post rev. 2 by moetron on 03-22-17, 04:41 pm
Posted at 03-22-17, 04:30 pm Link | #

Posts: 3
Joined: 03-19-17
Last post: 2911 days
Last view: 2904 days
I'd love for the following changes to take place in order to make magic not so hard at the beginning.

Magic Weapon Mastery added to help with quality of life in general, bolt magic is super weak without it compared to other stuff we had in g13;

Meditation buffs to make it useful for when you're struggling with MP which is like for a good time until you get a reliable source of income as a mage and you're not always having lmao0gold from repairs and potion crafting, currently it's more than double the recovery rate as of g13 and it really helps low level gameplay when your max Mana is like 200;

Beginner Weapons to exist again, being able to repair the beginner ice wand for 10g at 98% was what made me able to start a new character and pick mage as a beginner talent on the official server, I had to repair constantly because meditation made it waste way too much dura but it certainly helped me to keep playing as a mage instead of being an archer for 99 levels as an elf and reseting my skills right before TTL 100, there should be an NPC that sells these since we don't have talents anyway (thank God), this would benefit all kinds​ of gameplays, to have a noob weapon that is cheap to repair.

Mana evaporation to be removed because it sucks.

I'm not asking much here.

Oh, forgot, please add MP30s to the NPCs that sells potions.

Edit 2: Something I'd like to add to my post is that I really like the update in which the server is staying, but it really needs rebalances in many branches, I just stated some stuff that would be nice for mages.
Posted at 03-23-17, 02:42 pm Link | #

Posts: 3
Joined: 03-19-17
Last post: 2911 days
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Magic Weapon Mastery added to help with quality of life in general, bolt magic is super weak without it compared to other stuff we had in g13
You're kidding right? If magic weapon mastery were to be added it would be possible for lightning bolt to hit 2~3k on critical hits with appropriate skills and gear. It would also mean you can beat both glas ghaibhleann and claimh solas with a fully charged ice-fire.

Uh, I don't get why it's a bad thing? It would take 574 APs to max only lightning bolt/mastery, bolt mastery and magic weapon mastery . Water cannon at rank 1 alone outdamages it without having to deal with mana for only 152 APs(base damage higher at full charge, damage variance is kinder on WC side, easy of use, mechanics in water cannon that bypass def, etc).

I mean I don't mind dealing less damage than every other people for the sake of qtp2t magic effects, I know that it gets much better once you get adv magic and start nuking, but up to that point you just pay too much and have to deal with too much shit, being worse than almost everyone you party with and for what reason should mages have less fun and deal with this kind of stuff early game?

I kind of share the same opinion on archery but it's still easier than playing mage on the first levels, especially if it's elf archery. (ONLY FOR THE EARLY GAME AAA)

Magic Weapon Mastery, Mana Evaporation removal, beginner wands and MP30s won't make mages OP, it'll just make it sufferable compared to anything else​ for the first 200~400 levels.

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