Game Server Maintenance 5/21/2017 (rev. 2 by Flipend0 on 05-21-17, 07:44 am)
Posted at 05-19-17, 09:42 am Link | #1
Flipend0 GM

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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 03:45AM 05/21/17 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Please update your client.
Thank you for your patience.

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
02:30AM 05/21/17 to 06:00AM 05/21/17 (EST)
  • When attempting to create a character with the new colors, the creation either becomes invalid or wrong coloring. This maintenance will fix it.
  • Quest Translation updates
  • Minor improvements on the client

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff
Posted at 05-21-17, 06:25 am Link | #2

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Thank you for continuing to translate the quests! i look forward to playing this game for its narrative.
Posted at 05-21-17, 08:14 pm Link | #3

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After the maintenance I'm unable to play, my launcher won't allow me to click the 'start' button. Here's what it look like? Anyway for me to fix it?
Posted at 05-21-17, 08:16 pm Link | #4
Drahan GM

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After the maintenance I'm unable to play, my launcher won't allow me to click the 'start' button. Here's what it look like? Anyway for me to fix it?

Go into your installation directory and delete any file that looks like the following: or a folder similar like 214_to_215.
The number will probably be 227_to_228, but the concept is the same. Delete it.
Posted at 05-21-17, 10:36 pm Link | #5

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I went to the directory and removed the folder like you said and it seemed like everything was fine:
But the game didn't load and instead this popped up:
After closing it and trying to run it again, the same issue occurred:
I don't really know what happened but I hope I'm being as transparent as possible because it just started happening randomly.
Posted at 05-22-17, 01:51 am Link | #6
Drahan GM

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I went to the directory and removed the folder like you said and it seemed like everything was fine:
But the game didn't load and instead this popped up:
After closing it and trying to run it again, the same issue occurred:
I don't really know what happened but I hope I'm being as transparent as possible because it just started happening randomly.
Delete the patch files...again.
I am unsure why it is trying to update again, but either way it failed.

The 142 error is totally different though, that means the launcher did it's job and tried to launch the game.
Read faq Frequently Asked Questions from MabiPro's Tech(..) for info about that.

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