Eriul the Wanderer
Posts: 33 Joined: 03-05-17
Last post: 2908 days
Last view: 2908 days
Max Durability Repair - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)
*What is even the point of repairs destroying max durability? You've been powering up your wonderfully beautiful Glory Sword/Trinity Staff/Precious Item, and you even managed to get it to R or B level 6. You go to repair it, and Edern/Stewart/NPC eats it's durability down to 1. Wow. Best game mechanics. Add a Max Durability repair option. Repairing max durability costs gold and one point of current durability. At the same time, disallow item's max durability to go below 1.
Premium Item Re-Location - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)
1. Remote Coupons:
*I would suggest adding ALL remote coupons to appropriate tabs in shops, available for purchase with gold.
2. Purchasable from Healer secret shop, PTJ or only on certain days:
*Dungeon & Waxen Wings
*Advanced/Party Feathers
*Elixirs/Various ADV Potions
3. Purchasable from General secret shop, PTJ or only on certain days.
*Camp(fire) Kits
*Friend Summon Capsules
*Skill Reset Capsules
4. Purchasable from Tailor secret shop, PTJ or only on certain days.
*Dye Ampole
5. Purchasable from Blacksmith secret shop, PTJ or only on certain days.
*Metal Dye Ampole
Keep in mind! Some of these locations may have a few items. Don't forget that there are other types of shops/PTJs that could have these items. For example, the Camp Kits might be able to be a reward from the Tailor shop, or any Restaurant Shop. Some potions and wings could be from the Church's secret shop/PTJ.
Standard Item Drops/Timers - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)
1. If Thunder, IS, and Shock do not have expiration timers, neither should other page-related skills.
*Fireball page timer removed.
*Arrow Revolver page timer removed.
2. Scaling Drop Rates (Theoretical)
*For every time a player kills an enemy/completes a dungeon, any item not dropped has it's rate increased by it's standard drop rate. EG. 2%->4%->6%, or 3%-6%-9%. When the item drops, it's reset back to it's standard rate. Or, if the player does not begin that mission or kill that enemy again within a timeframe, it resets back to standard. This forces RNG to relent on unlucky players, provided they are dedicated and thorough to their tasks. It also prevents over-inflation for rare items in the marketplace, as players will know that if they're willing to put in the time/effort, they can actually claim that reward instead of paying 10m for that shiny new item.
3. Remove Enchant Scroll Timers
*So this scroll, has been sitting in this chest, for an unknown amount of MINUTES/DAYS/WEEKS/YEARS at the end of this dungeon, placed here by mystic deity, ancient ancestors, a wolf who likes paper, who knows. And you're telling me it expires in 8 hours? Really. Really? Really.
4. Red Fomor Coins
*Current drop rates seem fair. But, remember the achievement journal? If the journal was ever added to Mabi Pro, give coins proportionate to the achievement. They'd be good one-time boosts for new players to get situated with their pets.
Archery - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)
1. Bringing archery in-line with other skill classes.
*Archery has always been the top-tier class, or the bottom tier class. Buffing or nerfing damage puts it on top, or at the bottom, and there is no in-between. Therefore, other parts of it must be addressed in order to balance it with other skills.
2. Wounds.
*Wounds are by far the most OP part when it comes to archery. With a near 100% wound rate, it becomes incredibly difficult to balance. It has to have %misschance because of wounds. Removing wounds, or HEAVILY toning them back would allow further changes to archery.
2. Wounds Part II.
*I personally never cared for wounds, but they are necessary in some situations such as G1 Glas. I would suggest re-distributing wounds throughout other class skills. Such as for Magic/Alchemy, Fire & Explosion would be the logical choice to add wounds due to burns. Archery could have wound rate increase after Support Shot, and Melee would be left alone until the results of this section could be studied.
3. Removal of Targeting %.
*With the removal/HEAVY reduction of wounds, your options open up. I would be open to targeting similar to magic/alchemy, with 100% hit chance every time. Simply use the grabbing of an arrow and drawing your bowstring as the charge-up, similar to magic/alchemy/combat skills.
4. Charge
*From here, allow Charge to travel through all standard-stun ranged abilities. Only allow charge to be canceled by knockback spell/skills (Firebolt, ADV Magic, Magnum Shot, Last hit of Flame burst, Wind Blast, etc.)
Alchemy - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)
1. Not gonna lie, Alchemy does need an end-game stat like all other classes.
*I was never a fan of alchemy. Golem should have been a magic skill. Heck, nearly all of their skills should have been magic skills. But darn it, if we're going to keep it, it needs to be treated like a real member of the family.
2. End Game Stat (redundant)
*Select an end-game stat for Alchemy. It needs to scale. As it stands, we are in a four-class system as of g13. If we added 2 out of fighter, gunslinger, or bard, or even created two additional classes, each could be applied to one main stat just like the prior classes. Depending on the two future classes, Alchemy would be assigned to STR, DEX, or INT. From here, balance as necessary.
I was never really a big fan of the life-classes. I spent more of my glory days in the fantasy part of my fantasy life, rather than the life part. This is a section some of the crafters should tackle, not me. My balance is in combat areas. But, comments that are well liked will be quoted in this section provided there is not a limit on edit time.
Magic - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)
This is my cup of tea. My favorite section. I will do my best not to show favoritism.
1. Mana Regen
*Increase Meditation amount, or reduce spell costs. I'm unsure of where our magic system lies, if it's prior or after the updated system during C4, having been playing only in my spare time. If prior, regen amount needs to be updated.
2. Chain Casting
*For the love of Llymark make this a damn skill. It was teased to us all the way back in G1. And then it was given to ALCHEMISTS?! Pardon me, my salt is showing. Don't even get me started on summon Golem. Make this a toggle skill that increases mana usage by .5x while toggled on. Pre Rank 9, disallow use with ADV magics. Post R9, enable. As rank increases, so do charges up to 5. At Rank F, 2 charges for bolt magics, Rank A, 5 charges for bolt magics, and at Rank 9, 2 charges for ADV magics, at Rank 1, 5 charges.
3. Casting without wands/staves.
*Alright, so I get it. Alchemy is restricted to it's tool, doesn't have a cap stat, and so they get skills teased to mages back in G1. But thats okay, because we can at least cast our magics without tools, right? Well, only half right. Basic bolt magics and healing. No fusion, no INT magics, and certainly no Blaze or ADV magics. Why? These tools should be means for mages to amplify their damage/heal output, not to force them into using a tool. And then, there's the gall to restrict mages to the type of wand equipped, or charges on a staff. Are you serious? Alchemy, meanwhile, any skill any cylinder. Come on mate. Magic is about drawing in the mana around you, and using your inner abilities to manifest it. Not about equipping a stick and somehow remembering that you have a more powerful spell.
4. Mana Shield
*Mana shield should not drain mana until you take damage. Toggle spells/abilities have always been weird in Mabi due to the server communication. Simply up the amount on being hit if it's too strong.
5. Elemental Shields
*I always thought this should be like a passive buff to party members. Casting it temporarily increases party members resistance to an elemental damage. These were added to alleviate headache from ranged attacks, and to reduce damage from Dragon/powerful enemy breath attacks, but their clunky charge up time, area of effect, and lack of mobility make them inefficient at best.
Melee - Idea from "steelra" (Forum nickname)
Me hit stuff good. Make squish sound. Grod like. Grod no like long text. Make text short.
1. Windmill.
*Probably should either decrease the amount of grind in some way. My old character couldn't get past rank 4, due to CP scalings and his total level being 2.5k. It really puts off new players when I tell them, rank your Windmill first or you'll always be inefficient at best! Little Lucy wants to be an archer now, she doesn't want to grind out two weeks of WM training to get R1. Old players may disagree about this, but I like helping new players, I enjoy showing my IRL friends a game I'm addicted to, and I love tutoring new players on combat tips.
2. Windmill part II.
*Remove HP loss on Windmill. It was actually a positive in the combat overhaul.
3. Charge.
Covered this in Archery tab. Allow Charge to plow through any non-knockback projectile.
4. Charge part II.
*Allow charge to be used with any melee weapon equipped, along with shields. Maybe even just remove the restriction and allow charge to charge no matter what. CHARGE!
5. Archery needs it's own tab.
*Archery needs it's own tab.
6. Lance Combat
*This needs a Lancer's expertise. I'm not sure if it should be on it's own tab, or if it should just remain part of melee. I'd maybe remove lance-skills, and apply them to the appropriate base skills? Lance charge -> Charge and Lance Counter -> Counterattack?
steelra forum post if anyone is interested in checking the link and discussing the suggestions posted by him/her
Continent Warping - Idea from "Glacii" (Forum nickname)
Is there a way to possibly remove the time restriction on it? So we can cont warp more than once a day? Not sure if that would be too good or not, but it's one of the features I miss from VIP with the live client.
Glacii forum post if anyone is interested in checking the link and discussing the suggestions posted by him/her
Gold Commas - Idea from "Faefellah" (Forum nickname)
Yeah, simple and fairly self-explanatory. Turns numbers like 10000000 into 10,000,000 instead. The commas are a big deal with this small font, especially at high resolutions.
Faefellah forum post if anyone is interested in checking the link and discussing the suggestions posted by him/her
Able to Dye Shields - Idea from "Eriul" (Forum/In-game nickname)
The idea is self explanatory, currently, only some shields can be dyed, ala Targe Shield? not sure even if this one is currently in-game to say the truth, but being able to dye like Kite shields, Round Shields would be cool, Metal rim with Metal Dyes and Wood part with normal Dye amps.
Able to Dye Instruments - Idea from "Eriul" (Forum/In-game nickname)
The idea is self explanatory, currently we cannot dye any Instruments(I think?) would be cool to have the option too.
Upgradable Magical Clothing - Idea from "Eriul" (Forum/In-game nickname)
Current Magical clothing we got in-game cannot be upgraded, enchants works, Dyes works, but upgrades, none of the NPCS can do it, I wouldn't say to allow all NPCS to upgrade this type of gear, but Simon or Fleta should be able too, depending of the clothing piece were talking about, but so this wouldn't be OP, the upgrades would be the Cloth upgrades we got in the game for the normal Cloth gear.
Ideas that I came up with where directly posted here, given I probably stated somewhere already over the forums, but was in a random thread I wont waste time looking on each Thread where I posted regarding my suggestions.
Style Tab - Idea from "Tsukino" (In-game nickname)
Tittle on this one is self explanatory, a style tab like on retail that does not expire.
Tsukino Suggested this in-game and players had a brief discussion regarding the style tab if it was a good idea or not, opinions seemed divided regarding this one, I do think this suggestions should be expanded, so if anyone wishes to make a discussion post regarding this one would be cool.Thank you Tsukino for this suggestion by the way, after thinking a bit of what I said in-game, the suggestion doesn't seem that bad after all too, and Im sorry if I sounded rude in-game when the discussion was being done, wasn't the intention whatsoever.
Post Suggestions guys, be on individual posts or here, anything I find interesting and not game breaking will be updated to the first thread, I do advise tho, to make this easier for the Dev's/Admin's/GM's and Players the more description and detail you give regarding the suggestion in question the better. _________________________ Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
The more knowledge you get, the more questions you ask. The smarter you get, the more you realize that everything can be possible.
Still a casual gamer
Posts: 306 Joined: 02-23-17
Last post: 1074 days
Last view: 9 days
Not complaining about the thread, but you may wish to add actual quote boxes so you can click the quote, to jump to the original thread, or provide links in each spoiler as well. Just for ease of use. There's conversation to some of the threads, and this can be important so jumping to the topic will be a big help. _________________________ Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Not complaining about the thread, but you may wish to add actual quote boxes so you can click the quote, to jump to the original thread, or provide links in each spoiler as well. Just for ease of use. There's conversation to some of the threads, and this can be important so jumping to the topic will be a big help.
Could but some people don't like to jump to other topics, but Ill do it once I update it, people throwing more ideas in-game and on the forums, perhaps Ill update this like, tonight when Im at work. _________________________ Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
The more knowledge you get, the more questions you ask. The smarter you get, the more you realize that everything can be possible.
Could but some people don't like to jump to other topics
Sorry, but i don't even see that as an argument... Inserting links doesn't force someone's browser to jump page, least no in a forum post. If they don't wanna jump to know what's been discussed, they simply don't click the link. Again, it's just there for convenience, not to force someone to change page when they don't want to, then have to go back to the previous page... I'm not suggesting to replace all contents of your post/spoilers with links only, just adding a way to jump if the user so chooses, and nothing more. _________________________ Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Could but some people don't like to jump to other topics
Sorry, but i don't even see that as an argument... Inserting links doesn't force someone's browser to jump page, least no in a forum post. If they don't wanna jump to know what's been discussed, they simply don't click the link. Again, it's just there for convenience, not to force someone to change page when they don't want to, then have to go back to the previous page... I'm not suggesting to replace all contents of your post/spoilers with links only, just adding a way to jump if the user so chooses, and nothing more.
Wasn't trying to start an argument nor plan too, still is something that didn't cross my mind during the time I was doing the post, in a few hours when I got a bit more free time Ill do it. _________________________ Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
The more knowledge you get, the more questions you ask. The smarter you get, the more you realize that everything can be possible.
Awyeah, got heckin more tabs than anyone else. Slackers
Don't you all want Mabi to become The Best (TM) ?
hah! Rascal, but keep pumping more suggestions mate, more the better I would say!
This shows how the community is interested in making Mabinogi Better, and Mabi Pro better!
Main post updated with Links directing to the threads where the suggestions where posted, so people can discuss the suggestion in question and provide their opinion(you can do it here too if you like!)
This suggestion to update the post was given by Faefellah, thank you for that, wasn't a thing that crossed my mind at the time. _________________________ Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
The more knowledge you get, the more questions you ask. The smarter you get, the more you realize that everything can be possible.