Flipend0 GM
General information | |
Name | Flipend0 |
Total posts | 993 (0.34 per day) |
Total threads | 235 (0.08 per day) |
Joined on | 02-06-17, 03:50 pm (2960 days ago) |
Last post |
03-16-25, 09:41 pm (4 hours ago) in Game Server Maintenance 3/16 (News & Updates) |
Last view | 03-16-25, 09:48 pm (4 hours ago) |
Personal information | |
Location | Devil Cat's Island |
Birthday | December 1, 1999 (25 years old) |
Bio | |
I am the Cheat of my Engine. Arrays are my body and bytes my blood. I have modified over a thousand bits. Unknown to C, Nor known to compilers. Have withstood pain to create many asm edits. Yet, those edits will never fix everything. So as I pray, Unlimited CE Works. |
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