Should older content receive better drops depending on its difficulty to complete?
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Updating Drop Tables
Posted at 03-26-18, 06:01 am Link | #1

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I would like to suggest updating the drop tables of older content (for example, dungeons) and field bosses to drop better items relative to the content's difficulty. A lot of dungeons don't drop anything too notable that would make running it worthwhile, and adding even one rare item to the drop table of those dungeons would make them more worthwhile to run. A lot of field bosses, excluding major ones like dragons, drop lackluster items as well. Adding even a single rare item to their drop table would make field boss hunting more appealing.

I'm interested to know what the community thinks!
Posted at 03-26-18, 11:59 pm Link | #2

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Rather than rare (which is a good idea) I'd like to explore what kind of common items are available to help mid to low players. When I think of rare, I immediately thing 'end game' content. Which is fine also but I would like to cater to multiple audiences
[Posted by Calm on 03-27-18, 07:31 am, deleted by Calm]
  • #8842
post rev. 1 by Radiance on 03-27-18, 07:48 am
Posted at 03-27-18, 07:32 am Link | #4

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I agree completely! Which is why I worded the question "Should older content receive better drops depending on its difficulty to complete?"


I also think updating the rewards from exploration chests would be nice too. Again, nothing major since it's easier content, but maybe some higher grade / full recovery potions or a very low chance of a higher-tier useful / fashion item. I don't know specifically what to put on each drop table, but the rewards should be tied to the difficulty, and exploration chests aren't difficult - just time consuming (although fun IMO).
post rev. 1 by Tuesday on 03-27-18, 08:40 am
Posted at 03-27-18, 08:38 am Link | #5

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Almost every dungeon has it's own set of items layed out. It is matter of which dungeon to pick to suit your current need. Mabi's incompetent drop table exists there for a reason.

But having said that, the general drop table is not very suited to smaller player base like us. It does get bit more problematic since GMs cannot change every single drop rates for each reward chests in the older content.

Back to the original question, I believe older content could be left as it is, or slight few tweaks to create a bridge for newer player base. What could be better is increase drop or create higher chance of reward for the new/upcoming contents since it simulates more party plays in comparison to the older ones.
Posted at 03-27-18, 12:09 pm Link | #6

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Definitely agree
Posted at 03-27-18, 02:29 pm Link | #7

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I'd wish the price of unrestricted passes would be lowerered to 10k though, since alot of the times you want to search for an item and even have the pass for that dungeon you can't enter it because its for X people only.

Or remove the need for exactly X people for such passes.
Posted at 03-27-18, 10:22 pm Link | #8

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Almost every dungeon has it's own set of items layed out. It is matter of which dungeon to pick to suit your current need. Mabi's incompetent drop table exists there for a reason.

But having said that, the general drop table is not very suited to smaller player base like us. It does get bit more problematic since GMs cannot change every single drop rates for each reward chests in the older content.

Back to the original question, I believe older content could be left as it is, or slight few tweaks to create a bridge for newer player base. What could be better is increase drop or create higher chance of reward for the new/upcoming contents since it simulates more party plays in comparison to the older ones.

I agree that there are some useful items in dungeons, specifically in the hard mode / advanced versions like Colin Plate Armor. However, I think in general that there aren't enough 'good' items available in dungeons to keep players running them compared to higher EXP / Gold rewards from shadow or theater missions.

I'm not advocating for a massive 'power creep' to rewards. Just enough to make it worth going back and replaying through the older dungeon content if people want to. New content is great and it's awesome that people are releasing it for free to this private server, but I also think older content should be kept relevant to a degree as well - otherwise it becomes kind of like the live version of Mabi where there's no reason to run older stuff, and the newer content always outclasses older content.

Thanks for the input.
Posted at 03-28-18, 09:11 pm Link | #9

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I think this could be cool but has to be done in a very careful way. Not everything has to give useful or good drops. Some dungeons are garbo and that's ok imo, but there's also not much reason not to update the drop tables to give players different ways of obtaining some drops, especially ones that are low-midtier in usefulness, or are only good during early-midgame stage, but currently unrealistic to access. I'm thinking mostly of certain enchants here, like fang or sight which are pretty good for a midgame player but not realistic to obtain.
Posted at 03-30-18, 10:26 pm Link | #10
Arisa GM

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Some new skillbooks for Composing and Musical Knowledge were just made available from older dungeon drops.
Posted at 03-31-18, 07:09 pm Link | #11

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I agree about having the drop table and rate being updated and tweaked in order to fit in with our playerbase in MabiPro mainly because there's some items that drop from certain mobs in certain dungeons that are extremely abysmal and non-exisent (like Breast Deco Armor that have the 0.19% drop rate from one of those Topaz/Emerald/Amethyst golems in Longa) which mean you'd literally have to run those gem arrow Longa dungeons thousand of time before you could possibly see that armor actually drop unless you're extremely lucky.
Posted at 04-03-18, 08:21 am Link | #12

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Some new skillbooks for Composing and Musical Knowledge were just made available from older dungeon drops.

Awesome! Is there any chance you can let us know from which dungeon(s) they drop from, or will that be a mystery for the community to solve?

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