Dunbarton Drop Part for New Year's Day?
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New Year's Extravaganza!! (rev. 1 by OoThatGuyoO on 12-21-17, 05:39 pm)
Posted at 12-21-17, 05:38 pm Link | #1

Posts: 25
Joined: 11-27-17
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Last view: 740 days
For this year's New Year Celebration: Everyone gathers in Dunbarton New Year's Eve. We chat, socialize, could be an NPC distributing celebratory items like food, fireworks, etc.

At 12 am (est), the entire town then becomes full of balloons that we can pick up. The balloons would be gachapons (equal or lesser to the 20 coin gachapon) that we can open. Only 1 spawn of balloons would show up and be around for 10 minutes for those to pick up.

Same idea along the lines of a Falador Drop Party, where players contribute to a chest of items then pop the balloons for a chance at said items.

Not sure how easy this would be to recreate, let alone in time for New Year's Day, but it is a thought.
Posted at 12-22-17, 04:43 pm Link | #2

Posts: 106
Joined: 05-12-17
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Sounds fun but I wouldn't participate since it would be at 6 am for me.
Not saying that the time would need to be changed. I'm on a different time zone and I understand that I won't be able to do everything because of that.

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