Posted at 04-17-17, 08:10 pm Link | #

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pretty sure archery's on the bottom of the heap. even the slightest server/client mismatch on the percieved location of either you or a monster will cause your shot to miss 100% of the time. If anyone suffers from packetloss they're going to miss a lot more often than they should be. Being able to miss even at 100% makes Archery the bottom of the heap.
post rev. 2 by sergalbait on 04-19-17, 06:14 am
Posted at 04-19-17, 06:13 am Link | #

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Waltz. Your opinion on the cost is rather funny, since you seem to think grinding on foxes for four hours is a good source of income.


Also, you have literally no reason to need a wand as a beginner.
Posted at 04-19-17, 11:43 pm Link | #

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Also. We don't give, any shits. about how you play. Period

What we care about is people who don't know anything spreading misinformation as if it was a cold hard fact.
Posted at 04-19-17, 11:46 pm Link | #

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Lycoris. Maybe you should look at the name of the server. And at the tagline for the server.
This server literally exists for exactly what you're saying people didn't come here for.
They don't want the hardcore original experience? they shouldn't _be_ here.
If they want easy mode, they should go to live. They have a choice. The choice exists.

People don't like being told that they are free to go, but, they are. We're not holding them here against their will. I know I'm going to get a lot of flack for stating it bluntly, but there it is.
Posted at 04-21-17, 01:36 am Link | #

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its not that I'm pushing for uberhardcore or anything. I just don't believe that the way to balance something is to just blanket-remove it. We've seen what nexon's attempts with things were, and how horribly it backfired. Why would we repeat the same mistake? Including other ways to alleviate mana evaporation would be fine. Removing it outright is..just a silly knee-jerk reaction.

Making the mana evaporation stones more useful is a very good idea.
Urudezu's suggestion of the palala spellbook was great too.
Removing it outright? not a great idea.
Posted at 04-21-17, 06:00 pm Link | #

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Okay so..I'm not going to touch any of the other points, but...

Icebolt is for utility.
lightningbolt is the bread and butter damage of a mage
firebolt is the largedamage+knockback for a mage.

This is not addressing the damage or balance, etc. Just..I wouldn't use icebolt for your comparison, as damage really isn't the 'goal' of icebolt. Its usage comes from being able to have five projectiles loaded up to quickly stun enemies/force them to behave certain ways.

I'm not trying to start any kind of argument over anything here, just.. you might want to use lightningbolt in your examples.
Posted at 04-23-17, 05:06 am Link | #

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10000000% this.
I support this.

This is how you suggest balance fixes.
Posted at 04-29-17, 02:13 am Link | #

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if its incredibly stupid and you're aware. Why are you wasting anyone's time in the first place..?
Posted at 05-28-17, 01:58 am Link | #

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even if homestead was possible, that would be a great way to ruin the game.
Remove the effort of getting things, yeah. Great idea.
Posted at 05-28-17, 02:02 am Link | #

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wheat and barley at *least*. Wood got increased.

The others would be nice too, but wheat and barley need love
Posted at 05-28-17, 02:05 am Link | #

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But flippy, if I became a GM to marry you, I wouldn't be allowed to sass people anymore.
Posted at 05-29-17, 09:34 am Link | #

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I disagree with you, but I don't violently disagree with you.

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