Item descriptions update
Posted at 10-01-20, 05:02 am Link | #1
Still a casual gamer

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Joined: 02-23-17
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Since I'm impatient, I'm sharing this here for the time being, as a mod. Anyone is free to use. While free to edit and even redistribute, I would appreciate credit as inspiration if nothing else.

Take note, this is likely to break in the next update. If you don't know how to update your own mods, or giving this to say a newbie, you need to be fully aware of that. If you want to learn how to check if your mods are outdated, link below. Can't emphasize learn enough though. I'm giving the mod on a silver platter. Updating it yourself is actually relatively simple, may take a bit of practice and experience to get the motions down is all. But checking if it's outdated, is far simpler, and if you can't be bothered to at least attempt to understand that process, I will not help you further. And there is a difference in attempting and failing to understand, as opposed to not trying. Checking for outdated Mods (data folder)

Mod only updates a few descriptions, to what I feel more accurately conveys either their purpose or restrictions. Item bags you buy from general shop and Wool Collection Pouches are all it updates atm. Example screenies in the spoiler.

Wool collection pouch is updated to say it holds 100 instead of 20, note that it did previously hold 20 without the mod, the mod simply updates the description to make it accurate.
With the mod, you should also quickly notice mentions of Bag 1, Bag 2, and Bag 3. This serves a rather simple and clear purpose. Currently you can have 3 bags equipped at any time. And guess what the Bag Numbers indicate? Bag 1 will allow personal shops, usable with both Bag 2 and 3 at the same time. Bag 2 does not allow personal shops, usable with 1 and 3. Bag 3 does not allow personal shops and requires a bag key to use after 31 days have passed, usable with 1 and 2.

Bag 2 was probably simply known as the Korean Bag before, as it was untranslated save for the second line that simply read "Item Bag(6x8)". Bag 3 just looks like a large fuzzy bag, as opposed to the more box like design of 1 and 2. But hopefully this will simplify and clarify compatibility.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079

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