Shin Taillelaine
Posts: 16
Joined: 05-14-17
Last post: 2528 days
Last view: 2506 days
I see they were only gacha, but it could "feel" right to include them as an accessible item for beginner mages, couldn't it ?
You don't "have to" use a wand as a mage before using int magic, that's right but it's also not their only use. They allow you to use meditation while moving, they also can be upgraded to reduce mana consumption/cast speed, to slightly increase damage and to use chaincasting.
I understand upgrades such as these wouldn't be worth doing on a beginner wand but being able to use meditation while moving is already nice. It could also become not upgradable but as a counterpart, have other buffs, like a slight decrease to casting time/mana consumption, a very slight buff to mana and int, for example. Nothing great enough to justify using them over normal wands and their upgraded versions. Just something to help making you more of a mage at the beginning, as beginners, mages are better off using melee skills than spells which quite a sad thing to watch. With a simple Gladius and Smash (don't take things too deeply, other topics are here to debate about that) early on you can already oneshot many early mobs, while Icebolt that you get for free on this server (I don't really like "earning" all these skills right off the bat tho...) can't even compare for a very, very long time. At that time, you won't be a beginner anymore.
I'm not saying these wands should correct this difference tho ! They'd be way too broken if it did. The problem's elsewhere, I strayed from my point please don't pay too much attention to all this.
These wands could help beginner mages feel like they're really training in magic and get something of doing it. They could "help" a bit by giving the buffs I talked about earlier, slight buffs justifying a low cost so they can stay affordable for early mages (it could even be given as reward for completing Lassar's training ? No idea if this can be easily implemented, maybe a new quest related to the training completion then ?) but not strong enough to overlook the investment in a true wand.
Maybe something like Mana Consumption -4%, Max Mana +5, Int +2 ? As I can't seem to add a reduction to cast speed without it being too controversial (since a low buff won't matter and a high buff isn't desirable for this beg wand).