Why is my ping so bad?
Posted at 03-06-17, 05:40 am Link | #1

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Is there anything that i can do?
I thought i was suffering from elf lag but had another elf show me how they play and they were able to play ranged just fine. Told me their ping was at about 25.
I checked mine in game and it's constantly sitting at 300+
I'm fine in many other games i play,

Posting this if it matters any and also I live in Cali (as did the other player with 25ms) if that matters as well.

Thanks in advance!
Posted at 03-06-17, 07:56 am Link | #2

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If you're using the speedtest to check ping then you should connect to a server located on the east coast for more accurate results. By default the speedtest connects to the server physically closest to you.
Posted at 03-06-17, 08:07 am Link | #3

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Posted at 03-06-17, 11:21 am Link | #4
Drahan GM

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I don't know why you would be having issues. Are you getting 300ms from the Mabinogi pinger? It's notoriously inaccurate.

Try to open a command prompt and ping and see what you have to there.
Posted at 03-06-17, 03:01 pm Link | #5

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so on average i'm getting 107ms from the command prompt. ouch
post rev. 4 by Ohrami on 03-06-17, 04:18 pm
Posted at 03-06-17, 04:00 pm Link | #6

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I get 35 ms on command prompt but it definitely doesn't feel like 35 ms in-game, despite using 128 MTU and disabling Nagle's algorithm in regedit. No matter my MTU value, it seems the server has some inconsistent spikes; on-top of this, the raw speed of my actions is roughly comparable to what I got to the official Nexon servers in Los Angeles, despite the fact that I live in Kentucky, far from there. In many cases, it's actually notably slower, even. Casting healing is extremely slow for me on this server, whereas I could cast all 5 heals in roughly a second on the live Mabinogi. Is there some plans to improve the server infrastructure or is it just me experiencing these issues?

I will note that as Mabinogi aged, the speed of my actions slowed drastically despite my ping to their servers improving and my actual Internet connection itself improving. Could this be a sign that the Mabinogi server infrastructure has deprecated over time, or perhaps that something with my own connection is at fault?

Could anybody with 20-40 ping to cmd record their gameplay/weapon switching speed/healing speed so I could see what it is supposed to look like with that latency? My friend claims to be lagless at 20 ms with 1500 MTU, but she hasn't ever showed me an example of how lagless she really is, so I can't really say for sure if it's my connection or the server.
Posted at 03-06-17, 04:02 pm Link | #7

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so on average i'm getting 107ms from the command prompt. ouch

that's about the average ping of an east coast player playing the live servers, just use leatrix latency fix and 128 mtu
Posted at 03-06-17, 06:46 pm Link | #8

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I use leatrix fixed my nagle and was using ping zapper.
Looks like I'm screwed haha
Posted at 03-07-17, 11:43 am Link | #9
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If you're experiencing latency, i strongly suggest you play with your mtu. If you wanna try a value someone has recommended, go for it. But don't just have that value be all, end all, without further testing. Reason i say this, i go lower values on mabi live. Like under 100, and i don't have an extraordinary ping rate or anything, i'm east coast. On mabi pro, i've found 200 to work comfortably for me. Any lower, and i frequently finding myself getting a 1-2 second lag randomly while fighting. Needless to say, that means death most the time. So play with the mtu before you let anyone tell you what's best. There's many factors most people don't consider, if they're trying to give you a solid number and not a number range to test.

Make sure your anti-virus and firewall aren't interfering with mabi pro. You also want to make sure your network drivers are up to date, and that you've configured them properly. There are many steps you can take to help stabilize or improve networking for gaming performance, some at the cost of things like download speed, such as mtu. Google is your friend, i won't try to tell you what's right and wrong because i haven't a clue how you use your computer/laptop, and how you want it set up. If you're afraid to read or don't have time though, well be prepared to suffer with some lag is all i can say.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 2 by satori on 03-08-17, 09:07 pm
Posted at 03-08-17, 09:03 pm Link | #10

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I use leatrix fixed my nagle and was using ping zapper.
Looks like I'm screwed haha

use leatrix latency fix and 128 mtu, it should fix your lag problems as that's what players did to get a decent connection with high ping in the live version of G13.

you will still lag if you use 1500 mtu on 100 ping, its necessary to change it

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