Posted at 05-01-21, 09:35 am Link | #

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I was wondering if adding Likeability potions to Shyla would improve the game. I would add them for 50k each if only one is needed to make a NPC open their secret shop and 25,000 Gold each if more then one is needed for secret shop. I believe this would be a decent price and if people would like to save the gold they can always buy gold mushroom from players or farm on wensdays real life time. Also encourages people to farm/trade/sell.Thanks for your time.

post rev. 5 by MikeHero on 05-01-21, 09:48 am
Posted at 05-01-21, 09:35 am Link | #

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I was wondering if adding Likeability potions to Shyla could be viable. I would add them for 50k each if only one is needed to make a NPC open their secret shop and 25,000 Gold each if more then one is needed for secret shop. I believe this would be a decent price and if people would like to save the gold they can always buy gold mushroom from players or farm on Wednesday's real life time. Also encourages people to farm/trade/sell.Thanks for your time. Add gold mushroom material to make a likeability potion if likeability potion not tradeable thanks.

Reason: I was trying to level my composing. And got stuck at Nele's shop I gave him around 20 candles as gifts between 2hours real life time and still couldn't get his secret shop to open, then went on a mushroom hunt for a hour and couldn't find a single gold mushroom because they only spawn Wensdays real-life time then I cried and played gentle symphonies near Nele for an hour and he ended up hating me, not for giving him enough candles to burn down a house but for playing like shit.uwu

Maybe have gold mushroom drop everyday?
Maybe have gold mushroom drop in a dungeon?

Posted at 05-17-21, 07:18 am Link | #

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I think if its possible it would be worth doing. No reason for me to have to sit at a weaving station or carpentry table for 10+ hours because thats how live was or the pro veterans had to do it this way. I believe this should be controversal at first like the merchant talent that people had a problem with but it didn't cause any problems and only helped with quality of life for us. I don't want gathering sped up just crafting. Because I feel like if I have the material to craft im not doing much that day other then crafting which is really boring and time consuming.

Things that should be sped up:
-Potion making
Using holy water
Enchanting items
Posted at 05-20-21, 10:19 am Link | #

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Thank you turning off auto-production was a big help.

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