Soccer event
Posted at 04-03-17, 12:34 am Link | #1

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Was so good. Server had to go down to handle it.
Posted at 04-03-17, 12:36 am Link | #2

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I was so hyped too :C
Posted at 04-03-17, 12:37 am Link | #3

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thanks obama
Posted at 04-03-17, 12:38 am Link | #4

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This kind of sucks, but remember, and ask yourself, What would Cheesus do?
Posted at 04-03-17, 12:42 am Link | #5

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Everyone was being so obnoxious towards each other that the server said, "NOPE!" and crashed. Just my theory~ xD

In all realness, I was curious to try this event out, but I don't think the GM's expected such a huge turn out. I guess we'll never know what really happened. At least until they send out the big news. Until then, it's the sit-and-wait game... or do something else while they boot up the server again.
Posted at 04-03-17, 12:44 am Link | #6

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My guess is is that when the event was turned on, it crashed everything.
Posted at 04-03-17, 12:51 am Link | #7

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Do you know who's to blame? That's right, the liberals.
Posted at 04-03-17, 01:22 am Link | #8
Drahan GM

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Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled.
It might get rescheduled later, but at least you get to keep your robes.
Posted at 04-03-17, 03:32 am Link | #9

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I'm still very happy to see cute little events like this, flip trying to fix the fence was hilarious

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