post rev. 1 by courtney on 02-07-17, 05:39 pm
Posted at 02-06-17, 10:08 pm Link | #
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Posted at 02-07-17, 06:40 pm Link | #
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The first thing that you will need to know is that our forums use what's called "Gravatar" to handle avatar images.

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Posted at 02-08-17, 06:28 am Link | #
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No problem!
Posted at 02-08-17, 06:30 am Link | #
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Pretty much right when the game began, I was there. Even tho I've 'quit' multiple times, the game always pulls me back. xD
post rev. 4 by courtney on 02-13-17, 05:15 pm
Posted at 02-13-17, 05:08 pm Link | #
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So, you're probably wondering who is this Shyla NPC that has suddenly appeared?
Well in this thread I'll explain what purpose she serves.

Shyla's Shop:
Upon opening her shop you will see 3 Tabs: Misc, Premium Items, and Remote Coupons.
She sells everything from Arrows to Bugles!
Feel free to take a look next time you see Shyla (If you're having trouble locating Shyla check out the images below showing her locations).
Be sure to save up your gold, most of these items will benefit you at some point in your adventures.

Shyla's Red Coin Shop:
Upon clicking the Red Coin Shop option you will have a few selection options: Dyes, Pets, Gachapon.
Dyes cost 20 Red Coins.
Pets vary in price, as you can see from this image:

Gachapons cost 100 coins and you will receive 3.

How do you obtain Red Coins you may ask?
Very simple, there is a chance to obtain one from any monster within the game. Make sure you save them up!

Shyla's Locations:
Tir Chonaill:



Emain Macha:



Posted at 02-13-17, 07:48 pm Link | #
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Hi Flip I love your hat. Js
post rev. 3 by courtney on 02-13-17, 10:04 pm
Posted at 02-13-17, 09:57 pm Link | #
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Valentine's Day is the holiday of Loooveee~

I would like to give you a little of my own love in the form of a Hot Time Event. =D

This Hot Time Event will be held Tomorrow 02/14/17 (Feb 14th).
I will be giving away gifts at these designated times:

12pm PST/3pm EST
3pm PST/6pm EST
6pm PST/9pm EST

Just make sure that you are logged in BEFORE the times listed above to receive your prize.

Spreading lots of love and hearts and chocolate.
*.~ <3

Posted at 02-15-17, 02:31 am Link | #
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I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
I am happy to report this event went very well and has concluded. x)

We all appreciate your support and hope to continue more events in the future for you to enjoy!

~.* <3

Posted at 02-20-17, 07:00 am Link | #
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I've been playing since like august 2008. I think it was like the day before DK became a thing because I was panicking the day of the patch and I didn't understand why I couldn't log on (lol). I play on the NA server (as Frida on Tarlach server), but a friend recommended this server to me. So, this shall be interesting for me.
Currently not really playing NA though since it's gotten boring. Just jumping on and off for events really.

=D! *high five* I'm glad you and Xavi are gonna try this out!
post rev. 6 by Drahan on 02-23-17, 11:32 pm
Posted at 02-22-17, 01:22 am Link | #
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I wanted to dedicate a post to say thank you to our player base for all your support.
We love having all of you here!
And... I don't know about everyone else, but I love fan art!
So I wanted to take some time to feature one of our lovely players and her art!
Take a look at Chi's picture of's very own (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Flipend0!~

It's so cuteeeeeee. Thank you Chi for sharing this with us! We really enjoyed your art.

And to all our players,
Keep doing awesome things for our server, and maybe, you'll get a place in a community spotlight post too!

*.~ <3

Posted at 02-27-17, 03:18 am Link | #
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Apologies, but yes it takes sometimes up to 2 days to receive the quest. This runs off the original quest-line for the generations.
post rev. 1 by courtney on 03-09-17, 07:23 am
Posted at 03-09-17, 06:21 am Link | #
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Hello! I wanted to do a post here of random tips that you might find useful as you play the game.
These have benefited me at some point in my many years of playing.
This will be a constant work in progress and there will be more updates in the future!

Unfortunately because there is only 1 channel at this moment in time, some of these tips are handy, but it'll just be slower to accomplish certain things.

Refining Tips:

Enchant Tips:

Magic Shield Video Tip:

post rev. 5 by Drahan on 03-12-17, 07:12 pm
Posted at 03-12-17, 08:25 am Link | #
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We've all had those times, when we needed that perfect gesture to show someone how we felt.
Well here at mabiPro we're extremely excited to announce the introduction of some new custom gestures into the game!
Just look for them in your Action Panel, under gestures.

Gestures Added:
Well What Is It?
Show Off
Stroke Beard
Far-Off Love
Camera Time
Special Dance
Respectful Bow
Insect Collector

Take advantage of these gestures and use them at any chance you get

Big thanks to Noonehere for making the gesture update possible!

post rev. 1 by courtney on 03-12-17, 08:55 am
Posted at 03-12-17, 08:44 am Link | #
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Shyla wants to bring springtime to us early this year.
Next time you find yourself near Shyla stop in and say hello.

You will notice she has a Spring Gachapon that you can purchase, for a limited time.
It will cost you 50 Red Fomor Coins for 2.

It's well worth it, there's lots of goodies in it!

Good luck! & make sure to share with your friends what you get!


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