post rev. 1 by zerokuroba on 12-18-17, 09:47 am
Posted at 12-18-17, 09:46 am Link | #

Posts: 1
Joined: 04-12-17
Last post: 2644 days
Last view: 2643 days
Heya, I'm Zero! I went and got Mabipro earlier in the year because I wanted to try out Mabi but didn't really like Nexon's whole 'play till you're blind otherwise buy NX' thing so I went around digging for a private server and found this but never really started playing till now. I'm a casual player for now but also really new to this thing so sorry if I don't reply (still tryna work out hotkeys and everything).

Otherwise hope to run into some of you in game (my ign and username are the same).

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