Ability to Choose Transformation Appearance
Posted at 04-09-18, 11:05 pm Link | #1

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I'd like for us to have the ability to choose our transformation appearance based on the ones that we have "unlocked." I'll give an example with the paladin transformation.

At rank F to rank B, players could only choose the paladin. At rank A to rank 6, players could choose the paladin or the white knight. At rank 5 to rank 2, players could choose the paladin, the white knight, or the holy knight. At rank 1, players could choose the paladin, the white knight, the holy knight, or the champion.

Players would change their appearance by seeing either Duncan, Krug, or Castanea. This would be done by using the paladin, dark knight, ancient giant's power, or Irinid keywords. After using the keyword, a menu would pop up that would allow players to choose their appearance. Alternatively, players could unlock a keyword for each appearance after ranking up the skill (though I am unsure how difficult this would be to code, especially with ranked paladins turning into dark knights).

I got support for this on the Discord chat, but what does everyone else think?
Posted at 04-09-18, 11:33 pm Link | #2
Drahan GM

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While this isn't a bad suggestion, this is not technologically feasible at the current time.
Posted at 04-20-18, 06:26 pm Link | #3

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If it was possible, I would finally start ranking spirit or light. I like the classic paladin style and keep it at rB for this reason.

So if this was added in a content poll because programmers find a way to do it, I would vote yes.
Posted at 04-28-18, 11:20 pm Link | #4

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Rebuild the transformation system and patch over what the g2 developers made.

Don't try to akter their work. Delete it and make logical sense of it for your programmers

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