Posts: 30
Joined: 02-27-17
Last post: 2429 days
Last view: 2277 days
Weapon of the same brand to restore its max durability by one tenth of its original max durability.You cannot go above your original max durability
Broadsword 10 / 10 <- Max Durability ____________________< Example of different durabilitiy stats
Broadsword 10 / 10 <- Curren Durability
Broadsword 0 / 0
(1 broadsword is used to restore max durability)
Broadsword 1/1
Broadsword 0 / 0
(10 Broadswords are used to restore max durability)
Broadsword 10/10
Function available through player black smithing and normal blacksmiths (player version can use less matierals at higher ranks. players can also decide if to charge for their services or not )
New item : Eweca Fragment
This can be used to restore your weapons durability if that weapon is too expensive to get multiple copies. Still repairs 1/10 of your max durability
Oh. And all weapons can be smithed.