Posted at 08-07-17, 09:47 pm Link | #

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We have a problem at my guild, and it is that of a leader that has been missing for months and a complete lack of officers. I am the only remaining active senior, but with no active leadership, many management functions are impossible to perform. While we could start a new guild and transfer every active member left, I'd like to be able to revive and hold this one if at all possible, in hopes of its rightful owner to retake it in working condition should she ever return.
I realize other people may run into this problem as well in the future, so I propose the following:

A system where guild leadership could be transferred to lower standing members from inactive leaders after a certain time of inactivity has passed, going down the chain of inactive leader>inactive/no officers>inactive/no seniors>regular members. In other words, an active officer could claim leadership from an inactive leader after a certain time has passed, then an active senior if there are no active officers, then finally an active regular member if there are no active seniors.

I believe the fine tuning such as how long is considered "inactive" is not up to me, though I believe one month should suffice in most cases.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Issues? Any ways this system could be improved, or replaced by something else that does the same thing? Would it be possible/reasonable to implement?
Posted at 10-25-17, 08:05 am Link | #

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Pretty much the title, not much else to say~
Personally I don't see why they shouldn't have it. What do you all think?
Posted at 11-16-17, 07:44 am Link | #

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Yeees yes yes yes. That or make them storable in pets/bankable, they're already tradable by default, I don't really get why they made them unable to be stored :/
Posted at 01-01-18, 10:11 am Link | #

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On increasing all stack sizes, always good to have more inventory~ particularly question 3 though, why not do away with evap as a whole? The preservation stones are both inefficient and annoying to control when you want/don't want to use them, and even the largest don't do much for a dedicated mage anyway. Then again this probably deserves its own thread so...

Refining is always a frustration wall to anyone who plans to ever rank it, because they know it's easiest early on when base dex is low, and abandon any and all character development involving dex just to get it out of the way in one go. A change like question 7 would be very welcome by everyone who has yet to rank it.

On question 8... YES, finally, been looking forward to this <3
While you're at it though... Can you make score scrolls bankable/pet storable? Please? They're already able to be traded by default but not stored, and it's quite a pain for anyone carrying multiple scrolls ><

#14 is important. As the only form of advanced magic we have, hailstorm is a joke. Its extremely short range and prevention of movement, on top of its long startup time and high mana cost, make it a gimmick at best, as it is often simply outclassed by cc+4 firebolt.

#22... Why? We like Nao <3
Posted at 01-02-18, 08:54 am Link | #

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here we go again with the mana evap talk, Ausar did a good suggestion regarding this...

Make Mana preservation stones with Mana Crystalization in a fixed recipe instead of random Synt chance.

Voila, Mana Evap problem fixed, make the 100 ones easy, make 150 ones so so, 200 ones hard, 250 very hard 300 ones ultra hard to craft.

Mage, are OP, don't make them more OP.

(And Im a bloody spellsword, this crap would simply be giving me Power, and Im the first one to say "no." so, take it as you want bois and gals)

As a full time mage with over half of my magic tab capped, magic is far from op. Windmill beats mages in most cases, and even more so when fighting groups of things your full charge int magic can't defeat in one shot. Not to mention with the current formula, int gains to damage are laughable compared to strength/melee and dex/range, and there are practically no enchants worthy of using for mages other than a small handful.

Back on topic, mana preservation stones are also very unwieldy. Making them easier to obtain wouldn't fix the inherent problems with them, one of them being the inability to choose if you want to use it or not, or which one to use if you don't want to use your highest ones. Sure, you can drop them into a pet's inventory, but that defeats the purpose of switching mid battle. Keep them difficult to obtain as they are now, and people will continue using potions over them. Make them too easy to obtain, and then there'd be little difference between that and having no evaporation at all, as is being suggested here, other than more things clogging your inventory.
Posted at 02-07-18, 07:34 am Link | #

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Happy birthday MabiPro, here's to another good year <3
Posted at 04-05-18, 09:27 am Link | #

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You typoed my name on fragmentation ;w;
Ranks update: Enchant r3, Tailoring r4, Synthesis r5 (+full set), Composing r5 (playing r1 if you need a duet partner), Cooking r8, Mana Crystallization r1 (for whoever needs crystals to raft).
All services provided for free, preferred method of contact is Discord~
Posted at 05-02-18, 07:47 am Link | #

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That mission is indeed insanity, and the rewards are not enough for the effort required, not to mention the time limit makes it nearly impossible to clear at higher difficulties. Everyone pretty much drops all of its passes whenever they come out of the loom.
post rev. 2 by reislerena on 06-11-19, 10:04 am
Posted at 06-11-19, 08:40 am Link | #

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This mod optimizes pets for manual combat. It changes the behavior of pets in idle mode, improves their responsiveness to manual commands, adds some quality of life changes, and adds a function for a new adaptable hotkey whose effect changes depending on the pet summoned.

Download v1.0:
Install: Unpack in mabipro folder

Features for all Pets:
Displays a message when pet hunger is depleted
Removes the inherent 0.5~1.0 second delay associated with the "come!" command/hotkey
Removes the timeout associated with manually activated defense and counter - pet will hold such skills until expended or commanded otherwise
Disables random wandering/sitting while in idle mode
Quickens healing, either requested manually or via the default healing mode AI - pet will use heal charges as fast as the player could by spam clicking
Ensures pet will use all charges of healing (same conditions as above), useful for players with high latency whose pets seem to not expend all of their heal charges
When logged in as a pet, idle AI will no longer cancel your skills by taking over control and making you wander after a few seconds of inactivity

Pet-specific Features:
Disables mimic's annoying shaking when idle
Disables spider's idle generation of web
Gives small birds the ability to sit without a perching glove (they can still perch on master's glove by using the "come!" command/hotkey)

Adaptable Hotkey:
If you go to the hotkey settings ingame, you will find a command called "Pet's Adorable Act" near the bottom. This function goes pretty much unused by most pets by default, but with this mod it becomes a hotkey capable of performing a skill or function unique to the pet you currently have summoned, without actually taking a slot in your F1~12 hotkeys. The function of the hotkey depends on the summoned pet.

Adaptable Hotkey Functions:

Special thanks to Tozino, Zakkyurrdai, and Kas, who helped with research and testing <3

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