Posted at 05-03-17, 08:07 pm Link | #

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The thin enchantment, does it drop in all the pot belly-spider part dungeons or only a specific part?
post rev. 3 by Excelsian on 06-23-17, 03:36 pm
Posted at 06-23-17, 03:29 pm Link | #

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So the reason why I'm making this thread is because of the current event that hands us Francisca patterns. The title of the post refers to gacha as well, as far as I know this hasn't really happened before with gacha (besides the wing bow I heard of that got removed), but my reasoning applies to both items from events and gacha, existing currently and potentially being added in the future.

Isn't it kind of disappointing to see such a rare and wanted item appear so frequently from an event or gacha? In this case I'm talking of the francisca from the event(but all the reasoning applies to future items added as well through gacha/events). Yes, you don't get the item immediately, and the pattern is very high rank. However, the pattern appears way too frequently, and the items required are too easy, making it able to just spam craft it until you reach a 100% even when your blacksmithing rank is nowhere near the rank of the pattern. Now, I'm not too knowledgeable on the topic of what items were present in the mabi version of the game our server is based on that were excluded from the american/EU version. But, in my opinion being able to get an item like the francisca which is supposedly one of the strongest single handed axes humans have available to them and only obtainable through the harder content through a simple event and just spamming some materials at it, kinda devalues doing the harder content through which you normally would get the item.

I understand it might be nice to have alternative ways to get certain items, and that it is nice that manuals are introduced for these rare items to make crating more appealing. But, can't those manuals be made available perhaps through the harder content I mentioned earlier? What I mean by that is not necessarily the same dungeons/missions etc. as that the item is normally available through, but perhaps different missions or different means all together, to make other content more appealing as well, instead of drastically reducing value of existing content (like actually trying to do peaca int or adv TMs for a drop) by making it available through such easy means.

Or, make the crafting of it way more difficult than it currently is, which preserve value in actually running content to try to get it through other means (compared to the easy one we have now, which is just get a load of ingots and you are golden)
Posted at 06-24-17, 12:06 pm Link | #

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Even with TM's, their drop chance wasn't all too great, making it something that was not easy to get. I personally don't remember much people running around with them even after the g13 release from the server I came from (where PvP was a hot thing unlike this server, meaning that there were people interested in actually getting the best human single handed weapon).

Also, if they are going to introduce items that will make the items we currently have weaker compared to them, make our current items easier to get after we have these new items. I agree that 'IF' we get newer items that are stronger in the harder content, that the stuff in there right now can be replaced with those items. But we don't have guarantees for that, and for now the francisca is best, and it just seems better to me to make the francisca easier available after we get the newer, supposedly stronger stuff.

Also, bipennis strong? Personally I barely know anything about fighting with 1 handed weapon (that is not dual wielding), but if I look at 2011/2010, bipennis can get upgrades to either get lots of crit and NO damage, or some damage (62 max which is garbage) at the cost of its crit, 7% left over(which is pretty essential for anything you don't windmill with, and if you want to windmill, you don't use a single handed weapon I would assume). This while the francisca can get 89 max damage with 32% crit. To me , bipennis seems to be worse than just using your regular dualwield sword like a broadsword or a battlesword
Posted at 06-25-17, 03:20 pm Link | #

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I personally didn't care much for the axe, more about the fact that it was something that could be a reward through doing a hard dungeon and that other people would perhaps want, which is now not the case anymore. I made a post about this event not because i wanted this particular axe to remain rare, but to keep harder content relevant.

Personally I'd like to see these kind of items added through other content, in turn making those more relevant. The rarer items (like if you were ever planning on releasing Targe shield manuals for example) could be added through other hard content (elite missions, HM adv dungeons, stuff like that), making those more relevant in turn as well and gives more permanent options to items that people would like to be able to obtain the item, at the moment of release and future.
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 07-07-17, 01:57 am
Posted at 07-07-17, 01:22 am Link | #

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So recently there was a discussion about these pets (again), and personally I had an idea that might please the people that want them and restrict the possible damage they do on game play so that people that were against them might appreciate them more.

So, downsides of them that I have heard of people so far is:

- The effects, ranging from sleep effect, stationary stun, knockback, healing, all make combat too easy if you can just spam them for their effects
- The damage they do (the ones that deal damage) can be used to just kill everything if you chain summon them while you are just hiding/playing dead
- P2W (this is true for live servers, here they would (i assume) not be sold for money, rather obtainable)

Upsides I have heard:
- We lack people, when you eventually want to do stuff, its nice to have a back up atleast (rather than nothing)
- More options available
- They look swag (although this can be achieved by just removing the effect and still introducing the pets)

So to tackle the first solution is to just restrict how many you can get. In my opinion, just give everyone just 1 pet. Not one of every kind of effect, just one pet, with the simplest effect, either knockback on summon or stationary hitstun and not any of the sleeping stuff, or debuffing stuff (although which effect would be introduced and how many allowed is up for debate).

To tackle the second solution, once again, limit the amount. But besides that, don't introduce any pet that deals more than 10 damage. Combining the fact that you couldn't summon multiple in a row, and that they would deal only 10 damage (and lets be real, no1 is going to get 60 pets so they can do 10dmg/s while playing dead), would make it so you can't just do any dungeon without putting actual effort into it.

The P2W issue... just don't make them cost money (which is already true for everything in our mabi private server).

What are the thoughts on this solution? Would people be fine if you can only get 1 (or more, but a small restricted amount)? Can anyone give any constructive arguments against having just one pet? Personally all I want is to not have the problem that you can just a. deal tons of damage through merely summoning a pet and b. being able to just suppress everything all the time by just using knockback, stun or sleep pet. So introducing them like I mentioned seems like a fair solution to tackle those problems.

Another important note, is that something like this would probably be polled. I've heard that this has been polled before (when I didn't play yet), but I think that if the poll were to specify that there are these constraints I've mentioned before (or a reasonable variation of it), the results might be different from the previous poll.
post rev. 3 by Excelsian on 07-07-17, 02:20 am
Posted at 07-07-17, 02:17 am Link | #

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Implement them without the AoE effect, works for me.

Other then that, no.

And why does this not work, as far as I'm concerned I've dealt with the issues most people had through this solution, including the ones you mentioned on global.

Implement them without the AoE effect, works for me.

Other then that, no.

Reflects my thoughts accurately

And your thoughts are ''I just don't want this, just because''?

Like I've said before, I have my reservations with introducing them as well, but under these conditions I don't think they will do the harm that they did in live, which people are afraid of. What other problems would there be to introducing more stuff into the mabinogi we play?

It feels like people get PTSD whenever something is mentioned about stuff regarding content that ruined mabinogi live, without considering possible solutions to fixing it. Instead, it just gets shut down immediately.
post rev. 2 by Excelsian on 07-07-17, 02:29 am
Posted at 07-07-17, 02:26 am Link | #

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Can anyone give any constructive arguments against having just one pet?

I don't see any being posted thus far apart from "just no". Elaboration please? Discussion please?

To put it simple, some of the pets look really cool, I would go for two flame horses for example, Provided they wouldn't have the AoE.

If they had the AoE restricting to just 1 pet of each type wouldn't work either, even if anyone can obtain it, Multiple type of Different AoE pets, voila, problem solved.
The pets in my point of view should have never been given AoE on summon, people rely to much on them and focus less on learning how to play the game(and those that know how to play, get lazy)
Not saying everyone is like this, just my two cents, and I find AoE pets OP in general.

Implement them without AoE, or not at all.

(Because I know well what will happen to me if they do get implemented with AoE)

About the obtaining multiple pets:

So to tackle the first solution is to just restrict how many you can get. In my opinion, just give everyone just 1 pet. Not one of every kind of effect, just one pet, with the simplest effect, either knockback on summon or stationary hitstun and not any of the sleeping stuff, or debuffing stuff (although which effect would be introduced and how many allowed is up for debate).

And about the ''relying on it in combat'', you can't just rely on a 60 second cooldown effect to carry you through everything. Yes, you can if you have a large amount of them since you can summon multiple, but not if there is just one.
post rev. 3 by Excelsian on 07-07-17, 03:15 am
Posted at 07-07-17, 03:07 am Link | #

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Can't believe some of these comments come from people of my guild (Brotherhood). What a shame.

I'm sorry, but I would feel more ashamed that the people running my guild can't bring a constructive argument against my case. Lazyfae's last comment was a good argument, you can still get the problem of the ''many summons'' by having a big party that can summon a bigger amount of them. One of you two could have made that argument, instead of Selzyr missing the part in my post where I clearly give a solution to the problem of being able to get multiple pets, and you who just flat out come in here to insult us while we are trying to get a discussion going. I am not saying ''DO THIS RIGHT NOW I WANT THIS'', I've mentioned I have my own reservations with the whole thing. However, I also think these kind of things should be able to be discussed without others being like ''man, I hate you now for not agreeing with me''. I can understand if I got hate from others if I brought poor reasons or bad arguments to the table, but that would also mean people should be able to quickly argue that my standpoint is completely wrong, instead of giving responses that imply (or flatout say) ''you are talking nonsense''.

As for Lazyfae his response, yes, you make a good argument, introducing them even under a limit might bring some of the problems of spam summoning them if you have a big party. However, I still don't think that just having a big number of people that can each bring one copy of the pet, makes them suddenly able to act like gods in every dungeon like people can do in live (on their own even). Besides that, I can't think of any counter argument against what you said, and it is a reasonable argument to not want them at all.

The only solution I could think of is
a. party wide cooldown after a certain number of summons of them (impossible to implement)
b. making enemies resist the effect after multiple instances of the effect being applied to them (also impossible to implement I think)
post rev. 4 by Excelsian on 07-07-17, 03:46 am
Posted at 07-07-17, 03:40 am Link | #

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I would also like to point out, if you've ever done cqc while with people who have aoe pets, they will get you killed. 1 can honestly be worse than 10, because there won't be the stun lock, but it will either change the stun times or just interrupt your combo. Not a good thing at cqc, especially since fire horse knockback has a much shorter stun time on knockback, than say wm with a slow weapon. I could ramble about different scenarios, but i think that will suffice on that for now.

This is true, although then it also starts to come down to the individual players their skills. You can get killed by your teammates in other ways as well if you don't work well together, simply through them attacking your monster at the wrong time, either unintentionally with a windmill or other forms of aoe (spells, CS), or actively through shooting ranged attacks, magic or just melee attacks, sending their to distract a monster you were fighting without them knowing it and not desummoning it, etc. The AoE pet becomes another function in the game that can be used. Whether the usage is beneficial or not will depend on player skill. Whether or not you agree with this additional function being added is of course personal opinion, on which people can form their own opinion.

Speaking on constructive, it would be best not to hound people who don't have anything valuable to contribute. You'll stray from the topic you wish to promote.

Yeah, I admit I reacted inappropriately at the start, it was just very disheartening after thinking about a proper solution to get people that just say ''no'' and it was a bit annoying instead of getting a discussion going.
post rev. 2 by Excelsian on 07-07-17, 06:07 pm
Posted at 07-07-17, 06:03 pm Link | #

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Content can be cleared without Smash or Counter too, sure, it'd take a bit longer but you can just get by with windmilling instead (and windmill can be used to replace counter in a variety of ways, in case someone actually wants to use counter). It doesn't mean we should remove either of them since that would limit the options available, and neither does it mean we can't add additional things as long as they are restricted so they don't take over the game to a point where they are what defines how combat goes (which one could say windmill already does to a pretty big extent for melee combat).

I think this could serve as an additional tool to help in combat. If it is restricted I personally don't think it will define combat like it does in live, making it a fine addition. I think at this point it is down to personal opinion and whether people want more options in combat at all, and if so, what kind of options (that can actually be implemented).
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 07-10-17, 08:25 pm
Posted at 07-10-17, 08:25 pm Link | #

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Problem with dungeons is that there is only 1 person that gets the good reward, making it way more valuable if you need something from a certain dungeon. There is a pool of items from which 1 treasure chest has 1 of, usually certain items/ESes, and only 1 person gets a reward from that pool of items. If dungeons could be changed that there is always guaranteed 1 person that gets it, and the other chests have a decent chance to have an item from that pool as well, there will be more reason to actually run dungeons with more people, promoting party play.

Personally, if I run dungeons, I usually need stuff from it and just solo it since bringing more people just reduces the chance of me getting it, meaning I have to run the dungeon even more.
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 07-10-17, 10:54 pm
Posted at 07-10-17, 10:53 pm Link | #

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Yeah, but if we get exploration statues, spamming cor exploration for hours to get your lvl 20-25 explo each 2 weeks is basically dead (yay, doing mindless things for multiple hours is gone), which some people might want to keep since it atleast promotes people to spend more hours doing stuff IG every 2 weeks rather than AFK since they feel like doing more stuff is useless. Also, I'd guess that the people that actually spend a good amount of time to get to 25 as opposed to the people that spend less time to get to just 20 wouldn't like it since those people that spend a lot of time to get to 25 would get less ahead since every1 reaches 25.

Personally I wouldn't mind the statues since exploration is braindead leveling in my opinion. Besides the statues, I would love the summoning of fieldbosses facilitated in some way.
post rev. 2 by Excelsian on 07-10-17, 11:14 pm
Posted at 07-10-17, 11:10 pm Link | #

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Enchants for a dungeon work on a similar principal actually. If the dungeon can have an enchant, which i think all do, then it's guaranteed to drop from one end chest, regardless of players. Or at least an enchanted equip.

The enchanted equipment/enchants are usually in the same itempool, which I mentioned earlier, which is only present in 1 of the endchests in every dungeon (so for a solo run it is always present, and with 8 people in only 1 of the 8 chests.)

Enchants for a dungeon work on a similar principal actually. If the dungeon can have an enchant, which i think all do, then it's guaranteed to drop from one end chest, regardless of players. Or at least an enchanted equip.

As for having it out with other people... Is this community going to do free for all for items? I mean in live, i wouldn't accept someone in my party if i need an item and supplied the pass, unless they agreed to let me get the item should it drop. It was a fairly common standard, if you supply the pass, first call on item reward. Unspoken rule is that you only get one item reward, and the gold and not several good items in one run, but i never really had much issue with it. The few times someone did nab the item and wouldn't give it up, you can bet they were shamed and several individuals wouldn't trust them in runs again.

Anyway, it's all kind of a questionable point on this server, since you just buy the unrestricted pass anyway.

I'm assuming this discussion is about promoting people to party with people outside of their usual group. Of course, you can promise to give up a certain item if someone els needs it. When I was looking for my delusional cap, I'd just invite Uzuu or Aldoros to come with me since they would give it to me. And of course, even with other people, some might be willing to give up the item for you when they run with you.

But, the problem is that there is much less incentive to run certain dungeons if someone else wants to claim a certain item already. For example, I'd be totally cool with running with random people alby adv 3 for wooden needle if the system I mentioned was implemented where everyone has a chance to get a good item from the end chest. But, as it is currently, I won't invite random people, and just invite people I know will help me get the wooden needle since doing it with random people that also want it is just much slower, since only 1 chest will have a chance for it anyway.

And that unspoken rule you talk about, you mean like you aren't allowed to get a stamp item from the black golem in ciar adv AND get spike from the end chest? It is kinda finnicky what to count as ''several good items'', I personally have never seen it happen that multiple good items were produced by the same dungeon/SM (as in, a monster dropped something very good and end chest gave something very good.)
Posted at 07-20-17, 01:26 am Link | #

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If you could accept 100 per RB, I'd fit the requirements since I recently got my 5 rebirths. I slacked on my first 2 RBs because of not playing much/skilling, but ever since hitting INT I now go for 100-110 usually.

My character screen
Posted at 07-24-17, 01:26 am Link | #

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We already talked a bit in game, but welcome to the server.
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 07-29-17, 01:42 pm
Posted at 07-29-17, 01:42 pm Link | #

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You could say that inventory management and collecting pets to store lots of stuff is part of the game though (not saying I wouldn't like a bit bigger stack sizes for the stuff you need to collect in huge amounts).
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 07-29-17, 11:50 pm
Posted at 07-29-17, 11:49 pm Link | #

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There are two things I have to say in regards to the field boss case

Something I personally would like to see is changes to the fomor command scrolls. I personally don't know too much about their behaviour, besides that I've seen scrolls announcing times that are about 6 days in advance and their droprate can be bad, but getting the ones in Rano are just a huge pain. Also, I'm not too entirely sure, but if someone else got a certain boss their fomor command and used it, you can't get it again, so if you missed the announcement message of the scroll, you just have to be lucky to be there and paying attention when it spawns. Getting fomor commands for bosses in Rano that you might care about is in my opinion rather annoying, since the drop rate on them is pretty bad, especially considering that even when you get one, there is a good possibility it is for something you don't necessarily care about since there are so many field bosses in the Rano region. If you want to get the timer for something like the big ones like PD, sandworm, desert dragon, or for a specific smaller one to get part of the equipment set or anything of the sort, you just too often get a fomor command scroll for everything else, like gold tailed mongoose or something like that. Personally I'd like to see better drops for the fomor commands, and if possible the possibility to have them drop from mobs nearby where the specific boss spawns.

The second thing is that the NPC text for the spawn of the big field bosses is (as far as I know) still untranslated. It'd be nice if we could use those
Posted at 07-31-17, 10:39 am Link | #

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Yes, although then you have the problem that people can find them still, and either use them and people that are interested don't see it at the time (especially if we allow them to drop further in advance since atm they already can drop multiple hours in advance, most I've seen being 3h), or people get them and keep them in their inventory for various reasons. The problem being in these scenarios is that for every boss, it only drops once (as far as I know). If this could be changed as well, increasing the rate and making them drop further in advance would work.
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 08-01-17, 09:54 am
Posted at 08-01-17, 09:54 am Link | #

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WM is very strong early game, ramps up power very quickly and will always be use able and is very versatile. It allows for very powerful grinding on lower level missions, and is good in the missions in which lower health mobs are close to each other, or only require few hits of the skill to die so they don't scatter out too much from each subsequent hit.

Now, later on in the game (elite missions, HM adv dungeons etc.) I find myself still using it a lot of course (since lets be real, damage wise melee doesn't have many skills, especially not aoe), but way less than pre total 300. On mobs that start to have a lot of prot/def and tons of HP, I just find myself spamming smash all the time, sending a pet to distract with 1/2 hits while charging smash, since it just deals way more damage, finishing the enemies quicker.

At this point in the game though, an elf's magnum spam starts to become really effective as well, since they can basically spam smashes from a distance and without having to wait as long as with smash to charge the skill again and don't have to move to the monster (in return for having to aim). I'm not sure about how well adv magic fares in elites/HM dungeons, since I've never really seen people really use it primarily on this server.

So yeah, what I'm saying is WM is not the end all be all. Not that I don't agree that melee might feel a bit lackluster and that WM is pretty class defining, but that's also why you can freely switch weapons and such in combat.
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 08-03-17, 11:46 am
Posted at 08-03-17, 11:43 am Link | #

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I mentioned it in game, but actually never here.

Thames pls. ;p

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