Will there be a wipe?
Posted at 03-09-17, 09:42 pm Link | #1

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It seems that we are getting too much free stuff, like skills and wpns.
Will there be a wipe later?
There are some gold abuses going on as well.
post rev. 1 by Ohrami on 03-09-17, 10:13 pm
Posted at 03-09-17, 10:12 pm Link | #2

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GMs said no when I asked but I fully believe the server should be wiped after everything is actually "settled" (i.e. translation completed, etc), and 1x rates should be used instead of 2x. Modified rates will NOT increase playerbase; if anything they'll decrease it.
Posted at 03-09-17, 10:24 pm Link | #3

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Eww why go x1? Leveling skills is already cancer as it is with 2x
post rev. 1 by Ohrami on 03-09-17, 10:46 pm
Posted at 03-09-17, 10:46 pm Link | #4

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Because the game was intended to have slow leveling, so accomplishments really have meaning. I think bonus gold will really screw up the economy and lead to mass inflation, as well; it's even worse than 2x XP.
post rev. 1 by lycoris on 03-09-17, 11:38 pm
Posted at 03-09-17, 11:36 pm Link | #5

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The uptick in people calling for giant nerfs really concerns me: I'd like to throw my voice in as one of the players who enjoys the fact that this server is casual-friendly and not excessively punishing. It's a great game to pick up and chill out (on my own or with friends) and not stress too much about whether my build's going to be crippled by wand repairs. If someone doesn't like that, the files are available to create their own ultra-hardcore server, not change what a lot of people already enjoy.
post rev. 1 by satori on 03-10-17, 01:49 am
Posted at 03-10-17, 01:47 am Link | #6

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The uptick in people calling for giant nerfs really concerns me: I'd like to throw my voice in as one of the players who enjoys the fact that this server is casual-friendly and not excessively punishing. It's a great game to pick up and chill out (on my own or with friends) and not stress too much about whether my build's going to be crippled by wand repairs. If someone doesn't like that, the files are available to create their own ultra-hardcore server, not change what a lot of people already enjoy.

1x rates isn't that much harder than 2x rates it just balances the game more easily since its already designed around that, but it would be kind of boring to have slower rates with no playerbase built up
Posted at 03-10-17, 07:19 am Link | #7

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The uptick in people calling for giant nerfs really concerns me: I'd like to throw my voice in as one of the players who enjoys the fact that this server is casual-friendly and not excessively punishing. It's a great game to pick up and chill out (on my own or with friends) and not stress too much about whether my build's going to be crippled by wand repairs. If someone doesn't like that, the files are available to create their own ultra-hardcore server, not change what a lot of people already enjoy.
If you enjoy a casual experience, you're in the wrong version of mabi. Nexon's version has everything dumbed down specifically for the casual audience, so why not play there instead?
post rev. 2 by lycoris on 03-10-17, 07:33 am
Posted at 03-10-17, 07:32 am Link | #8

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Nice hostility you've got there. Nexon's Mabi isn't relaxed, it's a pay to win steamroller chat room mishmash. This has the potential to be a fun game/is already a fun game. I also enjoy the friendly nature of most people in this community and I'm going to defend that against elitism.
post rev. 1 by Cylen on 03-10-17, 07:42 am
Posted at 03-10-17, 07:40 am Link | #9

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I can't say I understand the connection between the slow grind and having an enjoyable experience. 2x rates don't particularly go so fast that you breeze through the content and I'm under the impression that the slow rates and the freemium paywall that Mabinogi Live was founded upon wasn't exactly for the enjoyment of players, they're a company first and foremost and want your money.

So slowing down the game to a crawl means there's more opportunities for micro-transactions because sooner or later a player's gonna bite the bullet and think nothing of 5~15 smackers (or even more.), and that adds up and it's ultimately what Nexon would want.

That being said I would rather Windmill 375 zombies in TNN than the 1500(750 for Warrior Destiny) Id've done on the basic rates of the server. If there's some kind of accomplishment I'm supposed to glean from that then I'm all ears.
Posted at 03-10-17, 09:22 am Link | #10

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The crawl that skill-training became on Mabi NA was one of the reasons that I left it.
I believe that a game's supposed to be a game--not a full-time job without pay or benefits. I feel that Nexon started losing its handle on that from fighter and beyond.

But, I also left it because of all the people complaining about anything and everything that they could find to while actively attempting to make things worse for others.

I really hope neither of those things will come into full effect for this server, because I like things as they are now.
Posted at 03-10-17, 12:26 pm Link | #11

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Most people would probably play on Global Mabi if it wasn't for their p2w aspect and shitty gacha scam.
Nexon is calling poor shots and that is why the game is doing bad.
Look at how Nexon destroyed DFO.
AND look at DFO now that NeoPle publishes. It's fkin blowing up.
Posted at 03-10-17, 01:28 pm Link | #12
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For me, i'm fine with the grind on some skills. As a giant, the current wm training is a joke, i'm not dedicating loads of time to grinding it, i've hit r3 rather effortlessly. Then i reset and i'm working on refine for the moment, for reasons.

Other things like say blacksmith or even tailoring, i'd have issues with. But ultimately you could buy most your mats off other players for skills like that at least.

Upping the rate, i reject. Tweaking certain skill requirements to train? Yeah, sure, depending on the skill and the tweak. But some skills are a joke as is, while others are a bit more challenging in all honesty. I like to be able to say that i earned it, and nerfing all training across the whole game, so you can play faster, is a huge turnaway for me.

I agree with others on that aspect, go play mabi live if you want fast. They have all you'd want. 2x skill training pots, increased success rate pots, increased gather speed pots, exp seals for training any skill you want practically, destiny and talents, occasional events, demi+brio, abundance of ap... If you want fast training, mabi live. If you want casual, mabi live. Don't even need to pay to be good, i didn't. Though paying has obvious benefits. You can even get free nao stones and guardian stones now, when you hit end game there's almost no reason not to keep some in stock, and again it's free. Great for casual players...

Leave this game in its current style, that's why i play it. Changing the style is what nexon did, and would quickly drive away most the playerbase i imagine. Most of us would join an older server to either see what it's like, cuz you weren't around back then, or because we know what it's like and this is what we wanted. There's a surprising number of the former to me, but i imagine the latter outweighs them.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-10-17, 03:55 pm Link | #13

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I'm enjoying it the way it is, maybe with less of the advance play clutter. Re-label your 2x exp to 1x, but simply leave the modifiers where they are. People tend to start -autistic screeching meme here- when they see stuff like that.

Later, once the players have settled, bump up and down hidden modifiers for certain skills, to increase/decrease grind for proper balancing.

Your goal should be to realize what Mabinogi should have been, and not what it became. I'm probably going to write a post pointing out things I believe to be key issues that make the game inconsistent, break balance between classes, and just other fixes in general. Eg. Arrow Revolver and Fireball having expiring pages, while Thunder, EJ/IS, and Shock(I think?) do not.
post rev. 1 by maxwell on 03-10-17, 09:06 pm
Posted at 03-10-17, 09:05 pm Link | #14

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Okay so... why not just add 2x Training pots for red formor coins?
Those who wish to grind slow, they simply don't buy it. While those who wish to just get done with the crappy grind just buy them pots.
Adding optional things are the way to go imo.
(inb4 ppl will still have a problem even with optional boosts)
Posted at 03-10-17, 09:16 pm Link | #15
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Okay so... why not just add 2x Training pots for red formor coins?
Those who wish to grind slow, they simply don't buy it. While those who wish to just get done with the crappy grind just buy them pots.
Adding optional things are the way to go imo.
(inb4 ppl will still have a problem even with optional boosts)

I could totally rant about that. But i'll keep it simple. Whether an individual takes advantage of a feature or not, it still affects the community as a whole.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-10-17, 09:23 pm Link | #16

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Okay so... why not just add 2x Training pots for red formor coins?
Those who wish to grind slow, they simply don't buy it. While those who wish to just get done with the crappy grind just buy them pots.
Adding optional things are the way to go imo.
(inb4 ppl will still have a problem even with optional boosts)

I could totally rant about that. But I'll keep it simple. Whether an individual takes advantage of a feature or not, it still affects the community as a whole.

How so?
Isn't this about some like to grind slow, some like to grind fast?
People shoving their own ideal on the ones that like the opposite option.
So just add them as optional. I don't see how these would affect people who chose not to grind skills faster.
This would please both sides imo. Who wants to take it slow, take it slow. Who's sick of the grind can just get their extra pots and not die of boredom.
The main reason why people leave Nexon isn't because they added the 2x pots and the Talents. It's because Nexon hides everything behind a god damn paywall or and RNG paywall. Not even a cheap one that is.
Posted at 03-10-17, 09:33 pm Link | #17

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The point is that some people like to play optimally but don't like the optimal way to play to be fast or easy. When you make the optimal way to play be fast and easy, those same players will still be playing just as optimally, but they won't be enjoying the game. Yeah, you can add "options" for stuff like that. You could also add the option for any player to spawn any item they want and automatically advance their skills to max rank, but keep the normal way to play still intact for those who don't want to do that. Do you think that would be a fun environment to play in?
Posted at 03-10-17, 09:44 pm Link | #18
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The main reason why people leave Nexon isn't because they added the 2x pots and the Talents. It's because Nexon hides everything behind a god damn paywall or and RNG paywall. Not even a cheap one that is.

Hide everything behind a paywall? That's only for people who don't have time, are lazy, or are just stupid. I played for years, never gave a dime to nexon, never will. I don't even use reforges. I can solo MA, not even get hit. I can solo forest purification, no deaths, which is harder than MA imo. Even scathach lord, i'd solo that if it let me in alone. Pay to win? Yeah. Pay to play? No. Just git gud as they say. Even when i die, i typically keep 10 guardian stones and 10 nao stones on me, just from daily crap; adventure seals and saga coupons. Game's a joke. Despite my best effort though, if i don't take advantage of cash features like reforges, my damage is still 1/10 of other players. It's demoralizing and very frustrating.

This is what you're essentially asking. Not the extremities that nexon currently has, but you want to creep into that territory. You can want that, but i do not, and i will vehemently object to it, as that's the primary reason i quit. Dull as crap now and effort means nothing.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-10-17, 09:47 pm Link | #19

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The point is that some people like to play optimally but don't like the optimal way to play to be fast or easy. When you make the optimal way to play be fast and easy, those same players will still be playing just as optimally, but they won't be enjoying the game. Yeah, you can add "options" for stuff like that. You could also add the option for any player to spawn any item they want and automatically advance their skills to max rank, but keep the normal way to play still intact for those who don't want to do that. Do you think that would be a fun environment to play in?
I'm strictly speaking of features that are in Global and are and were available to payers to begin with. Nobody mentioned free item spawning.
You're going GM level which is ridiculous.
I've also said that the pots and premium stuff should have a coin cost just like any other cash item they currently have. So one would actually need to "work" for those as well.
post rev. 1 by mabipro1 on 03-10-17, 09:54 pm
Posted at 03-10-17, 09:50 pm Link | #20

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The main reason why people leave Nexon isn't because they added the 2x pots and the Talents. It's because Nexon hides everything behind a god damn paywall or and RNG paywall. Not even a cheap one that is.

Hide everything behind a paywall? That's only for people who don't have time, are lazy, or are just stupid. I played for years, never gave a dime to nexon, never will. I don't even use reforges. I can solo MA, not even get hit. I can solo forest purification, no deaths, which is harder than MA imo. Even scathach lord, i'd solo that if it let me in alone. Pay to win? Yeah. Pay to play? No. Just git gud as they say. Even when i die, i typically keep 10 guardian stones and 10 nao stones on me, just from daily crap; adventure seals and saga coupons. Game's a joke. Despite my best effort though, if i don't take advantage of cash features like reforges, my damage is still 1/10 of other players. It's demoralizing and very frustrating.

This is what you're essentially asking. Not the extremities that nexon currently has, but you want to creep into that territory. You can want that, but i do not, and i will vehemently object to it, as that's the primary reason i quit. Dull as crap now and effort means nothing.
ROFL, you're talking as if this version is any harder. Take your own advice and gitgud m8. XD
Game was somewhat hard till C3.
Then shit went easy mode. You don't even need reforges to butter cut everything. It's all about AP boiz.

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