Posted at 03-24-17, 07:01 pm Link | #

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I Started Playing mabinogi during beta of eu server, reached lvl 1000 on that last day before it went down...
also played mabireborn private server, too bad it went down...
currentl inactive on Us mari server as ign Artheus.

I hope server rates will be high on this server, unfortunately i just don't have the time to grind all day anymore... #life just wont allow it :-(
post rev. 14 by Franticgrin on 03-27-17, 08:39 am
Posted at 03-24-17, 10:42 pm Link | #

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First of all,
Thank you for making this private server! , I gave up hope for a private server after mabireborn...........

Please consider this suggestion:
#Run action & Sprint skill:
I dislike the slow running speed ALLOT (almost all the time) even with summoning mounts i'd rather use a skill or action.

Run action: increase movement speed by: x%. drains stamina. action remains active until cancelled.
Sprint skill: huge x% increase in movement speed for an x duration (similar to running boost pet skill (black cotton ostrich)
(does not stack.)

For the record, a Sprint skill and a Teleport skill are both possible, however it would take an exponentially large amount of work compared to most things we do.

speed potion alternative 1 :
modify "Speed Walk Potion 40% (15 secs) (Event)" & Speed Walk Potion 60% (10 min)
-change duration value to x seconds.
-change % value (25%)
- not lose the item after use.

Mod or custom title (alternative 2):
There is "the Busy" Tittle " "Movement Speed +1%, Gathering Speed +3%, Max SP +10"
-modify the % value
- create new custom title's example 1: "The marathon runner": +60% walking speed when no weapons equipped and out
of combat for x seconds. (does not stack) (does not work with commerce)
example 2: "Speed walker" Movement speed +25% (does not stack) (out of combat for x seconds)

walking speed test:
update 3 :
base speed
human 100
Giant 115
elf 131
Thoroughbred 260
shire 188

example: +25% movement speed skill/action
human 100 130
Giant 115 135 (
elf 131 161 (could also be restricted to only humans and giants, giants are then the fastest runners some <3 for them for a change)

its all still less than a shire with 188 movement speed.
If prevention of inflation is the main issue, then perhaps the cost for mounts should be increased based on the amount of pets you already
have and/or just increased in general, that would have a bigger impact on inflation prevention.

+25% movement speed skill/action or title: (not stack able) (does not work while mounted) (Cannot be used in the midst of battle. The player must not have been fighting for 30 seconds in order to activate it.) (even perhaps a duration restriction though i would rather not)

(updated: I suggest Ideas they are unrefined i know that, don't be offended...any idea would need allot of thought and community input to make it viable, balanced, not game breaking before it could ever be implemented, that's why i post these ideas/suggestions, i'm not here ordering a pizza online, telling the pizza guy how to make the perfect pizza to my liking, not asking how others at the table would like to have the pizza... while we are all sharing a slice... )

I do NOT want this server to become OP madness like the live version is,
Rather nerfed where possible to increase game play difficulty and buffed where possible (not game breaking)
to make things more balanced and interesting and less nexon like...
I like mabinogi the way you need party members to clear missions/dungeons etc...
the challenging stuff.

Some other ideas I suggest:

#Teleport skill (This may be impossible, but mentioning it anyway)
Make "silent move" an available skill.
(In an RP of Generation 12, Morrighan has this skill,
She can use it to teport anywhere at a limited distance)
(update: perhaps only usable while in demigod transformation)
post rev. 1 by Franticgrin on 03-25-17, 01:49 pm
Posted at 03-25-17, 01:34 pm Link | #

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I appreciate all the reply's.

@ Vladisomire

Yup, Frantic. This server was meant to be an extension of the older versions of Mabi. Not the breeze of a powerlvling madness live has become.

I Completely agree, I'm sure the majority of us here do.
however like Atoyume said:
Posted by "I don't want to play mabipro as if it were a part time job."[/quote

I got places to go and people to meet, most of use have over the years spend allot of time in mabinogi already, some grinds are not fun at all
and completely unnecessary and repulsive.
I'm sure there are other ways to balances the game (nerfs and buffs) for more competitiveness and challenging game play, the way we all want it,
custom dungeons and such.

@ Selzyr
Posted by This isn't WoW, so I seriously hope none of these suggestios are considered.[/quote

I have never played WoW, some of my friends love(d) it though.
Posted at 03-25-17, 04:11 pm Link | #

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For the record, a Sprint skill and a Teleport skill are both possible, however it would take an exponentially large amount of work compared to most things we do.

That's understandable...

Would this be possible /less work?
modify "Speed Walk Potion 40% (15 secs) (Event)" & Speed Walk Potion 60% (10 min)
-change duration value
-change % value
- or, not lose the item after use.

Mod or custom title:
There is "the Busy" Tittle " "Movement Speed +1%, Gathering Speed +3%, Max SP +10"
-modify the % value
- create new custom title's example 1: "The marathon runner": +60% walking speed when no weapons equipped and out
of combat for x seconds. (does not stack) (does not work with commerce)
example 2: "Speed walker" Movement speed +25% (does not stack) (out of combat for x seconds)
post rev. 1 by Franticgrin on 03-26-17, 01:52 pm
Posted at 03-26-17, 01:50 pm Link | #

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Posted by I got places to go and people to meet, but I play a mmorpg to pass time whenever I have the time for it, if I do not have the time to invest on something, I do not do it. I do agree that "Grinding" shouldn't be part of the game, I had my share on Ultima Online, and some skills could have some work (aka refining and some life skills like Blacksmithing/Carp/etc(Enchanting too)) but doesn't change the fact that this suggestion will tie with what we almost have on the Official, not cool, not fun, in fact would make the game in certain aspects feel like Official does. Don't take me wrong, again, what is broken, needs fixing, what isn't broken, don't touch it, I do agree, again that certain "Skill Paths" need some work, Magic, Alchemy, heck even Archery on my point of view needs a touch or two, but before suggesting, think about everything, other players, how they feel about the mechanics your suggesting to change, how would affect not only you, but the overall aspect of the game, can give you one example: Running faster, or the ability to do so, would make so people don't use pets as often, would make so you can breeze on certain dungeons making "farming" for money or hunting for materials faster, one would say, "that's good!" right? No, Faster money and Faster materials creates Inflation, and there goes our normal market that we currently have with it. I could come up with 1000 reasonings agaisnt this, another one could come with another 1000 that could make it work, comes from opinion and tastes.[/quote

@ Celzyr Thank you for your reply. I make these suggestions for everyone to read because i do want to know others opinions and views for further insight on how the idea's could affect the overall aspect of the game. i'm not here ordering a pizza online telling the pizza guy how to make the perfect pizza to my liking, without asking the likes and dislikes of others at the table with whom i share the pizza.
of course everyone one wants their own pizza... but we all share a slice of one pizza...

"would make people don't use pets as often, would make so you can breeze on certain dungeons making "farming"for money or hunting for materials faster"
"Faster money and Faster materials creates Inflation"

assuming walking is the standard because all mounts have 0 mins remaining, that could later change
when older players have more mounts to keep them from walking, the newer or less hardcore players however... do not.
Whether or not it has a noticeable impact on how fast money, items even exp are obtained
would then depend on the % amount of increased walking speed of the run skill/action (tittle or whatever)

base speed
human 100
Giant 115
elf 131
Thoroughbred 260
shire 188

Lets take for example +25% movement speed skill
human 100 130
Giant 115 135 (
elf 131 161 (could also be restricted to only humans and giants, giants are then the fastest runners some <3 for them for a change)

all still less than a shire with 188 movement speed.
If prevention of inflation is the main issue, then perhaps the cost for mounts should be increase based on the amount of pets you already
have and/or just increased in general, that would have a bigger impact on inflation prevention.

The +25% movement speed skill: (not stack able) (does not work while mounted) (Cannot be used in the midst of battle. The player must not have been fighting for 30 seconds in order to activate it.) (even perhaps a duration restriction though i would rather not)
or better mechanics.
post rev. 6 by Franticgrin on 03-27-17, 09:49 am
Posted at 03-27-17, 09:35 am Link | #

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Simple small changes, go! Long complicated ones later!


I would love to have fighter skills able to usable bare handed (with damage nerf), would also be cool if tumble was usable with any weapon.

Wands and staves:

Having custom or modified wands/stave would be nice, but let them require a title to equip and use and also have damage nerf for balance.
"the advanced master mage" title: allows the use of master mage wand,
large x amount of int/ magic damage reduction.

"the elite master mage" title: allows the use of party healing without wand or stave,
allows the use of chain casting bolt magic without wand or stave, but effect is negated when equipping a stave or wand.
large x amount of int/ magic damage reduction,
allows the use of master mage stave and master mage wand

master mage wand : has all elemental qualities provides range boost for all elements but large damage reduction compared to other wands
requires "the advanced master mage" title to equip and use ,
(upgrade path 1: allows chain casting for bolts but removes fusion bolts with damage reduction)
(upgrade path 2: allows chain casting for all and only advanced magic but has additional huge x amount of damage reduction)
(separate paths cant have all 3 only 1 of them)

master mage stave: has all elemental qualities does not need elemental charging for advanced magic,
allows casting of blaze, party healing, Elven Magic Missile.
requires "the elite master mage" title to equip and use
large damage reduction compared to other staves
(upgrade path 1 provides range boost)
(upgrade path 2: allows chiancasting for bolts but removes fusion bolts, has additional magic damage reduction)
(upgrade path 3: allows chain casting of all and only advanced magic but has additional huge x amount of damage reduction)
(separate paths cant have all 3 only 1 of them)

Rebirth and pets:

I agree, would also be nice if we could change appearance of character at any time without having to rebirth.
Posted at 03-27-17, 07:40 pm Link | #

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As far as the master wands/staves go: one of the key features about Mabinogi is player choice, and I'd find it problematic to force high level players to all use the same wand or staff and especially title, the same way I find it problematic that staves are currently so inaccessible in the first place and many wands are unavailable as well.

I do think "CAN equip x title" is a good condition, rather than "IS equipped with x title" though!

What different variations of staff/wands do you have in mind? or more related to looks of staff/wands?

being able to use all magic skills (even chain casting bolts or adv magic at your disposal) without having to
change wands/staves all the time would be fun.
But I do stress "magic damage reduction" and/or "pure mage play" (mainly magic as your role),other requirment's to do away with Opness
the titles mentioned could help or perhaps something else... something even better.
Posted at 03-28-17, 04:22 pm Link | #

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Its Selzyr, not Celzyr, on top of that with how the Red Fomor Coin system is in place, and the fact that you can currently obtain any of the fast mounts and other pets in general(that do not have the shitty AOE system implemented by Nexon) only those that didn't farm a bit to obtain the pets would fall behind and be on the trouble of not having a mount after a playtime(and even so...I got only two mounts at the moment of this post and I never run out of time on any of them)
Mabinogi is about pace, not about speed, on my point of view any mechanic that tries to "make things go faster" be walking or combat, will be deemed unworthy of this game, simply because we had that b.s implemented on Official and you can see how it affect the already broken mechanic for combat there.
And when I meant inflation wasn't on the Red Fomor Coins, was in the general sence of normal drops of crafting materials.

"A good mmorpg isn't too easy that becomes boring and you quit after a time, a good mmorpg isn't to punishing (in general) that makes you rage quit."

Someone once told me this, when I was working on my own mmorpg project(that I still am btw) and that same person gave me a lot of advises in how NOT to fuck up like Nexon did, this mechanic on the current form, is a fuck up.

Selzyr, I clearly meant inflation all in general, not just red fomor coins.

Reducing summon time of mounts & increase cost of mounts to create a
slower pace
in general (inflation prevention) even with the 25% faster walking skill then there would be no speed up.
To me, the walk speed skill is not for a "speed up game experience"... but: not having to [summon > ride mount > un-summon > repeat] all the time.

Your point of view: "its a **** up, deemed unworthy to this game"
then perhaps my opinion is too flawed..., i'm not a game developer.
Or perhaps I just have poor taste....
Posted at 12-12-18, 04:53 pm Link | #

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I have a fasionogi request:
drab ceremonial robe
belmont hat
Posted at 12-12-18, 09:08 pm Link | #

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For Falcon Quest, I'm Gathering Th glowing Parts,
If Anyone Wants to tag along.

And For Final Run, IF Anyone Wants To Participate.
Posted at 12-12-18, 09:08 pm Link | #

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Ign Franticgrin
Posted at 01-15-19, 05:08 pm Link | #

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The minimum damage is atrocious on my warhammer and iron mace. I was told that giants were the best melee class, and I'm starting to doubt that. They feel garbage TBQH compared to a human. Are they a meme race or is there a way to get past the fact that I can do 100 damage, then suddenly do 6 damage. The extra damage on my blunt weapons max does not compensate doing below 10 damage. Feels like a joke

Edit: I started noticing the low damage when I went against enemies with higher defense. At first I thought giants were fine until I went against real content.

Always bow down going in and out of rooms not to bump your head.
regarding mounts, don't jump on them, or they won't let your ride next time, * Mount runs franticly away when you summon.
Posted at 04-01-19, 02:08 pm Link | #

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So i bought this rope for 100K And it can't be repaired...
any fixes or solution?
"glow in the dark muffler robe luminous muffler robe"
Posted at 04-12-19, 11:03 am Link | #

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I belief this is disabled at the moment, id like to have a second on my account.
Posted at 01-02-22, 10:45 am Link | #

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Hi, im returning to mabipro, iv played for a few months a few years back but then i quit.
so is the server still alive?
add me on discord arteus#5477
ign: Grin (human), Franticgrin (elf), Grinn (Giant)(new main)
Posted at 01-02-22, 11:39 am Link | #

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Client Rightclick menu isnt working...?

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