More Character Features (rev. 1 by LazyFae on 06-22-18, 04:17 pm)
Posted at 06-22-18, 04:17 pm Link | #1
Still a casual gamer

Posts: 306
Joined: 02-23-17
Last post: 1074 days
Last view: 9 days
Generic "Request a feature for your character that you'd choose when creating/rebirthing."
I'd like to request giants get more mouths. In particular, a smug/smirk, at the moment humans/elves can use it just not giants.

Off-Topic Rambling:
If anyone wants human/elf directory, for their smirk, it's data/material/char/face/
There have been similar threads, but as they're old i figured it was a bad idea to bump them. Seemed pointless to create an entire thread to just a smug/smirk mouth, and while i could throw it in simple requests i figured a generic thread where anyone could easily make character edit requests, was a good way to allow others to make similar requests while keeping these types of requests organized into one thread.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079

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