Rano Beginner Quest - Heulfryn
Posted at 09-13-17, 03:20 pm Link | #1

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When speaking to him in the beginner quest, you get to a point where he shows a picture of HP potions. There are two dialogue options, both lead back to the picture in an endless loop. The player is not given HP pots, so using them shouldn't be required; however, at this point the quest can already be completed and the next quest gained, though the dialogue will still loop. The only way to get out is to force close the client in task manager and restart.
post rev. 1 by Geniusenie on 09-19-17, 01:23 am
Posted at 09-19-17, 01:23 am Link | #2

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It's just untranslated, you SHOULD be able to get through it...I imagine you already figured it out but usually I just alternate between the two and EVENTUALLY I get out...though if you don't get the pots in the first place that MIGHT be a problem
Posted at 09-19-17, 01:26 pm Link | #3

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Alternating between them didn't get me out. And I didn't get the pots, just the picture of them.

Also if it was some kind of "which potion is this" test, it wouldn't have automatically completed the quest; instead, the quest was complete but I was stuck in a loop of additional dialogue.

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