1 Free Possessed Potion (rev. 1 by LazyFae on 07-03-18, 09:25 pm)
Posted at 07-03-18, 08:30 pm Link | #1
Still a casual gamer

Posts: 306
Joined: 02-23-17
Last post: 1074 days
Last view: 9 days
Those doing the quest that requires the Possessed Potion, I would be willing to provide one for free. Do note, i'm not always on though, so may take a while for me to mail. Best way to contact me, is to either ping or PM me in discord, lazyfae is nick in pro channel. If i'm online, you could try whispering me in game, again Lazyfae, to see if i'm around. If you're in no rush for the potion, you can send me a note, you run the risk of me being afk when you send though, and possibly not noitcing the note till next time i relog.

Those who want to make the potion themself, all you require is a Shamanic Herb and Mysterious Herb Powder. Shamanic herb is commonly obtained in Ceanae or Pantay dungeons, as random chests or a possible reward chest. The pass versions of the dungeons, see guides for what is used as passes, has chests at every dead end, best way for shamanic herbs. Mysterious Herb Powder is made via potion making with one Poison, Bloody, and Mana Herb. Alternatively, the cube event currently going on, has plants that drop the powder.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079

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