Posted at 05-13-17, 08:50 am Link | #

Posts: 7
Joined: 05-11-17
Last post: 2794 days
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I've played since early August 2008, initially as Kendorei (human), then as Kensaka (giant) after G9, on the Mari server. I've had some breaks here and there, probably around 6 to 8 months worth of off time, until recent years. Nowadays, there's nothing fun left to do on the official Mabinogi. I'd done pretty much everything. I'm hoping that starting fresh here enthralls me just as much as Mabi used to back in the day.
Posted at 05-14-17, 08:21 am Link | #

Posts: 7
Joined: 05-11-17
Last post: 2794 days
Last view: 2675 days
Electric Gray is simply the easiest on my eyes without making things hard to spot in the inventory.

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