post rev. 12 by snailmail26 on 10-03-21, 11:58 pm
Posted at 09-28-21, 10:09 pm Link | #

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Joined: 05-06-21
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Link at bottom, this is a assist timer to help with the prediction of orb rooms. its a stand alone timer, and does not enter any input in the game, and dosn't even need to be on the same device as the game, so I think its safe from TOS concerns.

This program needs astralworld patch to function properly

go solo in a dungeon, set your render distance to 5000 in astral (required, else orb rooms spawn unpredictably, and locks in the orb state weirdly)
start the program the instant you enter a floor, for every floor.

when approaching a new room hit save, and run to the exit door before it hits a 10 second interval. Optimally you want to enter a room with at least 3 seconds b4 the next 10 second interval.

the saved pattern will match up to 3 adjacent orb rooms (after many tests its 2-3 rooms spawn if they are directly side by side, its up to server lag too though, so can have some oddities at times) if u made it to the door in time.

in the first orb room, take note of what orb opened the door, oriented to the locked door, the locked door is always up (not 100% on this, but it seems to be the case....might possibly be nsew oriented, not enough tests run yet).

look at your saved grid to the right, pick the color button that corresponds to that position (t for teal, g for green b for blue o for orange)
if you accidently hit the wrong 1 hit undo, and spam it till all the colors return to normal (this is a early version, not all bugs are worked out...its stubborn)

Your grid will be replaced by a red square and 3 grey squares, red will open the door.
one cavieat, if there are 2 adjecent rooms to the one you are in, they will all have the same open point, oriented to their door as the first one.

all subsuquent orb rooms will follow the new pattern, make sure to approach each new room with plenty of time to spare and save the new pattern.

it will apply to adjacent rooms as always as well.

THIS WILL NOT WORK WITH A GROUP UNLESS: they all set their view range to 5000, let you enter the floors first and nobody runs ahead of you, and they let you handle the orbs yourself.

Takes time to get used to using this, but once you do, its fkin magic.
wrote this in python while tryin to farm corundums out of karu.
will update as needed, just open the folders and run program.exe

Quick rundown of how orbs work to understand how/why this works. Every floor starts a timer, every 10 seconds the door opening orb moves clockwise. All orbs are in the same position at all times in the dungeon orientated to the locked door the orb will open. However once a orb room spawns by being in visual range of it (visual range can go around corners), the orb stops shifting and is static. Hence the need for the save function. the main timer only applies to orb rooms not yet spawned. meaning if you spawned 2 orb rooms at the same time, and back left opened the first room, back left or front left will open the door...meaning both right hand orbs are safe, and the 3rd orb is a coin toss unless you are sure they both spawned together.

any questions, mail or note me: ign snailz
changed how I compiled it, smaller, cleaner, and added the py script as well. Sorry, was away for 2 days, didn't get back to this post, apologise, first time uploading anything i wrote, didn't know the ediquite :/

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