Dungeon Thread (rev. 4 by LazyFae on 06-27-18, 07:57 pm)
Posted at 06-25-18, 10:14 pm Link | #1
Still a casual gamer

Posts: 306
Joined: 02-23-17
Last post: 1074 days
Last view: 9 days
For those looking for dungeons long term, or having trouble finding a party and are spamming regularly, feel free to post in the thread.

As for me, looking for Glowing Gargoyle for my Elf, not even 30 total but need it for trans.

Willing to host Rundal Siren and Adv HM total 400's on my giant and the ship rat multi is a problem; Colin Plate gloves and body, and Destruction enchant. As a general rule, if someone else is wanting an item from my run, i'll only claim one of the items i'm looking for, should someone else want something; if someone else hosts the run, then i let them have first call on drops as well.

Math, normal or adv 3 for hellhound skull. Droprate is supposedly same on normal as adv though, so typically i'd rather run it. I'd rather take my elf for a little bit of exp on her though, if no one would mind.

Finally, Cryptid on int/adv, just for xp. High current, so appeal on that's semi-low atm. I do adv if i have 2 others able to keep attacking, as i'm not tanky enough for it normally.

EDIT: Got my IS4, and colin boots so i only need 2 colin parts now.
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