Posted at 03-23-17, 12:43 am Link | #

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Magic Weapon Mastery added to help with quality of life in general, bolt magic is super weak without it compared to other stuff we had in g13
You're kidding right? If magic weapon mastery were to be added it would be possible for lightning bolt to hit 2~3k on critical hits with appropriate skills and gear. It would also mean you can beat both glas ghaibhleann and claimh solas with a fully charged ice-fire.

Bare in mind that most if not all content that is added (expect perhaps robes and vanity items?) would need tweaks and to be worked on to fit the server, that said, Skills, and new Gear.
Posted at 03-23-17, 10:38 am Link | #

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You RARELY switch magic frequently enough to need to use them and they're more of an emergency thing where you need to switch NOW instead of waiting till you're out of mana and about to pot-up anyway. Especially given that CC lets you cheat on mana since you only need about ~10 ish mana to full cast anything and get the other charges for free if your almost out of mana. (10 mana pots are actually the most efficient when it comes to using chain-casting as you don't waste mana).

Unless your a spellsword, if you are, trust me, you do a lot of weapon swaping.
Posted at 03-24-17, 12:53 am Link | #

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What if wands could be off-handed, like a shield? I haven't heard anybody suggest that yet, and it'd enable a certain amount of hybridization (hold a wand with a sword, or a cylinder) while not necessarily needing to address the evaporation issue. You're also giving up the defense of a shield in order to do it.

I mean, I still think evaporation would be best removed, but this would be more fun in some ways than just that and create some interesting levels of choice if it still existed.

Thats actually a pretty good idea. Maybe a foci class of weapon for spellswords. Melee mains lose a lot from giving up dual wielding, so this would also benefit elves the most. Wouldn't even need to give it new animations. They could just make your hand glow or be something small attached to your hand/arm.

Good idea actually, but I wouldn't give them Fusion Cast if it was with the wand, don't take me wrong, I love fusion Cast, but I think would be a bit OP (Ice Fire anyone?)
Posted at 03-24-17, 01:40 am Link | #

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Magic Weapon Mastery added to help with quality of life in general, bolt magic is super weak without it compared to other stuff we had in g13
You're kidding right? If magic weapon mastery were to be added it would be possible for lightning bolt to hit 2~3k on critical hits with appropriate skills and gear. It would also mean you can beat both glas ghaibhleann and claimh solas with a fully charged ice-fire.

Uh, I don't get why it's a bad thing? It would take 574 APs to max only lightning bolt/mastery, bolt mastery and magic weapon mastery . Water cannon at rank 1 alone outdamages it without having to deal with mana for only 152 APs(base damage higher at full charge, damage variance is kinder on WC side, easy of use, mechanics in water cannon that bypass def, etc).

I mean I don't mind dealing less damage than every other people for the sake of qtp2t magic effects, I know that it gets much better once you get adv magic and start nuking, but up to that point you just pay too much and have to deal with too much shit, being worse than almost everyone you party with and for what reason should mages have less fun and deal with this kind of stuff early game?

I kind of share the same opinion on archery but it's still easier than playing mage on the first levels, especially if it's elf archery. (ONLY FOR THE EARLY GAME AAA)

Magic Weapon Mastery, Mana Evaporation removal, beginner wands and MP30s won't make mages OP, it'll just make it sufferable compared to anything else​ for the first 200~400 levels.

Unless they're weaking magic weapon mastery. Thats a terrible idea. I should remind you firebolt can be 100% chain casted constantly unlike water cannon

imo magic is weirdly designed. its a major hassle beginning / mid game and very OP endgame . I remember years ago people were able to infinitly lock down players with ice spear / thunder stuns

Dont take me wrong, but you got something wrong here on my Point of view, indeed CC firebolt is strong, very strong late game, but lets keep in mind that needs an upgraded wand to work, and wand repairs are high, stupidly high, Chain Alchemy is a skill, can be used with any Cylinder/skill, if we mages had chain casting based on chance like Alchemists, I could understand where you trying to get at, but we don't have it.

I would say to balance it out, make so the Chain Casting of alchemists worked like on Official(with the proper balance ofc) and give a similar skill to Mages (Magic Chain Casting) that works the same way, balanced out ofc and that doesn't work with Int Magic, thus not becoming OP, mages would be able to still chain cast with any weapon in case their wand goes out of durability and Hybridization would improve too.
Posted at 03-24-17, 03:34 am Link | #

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Dont take me wrong, but you got something wrong here on my Point of view, indeed CC firebolt is strong, very strong late game, but lets keep in mind that needs an upgraded wand to work, and wand repairs are high, stupidly high, Chain Alchemy is a skill, can be used with any Cylinder/skill, if we mages had chain casting based on chance like Alchemists, I could understand where you trying to get at, but we don't have it.

I would say to balance it out, make so the Chain Casting of alchemists worked like on Official(with the proper balance ofc) and give a similar skill to Mages (Magic Chain Casting) that works the same way, balanced out ofc and that doesn't work with Int Magic, thus not becoming OP, mages would be able to still chain cast with any weapon in case their wand goes out of durability and Hybridization would improve too.

No I was responding to someone else lol

Its cool, but just wanted to add that.
Posted at 03-24-17, 03:40 am Link | #

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Unless your a spellsword, if you are, trust me, you do a lot of weapon swaping.

I have to actually to go into this further because now that I'm thinking about it, what kind of setups are you doing as a "spellsword" Because, I'd assume most mages are running CC4 firebolt for the main big damage single target attack. If you're looking to do some combo setups, then it's icespear/thunder into blaze. The bolts on the other hand really don't setup for anything big, you'll mainly be using stuff like lightningbolt into charge>smash attack. I can't imagine you'd need a lightning wand for this.

Like, I totally understand that switching from melee to a wand to do charge into blaze means you won't be able to go back into melee, if you aren't well stocked in potions, mana crystals of course, but I'm having a hard time seeing the reason for why you'd switch back unless you're doing pvp. Magic is about picking the right element for the right situation. Firebolt cc4 is a great single target moider machine, icebolt makes for a great fusion tool, and lightning bolt has the highest hitstun making it the safest for setting up into other moves (mainly charge), but again if you're using lightning bolt you're probably not a straight up mage. Ice spear is great for that fast charge allowing for really easy party comboing off of it, as well as stalling high hp hard to kill bosses. It also sets up into blaze really well. Thunder is alright for aoe, but generally you probably just want to fireball if you've got the mana reserves.

I totally agree that magic has problems, it's lacking in options in terms of weapon choices like others skillsets have. If I need a cheap throwaway weapon, I have many choices to go through in the early game. Magic doesn't have that, and there is really no reason for that. No I'm not saying beginner weapons need to be a thing, because they don't. I'm saying weaker potential weapons with instead of cc4, cc3, higher focus on mana regen upgrades and shit like that. Or maybe a wand with charge speed upgrades meaning that focusing on fusion will be a bigger early game tactic or something. Look at fluted, wooden, and so on.

Anywho, I'm going on way too long.

I'm struggling to word why I feel that mp30s should be a thing, it really isn't going to change the late game, mp30s aren't going to be enough to full a mage in the mid game if they're relying on cc4 fb. Players will still want to go into potion making to fuel their evaporation, their mana shield, their advanced magics.
Especially if you're playing solo and not with a group, you're going to need your pots.

Holy shit, I've lost my train of thought. Oh yea, the adding of mp 30s will not really change the game too much negatively. While you could argue that mages need potion making just like archers need refine, in this version of the game archers can get away without touching a life skill at least for a little while especially since we have the passives, and I think that mages should have a bit more leniency as well in this regard. Don't get me wrong, as a mage you'd still have to be smart about your money to buy pots, but I can't imagine where mages won't just want to start doing potion making so that they eventually will have earned their way to be able to not have to worry about pots and evap.

Went on too long again, really need to just make my own thread.


I just did a quick look over the whole text wall, and I do agree, mages lack options, but regarding the weapon swaping and mages running with a CC fire wand, depends much of the player in question, I for once used Ice wand and went with magic fusion (My setup would be Composite shield+Ice Wand and a Two handed*Claymore*, or instead of the claymore if I wanted to go a bit more defencive on the Melee would be Composite+Sword/Mace/Axe) mind you, I used Fusion, a HECK lot when it came out, I do agree that CC firewand + shield is a good idea for a Spellsword but not everyone plays the same, and during this vesion of the game people really didn't care much for metas(at least not everyone did) and Fusion can still pack a punch dmg wise.
Bare in mind that I ranked Alchemy during that time to give me a bit of stat boost too, and I only changed to the Wand+Shield whenever was extremely needed to use magic.
Posted at 03-24-17, 03:58 am Link | #

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Tittle is a bit meh, but you guys will get the gits of it in a sec.

Ever got annoyed you couldn't use Glasses for example with a Hat? or the fact that earings(accessories) don't display on your character?
I did, and always wondered why Nexon implemented Items like Glasses and whatnot as headgear without giving us options to wear a hat with it, after a bit of thinking and a few stupid remarks on Discord Ato went like "Suggest it on the forums!" and got me thinking "why the fuck not?"
The Mabi pro Dev team proved me up until now that they can/are smarter then the official dev team of the game, so my suggestion is simple, Certain items like Glasses could keep their appearances, and changed to be the item type to accessories, giving us more Vanity options and increasing the accessory list a bit, this could be extended to the Horns the Incubus drop for example? idk just an idea.

For the Earings, Official currently got Earings that again, can be used on the Headslot, the models could be imported like it was done with the loved Soluna Blade(LoL, good one there) and have the same treatment?

Again this is just an idea, the current price for repairing of accessories could be tweaked too, and the Durability of the other items that wouldn't display increased a bit? I know accessories are supposed to be a gold sink due to how they were handed back on G1 to G14 but was something that always annoyed me a lot.

Again, just an idea, discuss it away guys!
Posted at 03-24-17, 05:05 am Link | #

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I think they were considering using accessory slot for Wings if they put them into the game, rather than robes. It'd be possible, but the thing is making it mesh correctly since the game only really recognizes one headgear at a time on the character.

But would be cool no?
Posted at 03-24-17, 06:06 am Link | #

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I'm brand new to the server, and so far, it's been great Just a couple of things I thought I might suggest to improve things even further...

I play on a 1920x1080 screen, and while the game doesn't have that resolution yet, which is totally fine, I find that going up to the current maximumresolution doesn't scale up the UI with the screen, leaving everything incredibly tiny and almost impossible to read without hefty eye straining, leaving me at 1024x720 or less, and massive black bars on my screen

So, those are my two suggestions... Perhaps adding a UI scaler, if at all possible, and getting around to higher resolutions when available and able.

Play on window mode, you can get 1920x1080 that way
and the scaling doesn't get borked.
Posted at 03-24-17, 12:16 pm Link | #

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It's specifically for a weapon that is just a reskinned Warhammer. Not every weapon deserves this treatment at all.

Imagine an upgraded Confetti bow, enchanted for damage, never uses arrows. Yeah, now imagine that as an ego weapon. Yeah it'd be too ridiculous. There are many more joke weapons that really don't need anything, but the fact that the weapon is so like a Warhammer, one would think it would have upgrades similar to one, as well as repairs.

You went a bit nuts with your example at a attempt to refute my idea. Obviously I was not talking about prop weapons. I was talking about real weapons that cannot be special upgraded and or egoed. For example, a war sword cannot be special upgraded. Which ruins diversity in weapons.

Anywho i'm sure the people running this server knows how it felt to be ignored by nexon. Hopefully they will be listening to all suggestiions equally and responding with their own concerns and feedback

mhm Special upgradable War Swords? Im in.
Posted at 03-25-17, 08:11 am Link | #

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Im not to sure on how much well this could be done, but things like crashshot frag count and damage that are in reforges used as normal upgrade paths giving more then just damage/crit based upgrading variousions that would make different weapons use different uses.
charge distance, skill based damage, skill aoe increases(WM and crash shot are 2 good examples of this), ice spear freeze time(i would like this one)
cooldown reductions for things like FH and such wouldnt be a good upgrade for the most part.
alot of these reforge upgrades were always good to have with the stupid exception that it was behind a pay wall that was purly RNG, actually making outright upgrades for the ones that were used a lot more and giving up upgrade slots like max damage upgrades to make one skill better seams like a trade off you would have to make to do something better

awww Lets not even consider anything close to the B.S crap that reforges were.
Posted at 03-25-17, 08:16 am Link | #

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First of all,
Thank you for making this private server! , I gave up hope after mabireborn...........

Please consider this suggestion:
#Run action & Sprint skill:
I dislike the slow running speed ALLOT (almost all the time) even with summoning mounts, speed buff from potions or Shylock's step (persona), etc...
I'd rather use this:
Run action: increase movement speed by: x%. drains stamina. action remains active until cancelled.
Sprint skill: huge x% increase in movement speed for an x duration (similar to running boost pet skill (black cotton ostrich)

Some other ideas I suggest:

#Teleport skill (This may be impossible, but mentioning it anyway)
Make "silent move" an available skill.
(In an RP of Generation 12, Morrighan has this skill,
She can use it to teport anywhere at a limited distance)
#Remove charge skill shield requirement for humans and elves.
# buff Reward chests in all dungeons:
-Drop bank notes for larger gold drops.
#Remove knuckle requirement for Tumble and/or for all fighter skills # Ap potions accessible one way or another.
# Holy water more available (Double for completing part time job.)

I hope this server will have good rates, and fixes (unnecessary) repulsive grinding.
Unnecessary like: windmill training among other skills, slow walking speed and long distance travelling moon gates/ sun gates down and stuff like that. having to wait a half hour... Its why i love the warp imps (pet) ALLOT.
secret shop is also one of those annoyances that is just unnecessary time consuming.
(Life does not allow us to waste time... unfortunately.)

This isn't official where everything needs too be easy and a click of a button "wins" the game.

This isn't WoW, so I seriously hope none of these suggestios are considered.
Posted at 03-26-17, 05:19 am Link | #

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I appreciate all the reply's.

@ Vladisomire

Yup, Frantic. This server was meant to be an extension of the older versions of Mabi. Not the breeze of a powerlvling madness live has become.

I Completely agree, I'm sure the majority of us here do.
however like Atoyume said:
Posted by "I don't want to play mabipro as if it were a part time job."[/quote

I got places to go and people to meet, most of use have over the years spend allot of time in mabinogi already, some grinds are not fun at all
and completely unnecessary and repulsive.
I'm sure there are other ways to balances the game (nerfs and buffs) for more competitiveness and challenging game play, the way we all want it,
custom dungeons and such.

@ Selzyr
Posted by This isn't WoW, so I seriously hope none of these suggestios are considered.[/quote

I have never played WoW, some of my friends love(d) it though.

I got places to go and people to meet, but I play a mmorpg to pass time whenever I have the time for it, if I do not have the time to invest on something, I do not do it.
I do agree that "Grinding" shouldn't be part of the game, I had my share on Ultima Online, and some skills could have some work (aka refining and some life skills like Blacksmithing/Carp/etc(Enchanting too)) but doesn't change the fact that this suggestion will tie with what we almost have on the Official, not cool, not fun, in fact would make the game in certain aspects feel like Official does.
Don't take me wrong, again, what is broken, needs fixing, what isn't broken, don't touch it, I do agree, again that certain "Skill Paths" need some work, Magic, Alchemy, heck even Archery on my point of view needs a touch or two, but before suggesting, think about everything, other players, how they feel about the mechanics your suggesting to change, how would affect not only you, but the overall aspect of the game, can give you one example:

Running faster, or the ability to do so, would make so people don't use pets as often, would make so you can breeze on certain dungeons making "farming" for money or hunting for materials faster, one would say, "that's good!" right?
No, Faster money and Faster materials creates Inflation, and there goes our normal market that we currently have with it.

I could come up with 1000 reasonings agaisnt this, another one could come with another 1000 that could make it work, comes from opinion and tastes.

I wasn't being Hostile nor Elitist for the record @lycoris, this isn't the Nexon forums, I don't find the need too here.
Posted at 03-28-17, 11:05 am Link | #

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Housing in general could be redone in a different way, and more customizable features, given, the dev team can do it and both the Client and server can support these kind of changes.
Posted at 03-28-17, 01:30 pm Link | #

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Posted by I got places to go and people to meet, but I play a mmorpg to pass time whenever I have the time for it, if I do not have the time to invest on something, I do not do it. I do agree that "Grinding" shouldn't be part of the game, I had my share on Ultima Online, and some skills could have some work (aka refining and some life skills like Blacksmithing/Carp/etc(Enchanting too)) but doesn't change the fact that this suggestion will tie with what we almost have on the Official, not cool, not fun, in fact would make the game in certain aspects feel like Official does. Don't take me wrong, again, what is broken, needs fixing, what isn't broken, don't touch it, I do agree, again that certain "Skill Paths" need some work, Magic, Alchemy, heck even Archery on my point of view needs a touch or two, but before suggesting, think about everything, other players, how they feel about the mechanics your suggesting to change, how would affect not only you, but the overall aspect of the game, can give you one example: Running faster, or the ability to do so, would make so people don't use pets as often, would make so you can breeze on certain dungeons making "farming" for money or hunting for materials faster, one would say, "that's good!" right? No, Faster money and Faster materials creates Inflation, and there goes our normal market that we currently have with it. I could come up with 1000 reasonings agaisnt this, another one could come with another 1000 that could make it work, comes from opinion and tastes.[/quote

@ Celzyr Thank you for your reply. I make these suggestions for everyone to read because i do want to know others opinions and views for further insight on how the idea's could affect the overall aspect of the game. i'm not here ordering a pizza online telling the pizza guy how to make the perfect pizza to my liking, without asking the likes and dislikes of others at the table with whom i share the pizza.
of course everyone one wants their own pizza... but we all share a slice of one pizza...

"would make people don't use pets as often, would make so you can breeze on certain dungeons making "farming"for money or hunting for materials faster"
"Faster money and Faster materials creates Inflation"

assuming walking is the standard because all mounts have 0 mins remaining, that could later change
when older players have more mounts to keep them from walking, the newer or less hardcore players however... do not.
Whether or not it has a noticeable impact on how fast money, items even exp are obtained
would then depend on the % amount of increased walking speed of the run skill/action (tittle or whatever)

base speed
human 100
Giant 115
elf 131
Thoroughbred 260
shire 188

Lets take for example +25% movement speed skill
human 100 130
Giant 115 135 (
elf 131 161 (could also be restricted to only humans and giants, giants are then the fastest runners some <3 for them for a change)

all still less than a shire with 188 movement speed.
If prevention of inflation is the main issue, then perhaps the cost for mounts should be increase based on the amount of pets you already
have and/or just increased in general, that would have a bigger impact on inflation prevention.

The +25% movement speed skill: (not stack able) (does not work while mounted) (Cannot be used in the midst of battle. The player must not have been fighting for 30 seconds in order to activate it.) (even perhaps a duration restriction though i would rather not)
or better mechanics.

Its Selzyr, not Celzyr, on top of that with how the Red Fomor Coin system is in place, and the fact that you can currently obtain any of the fast mounts and other pets in general(that do not have the shitty AOE system implemented by Nexon) only those that didn't farm a bit to obtain the pets would fall behind and be on the trouble of not having a mount after a playtime(and even so...I got only two mounts at the moment of this post and I never run out of time on any of them)
Mabinogi is about pace, not about speed, on my point of view any mechanic that tries to "make things go faster" be walking or combat, will be deemed unworthy of this game, simply because we had that b.s implemented on Official and you can see how it affect the already broken mechanic for combat there.
And when I meant inflation wasn't on the Red Fomor Coins, was in the general sence of normal drops of crafting materials.

"A good mmorpg isn't too easy that becomes boring and you quit after a time, a good mmorpg isn't to punishing (in general) that makes you rage quit."

Someone once told me this, when I was working on my own mmorpg project(that I still am btw) and that same person gave me a lot of advises in how NOT to fuck up like Nexon did, this mechanic on the current form, is a fuck up.
Posted at 03-30-17, 01:35 am Link | #

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I would really like that casting fix as well. I tried to do it myself but I dont know anything about animation moding

Noone is working on it already, give him time to finish it.
Posted at 04-01-17, 02:20 am Link | #

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I think rain was proven to increase passive dura loss at some point?

=P ur ur ur
Posted at 04-10-17, 01:36 pm Link | #

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Requiring 75% to vote yes on any given item creates a huge bias in favor of the "no" segment of the player base, whereas a simple majority vote would be far more representative of all players. As it stands, a large chunk of "yes" votes are basically invalidated. It would also help prevent the vote from being spoiled by the segment of players who vote in competitive interest or to drag down other players, as every vote would matter more strongly instead of being a threshold that can be defeated by 26%.

(Alternately, if by chance this was done as a way to focus development time only on the most desired things, it would be wonderful to consider returning to implement the lower priority 60-74 range items further down the road when the more highly requested suggestions have already been dealt with, or when they're very easy changes.)

Don't take me wrong, most of us aren't agaisnt change, and most of us that voted "no" in certain things on the content poll WANT good change, but again, GOOD change.

Regardless of what others might think, and again, Im basing this on my opinion, Wings is a good example of one of my "no" votes, why did I voted no on this some might ask? doesn't affect anyone right? its a visual item right?
True, it is, but look at official? currently(its becoming less of a trend now, but the stupid reasoning is still there) a player with Wings is a player with status, that knows the game.(this is to most of the dumbfucks that still play on official btw, not everyone thinks like this, Im aware of that.)
If that became the trend end, I would quit the next day, and again, this is an example, good or bad, this is the reasoning I followed to vote "no" on that particular part of the content pool, and yes yes Im aware that could not end like that here, that wings are just a vanity item, but its my point of view on the matter.
Posted at 04-10-17, 01:37 pm Link | #

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there's a casting fix on mabimods

I've been informed the one on mabimods can and will crash the client for mabi pro. I dunno why, nor have i tested it, but i have no reason to doubt it.
I've also heard that noone, think that was his name, was working on a version of it for this server.

i use it and dont crash

Yer one of the few lucky ones then.

The old casting motions been updated into the Client, Noone sent the files to Drahan/Flip? and it was implemented.
Posted at 04-10-17, 01:41 pm Link | #

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heavy armor with ping that elves can wear? i was always under the impression that was kind of broken on live?? elves never had ping before live mabi's dramatic descent into hell and still shouldn't in my opinion

if you're going to add heavy armor for elves, at least add dragonscale armor instead, which doesn't have ping and comes in both genders. adding just colossus armor (m only) is pretty lame if you ask me. equality or no heavy armor at all plz

While we plan to add the item, plans for distribution of the item is certainly unknown. The entire team has to suggest how should the item to be distributed, should we edit anything about it, or just not distribute it at all.

I honestly just picked it because the armor looks cool. But we are aware of the quality of balance and would like to keep it keen when it comes to that

I still stand that if "Light" and "Heavy" Armor comes to the game, comes as a form of a copy of Valencia/Dustin, craftable/dungeon drop and with decent stats so people can alternate more from the "End gear" objective of getting a Val or Dustin.

But then again, idk how hard would be for you to do this Flip.

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