Posts: 13
Joined: 08-10-18
Last post: 2399 days
Last view: 1334 days
Hello all,
I used to play on Alexina in 2011-2012 then in 2014-2015 but my guild died, and the amount of new content made me feel exhausted, thus I'm all happy for this server and I'm glad people are so friendly here OwO
My age is too old for video games, I'm a mother and I should act like one but Mabi is so relaxing I can't help it. I'm very casual but if anyone wants to do early game grind with me it would be lovely. Trying to focus on the storyline first. I also have little or no memory of how to play this game especially later game content, as I never went too far on official. I remember elves suck, but I mained an elf because of the looks (I also had a giant alchemist alt because of the looks), here I wanted to main a human to make my life easier, however I miss playing an elf so I'm playing both. Ign: Chandelier (human) and to make it easier Chandellier (elf)
And yes, I'm a Sia fan, currently addicted to LSD (however this may sound)
And I also like to butt in randomly whenever there's an interesting and sophisticated discussion on the main chat.