Add Fabric/Silk/Leather Bags!!
Posted at 03-13-17, 11:02 pm Link | #1

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Please make these items obtainable in any way possible (Shyla's shop, Exploration quests, NPC shop, etc.)!! It would really help save space!
Posted at 03-16-17, 05:59 am Link | #2

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According to the Storage Items wiki page, the majority of those items were added in later versions--the fabric and silk bags specifically being added in 2013 with the Eweca orbs. I imagine that those would have to be coded if they intended to add them to this version, which would be a pain. At the very least I'd like to see the older ones (like the cobweb or leather pouches) or those harder to obtain (like the wool bags) available in Shyla's shop, even if they cost red coins.

Something stupid like the Alpaca Wool bags would also be useful, giving weavers a reliable way to make storage bags, even if it means having to pay red coins to get the Alpaca in the first place.
[Posted by TheSpaghettiKing on 03-16-17, 05:59 am, deleted by TheSpaghettiKing]
  • #1035
Posted at 03-16-17, 10:57 am Link | #4
Still a casual gamer

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Just curious why it'd be hard to code? Isn't there an exploration quest for wool bags or something atm, so wouldn't the foundation already exist? A bit lacking in the coding area, obviously, so just curious as to the honest difficulty of it.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079

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