Posts: 2
Joined: 01-07-19
Last post: 2054 days
Last view: 434 days
1)Yes. Very yes. Ideals are a pain in the butt.
2)Personally, I think giant's throwing attack should aim just like human ranged attack, maybe higher max % while moving, with 3sec cooldown. Never used GTA and this is why.
3)no opinion on 3.
4)Hunger is the most useless feature in mabinogi. It's so easy to carry around a ton of small foods that stack fairly high that hunger isn't much of an issue even before you CAN transform. Whether it restores hunger or not is kinda pointless.
8)After playing NA Mabinogi for so long, it's weird seeing these two so different. I'm okay with whichever.
9)never bothered with alchemy, so I'll let those who have decide.
10,11)No, but reduce the prices of the gachas. You can wait for the item(s) you want to show up in the weekly shop, or you can take your chances and buy the gacha and pray. Sounds fine to me.
12)race restrictions on summoning were always stupid.
13)red coin bags would be nice, but making them an aution item would be annoying.
14)No. Gathering should only give XP when you gain skillXP in a related skill, as it did before.
15)no opinion.
16)Never messed with cooking either, but this just sounds weird to me. Why did devcat do it like this at all? Yes. plzfix.
17)QoL improvement. Yes, please~
18)Alchemy. Others decide.
19)I say "flash" is a hard no because that'll just be distracting, and a softer no to changing colors because if you use ranged you're used to seeing two 9's anyway and don't need it. It'll really only help new players and annoy old hands. Of course, if you add an option for it to the options menu, that's a whole 'nother story. I'd be all for it then.
20)Some of the starter skills are a bit annoying to first obtain, specifically alchemy, and I'm also wondering why Firebolt and Lightningbolt aren't part of the set. I know *I* am super happy I couldn't accidentally opt out of getting starter skills for free, and since you can immediately reset all the rE skills to rF to put the AP somewhere else, I'm not sure what the point of this question is. So I guess "no"? I could change this later if someone explains how I misunderstood the question.