted. I think it would be better to distribute coins though a mix of dailies and several other sources, with the infinitely repeatable sources (like mob drops) having diminishing returns.
If the drop rate can't dynamically change, this could be done by having the mobs drop usable item that you open, which then check your diminishing return rate and then gives you an appropriate amount of coins.
Posted at 03-13-17, 10:59 pm Link | #12

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I'm against even cosmetic gachas...everything should be purchasable with red coins in Shyla's shop, even wings (if we have to bring those in...). Gachas just reward a player for being lucky. Red coins already do that to a degree, but most of the time you find enough coins for things just by grinding windmill or getting levels. Put up polls for items in gachas, then release the top five items as rewards for events associated with gachapon (i.e. spring gacha? Have us hunting leprechauns and turning their loot in for wingbows and whatnot) but only as purchasable, not through gachapon.
Posted at 03-14-17, 03:03 am Link | #13
Drahan GM

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I have to ask the question, do we need a gacha and If so, why?

Because I don't think the game does, and items that are special and without craft patterns could be put into mobs, giving a reason for players to go out and explore.

Frog robes could be potentially fished up, tiger robes could drop from lions (heh)

A beholder sword could come from hobgoblins since they wield them or come from rafting at a low rate.

And so on.

But if the gacha must stay, I have a suggestion to make about it, why not replace the items and instead mix in every limited edition rebirth outfit. Those items generally have no place in the world, you could add the wigs, which really doesn't make sense for players to make themselves either. I don't like wings, but they'd make a perfect fit in the gacha as well since they're quite silly. Stuff like that.

I also had another idea that could replace gacha, dyes. Yes, we already have a dye purchase option, but you could also do a dye monthly purchase option that limits your random dyes to a specific color shades. For example, a spring time dye set could be green shaded dyes, and so on. Depending on the month, you could do red, orange, christmas themed colors, etc.

Just my two cents.

I like your idea about having seasonal dye set gachapons.
Posted at 03-16-17, 03:17 pm Link | #14

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I have to ask the question, do we need a gacha and If so, why?

Because I don't think the game does, and items that are special and without craft patterns could be put into mobs, giving a reason for players to go out and explore.

Frog robes could be potentially fished up, tiger robes could drop from lions (heh)

A beholder sword could come from hobgoblins since they wield them or come from rafting at a low rate.

And so on.

But if the gacha must stay, I have a suggestion to make about it, why not replace the items and instead mix in every limited edition rebirth outfit. Those items generally have no place in the world, you could add the wigs, which really doesn't make sense for players to make themselves either. I don't like wings, but they'd make a perfect fit in the gacha as well since they're quite silly. Stuff like that.

I also had another idea that could replace gacha, dyes. Yes, we already have a dye purchase option, but you could also do a dye monthly purchase option that limits your random dyes to a specific color shades. For example, a spring time dye set could be green shaded dyes, and so on. Depending on the month, you could do red, orange, christmas themed colors, etc.

Just my two cents.

I like your idea about having seasonal dye set gachapons.

I'm glad a GM read and liked this post. This is the kind of stuff that would get buried and ignored with any traditional game company.

The gachapon is something that can be, as much as i hate to admit it, healthy to the game community. Silly and cool cosmetics are important for defining yourself in the sea of Windows98 Weebgraphics. However, the second you put equipment that has a leg up on hardworking players due to RNG into the 'Pon, you pollute the whole water supply.

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