List of Suggestions
Posted at 03-05-17, 08:43 pm Link | #1
Eriul the Wanderer

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The list of suggestions described here is a progressive list and a work in progress, in no way this list is complete nor should be followed to the letter.

1 - Gameplay changes

2 - Visual/Vanity changes

3 - Crafting changes

1 - Gameplay changes
Alchemy is a bit under other skill trees, I mean overall it works for what it was created, being a support tree, but buffing a tiny bit the dmg on Fire Alchemy(mainly Flame Burst) would be cool.
Archery, now this, don't take me wrong, in terms of Raw dmg Archery could have a small increase on the normal attack, and somehow see if there would be a good way to short out that % aiming system that is a fail since the beta days, tho I don't have any "decent" idea to throw here that could make it better.(yet)

2 - Visual/Vanity changes
This one would tie a bit with the Crafting changes suggestion I have, robes is the main thing at this moment that can make a huge apperance change, creating full "sets" to be use as robes would be a cool idea, they could come out from events and whatnot.
Another thing that could work here is that by adding new items/crafting items, we could start slowly importing certain items that were cool looking from the later gens into this version, giving more diversity onto the game in terms of "fashinogi" of the players.

3 - Crafting changes
Crafting changes would tie up with the Visual/Vanity changes here too, adding more materials/crafting recipes/manuals/patterns would increase the diversity, but this could be done in a way that by re-working just a tiny bit the old recipes/manuals/patterns crafters could have a path to rank stuff without going nuts and wasting a year (if casual)

Bare in mind that these suggestions are just stuff that came from the top of my head, might or not have more stuff coming up soon as suggestions.(or not, depends much of the interest of the devs)
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Posted at 03-05-17, 09:16 pm Link | #2
Still a casual gamer

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Just wanted to say, i think defining alchemy as utility, is more appropriate than support. I'm disinclined to support a boost to alchemy damage, as i never truly went raw damage for it during g13 or prior. Archery though... No damage buff please. Tweaks? Maybe. Damage, no.

Fashionogi... it may be easier to take a note from official mabi's server, and look into fashion tab. Implementation may differ, but i have a feeling it'd be easier to do than the whole robe setup.
Actual gear changes, not for the fashion aspect, may well be worth considering though.

I feel crafting, just for training, would benefit more from tweaking requirements to craft and/or requirements to train the respective skill. Increasing diversity never hurt though, as long as it's staying balanced in what we can produce. Even if it's epic and difficult to produce, i still don't want to see a 200+ dmg sword for example, because it would kill off the point of other weapons. You'd use other stuff as basically placeholders, until you can get your hands on the new weapon. Balance is key, in more than just effort.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-05-17, 10:12 pm Link | #3
Eriul the Wanderer

Posts: 33
Joined: 03-05-17
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Just wanted to say, i think defining alchemy as utility, is more appropriate than support. I'm disinclined to support a boost to alchemy damage, as i never truly went raw damage for it during g13 or prior. Archery though... No damage buff please. Tweaks? Maybe. Damage, no.

Fashionogi... it may be easier to take a note from official mabi's server, and look into fashion tab. Implementation may differ, but i have a feeling it'd be easier to do than the whole robe setup.
Actual gear changes, not for the fashion aspect, may well be worth considering though.

I feel crafting, just for training, would benefit more from tweaking requirements to craft and/or requirements to train the respective skill. Increasing diversity never hurt though, as long as it's staying balanced in what we can produce. Even if it's epic and difficult to produce, i still don't want to see a 200+ dmg sword for example, because it would kill off the point of other weapons. You'd use other stuff as basically placeholders, until you can get your hands on the new weapon. Balance is key, in more than just effort.

These ideas are mine+some friends, I do agree with what you said regarding Alchemy and Archery(sorry if I wasn't specific enough on the Original Post)
Im not sure how hard would be to implement something similar to the style tab on this version, in fact I know barely anything regarding how this private server works so, not too sure what can be done or not.
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