Posted at 05-17-17, 12:11 pm Link | #

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Hello fellow milletians,

I'm experiencing a strange unique freeze each time I launch the game:
It's either on the first boss cutscene I see or the first time I quit the mailbox menu (yes it seems strange but it's reproducible). The freeze last approximately 1 minute and then I'm good until I close the game and start it anew.

I would have guessed it's specific to my computer but a friend got the same freeze on a boss cutscene (although we were in a party so it might be due to my freeze that he also got stuck even if it shouldn't be the case). He only wanted to test the game so he probably won't play again to check if it's reproducible for him.

I'm running windows 10 and it's not due to any mod (since I didn't use any at first and got that from the very beginning).

Is anyone else also experiencing such a freeze ? And is there a known cause and/or solution ?

Thanks in advance for your answer.
Posted at 05-17-17, 12:27 pm Link | #

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I'm a fan of mabinogi since I discovered this game thanks to a friend in summer 2008.
I live in Europe so I first played on mabinogi NA with a proxy (Ruairi server, ign: redclad) and moved to mabinogi EU (Macha server, ign: Clad) when it finally opened. With my knowledge of mabinogi NA, I directly went to get the dugald aisle seal breaker title on Macha server.
I'm mostly playing melee and getting windmill to rank 1 was my first priority on both servers (same here, thanks double ap rate and training exp).

I raised the Milletians guild on Macha which was the largest in sheer number (but few stayed active) to gather the french community of Macha.
Unfortunately we all know how mabinogi EU ended.... I decided to stay alone until the very last hour of the server and to rank enchanting to Rank 1 as a last achievement and parting memory with mabinogi in spring 2012. It was a good opportunity to stop playing since I didn't have much time (had to write my master degree thesis then hop on 4-year PhD studies).
Now I still don't have much time but the nostalgia caught me and I wanted to experience again this great game in a state that wasn't yet destroyed by the second development team (it started to go wrong at G13 in my opinion, both lore and gameplay wise).

Hope to see you in game (ign: redclad) and spend some good time together with a community driven server.
Posted at 05-17-17, 07:13 pm Link | #

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Thanks for the answer.
Sorry that I didn't realise it was already covered.
I did read the FAQ before playing but didn't think of the "lock up" described as the temporary freeze I'm experiencing. I first though it meant the game would simply stop.

Again sorry.
Posted at 05-18-17, 11:44 am Link | #

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I also had this kind of issue with a Giant assistant card. Since I didn't know what part went wrong I started to change everything until it succeeded.
After the numerous tries, I believe the last thing I changed was hair color or eyes color (not sure though).
Posted at 05-29-17, 12:51 pm Link | #

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I like the pre genesis system, that's one of the reasons I liked mabinogi when I started.
It's challenging because most mobs can kill you in few hits (if not one shot, I have to thank the deadly mechanic) but you have to observe them and gain experience to know your enemies and how to fight them properly and fast enough (since magic-counter is efficient against a single aggro mob but so slow at lower ranks).
Also a cool-down system is something you see in most mmorpg (95%+ ?) so why should a game as unique as mabinogi follow the general trend.
To explain this critical genesis change, if I remember correctly, the original development team stopped working on mabinogi after G12 to start mabinogi 2 (which was cancelled unfortunately). The new dev team starting on G13 probably didn't have in mind what were the motive behind the original mechanics and started changing everything to look closer to common mmorpg.
Their first test (on the kr test server) was to implement a class system with class restrictions on skills (advance spells only for mages). Fortunately all the fans playing on the test server were against this stupid decision and that's how we ended with the destiny system (a kind of class without restriction, nice but unnecessary in my opinion).

In the end, people are bound to have different preferences and opinions. Obviously none of the fighting systems is perfect but at least the pre genesis was thought for mabinogi since the beginning and the game was shaped around it. I like the pre genesis system and that's a reason I came to this server. If you don't like it, it might not be the good place for you.
post rev. 1 by redclad on 05-29-17, 07:40 pm
Posted at 05-29-17, 07:40 pm Link | #

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The thing that sets mabinogi apart from other MMOs isn't just it's combat. Even though for a LONG time it stopped being mainly a life game where EVERYTHING (And I mean EVERYTHING) could kill us in a few hits. It's got it's life element to it as well. Also, it's combat is different from other MMOs not in the fact that you have to load your skills (which doesn't make sense for anything besides alch and magic btw), it's the fact that every single action pushes you or the foe around. Other MMOs at best have a small amount of skills that can sometimes knock 1-a group of foes back from you and then they just run back to you and stand there attacking.
I have to admit the load time is not the only feature helping mabinogi to be unique. It's just that I wouldn't be able to list everything and it was one of the main points raised in this discussion.

For wm, 0.8 s of load time might be overpowered but when I started playing mabi NA (I'm living in Europe and had to use a proxy in the early days), it was needed to compensate the lag, so I wouldn't complain about it. I guess wm was supposed to be a last resort skill to save your life in multi aggro situations but it ended up being the best offensive skill for melee. They probably made it difficult to train to limit the number of players with r1 wm but it didn't help once everyone knew it was the first thing to rank up.
It might have discouraged some casual players from optimizing their fighting skills tough. Fortunately you can do life skills for fun without "needing" to fight high level mobs.

Now on a last note, just imagine melee without wm, we would be fu**** up. At least all the other fighting styles are ranged and can naturally pull out mobs (well melee can too but it's boring one on one) or use AoE skills from afar.
post rev. 3 by redclad on 06-03-17, 11:38 pm
Posted at 06-03-17, 11:32 pm Link | #

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As some of you might have noticed, some special characters are not recognized by the client.
This is not an issue in english where these special characters are not used but it can be annoying if trying to write in french, german, ... in private chats.

In the above image I tried to write "é è à ù ê ö ï ä". As you can see, none is recognized and strange special character are sometimes replacing the desired characters.

I wanted to know if there's something that could be done to be able to use such characters.
Modding the japanese.ttf file is useless since it's only for other kind of texts in the game.
It there another font file used for the chat that can me modded or is it somewhat hardcoded ?

Thanks in advance for any help that could be provided.
Posted at 06-04-17, 03:50 pm Link | #

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We use a dds file, set dimensions for each character. Using special characters, i don't honestly know how they factor in, as i haven't tried any research on them. If you want to start research yourself, the normal characters at least, are contained in data/gfx/gui/ AND will go with it, same directory.

And a note for editing. There are some symbols and characters i'm not familiar with, though that's not honestly saying much. The default colors in the dds are white, as in all the font is colored white. So you may want to actually invert the image to black for editing, then tell it invert again when you're done, to make it white, before you actually save.

Indeed the normal character used in the game can be found in these files. I found the accents used for the special character I'm looking for in data/gfx/gui/
I guess it's the same file for mabi eu and mabi na (don't have the original pack from these server so I can't check) so it seems that the jpn client doesn't call the proper coordinates to display the desired characters. This is most likely hardcoded as Drahan said and will be difficult to fix (unless this bit of code is in an xml ???).
The only "easy" way would be to replace the code for characters call of this jpn version with the code from na or eu versions but still I dont know where this bit of code actually is.

Anyway thanks for the answers.
Posted at 06-06-17, 11:24 pm Link | #

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I agree that the last proposition of removing the minimum amount of player limit does make sense. At least with the current population on the server.

I currently throw away any pass restricted to a specific number of players because I know it would be difficult to find the right amount of people and might be a waste of time while I can simply earn 30k gold to buy an unrestricted pass in said time. Yet I would rather be able to use the passes obtained.
Posted at 06-08-17, 01:41 am Link | #

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Thanks for added information.
I'm not knowledgeable enough to affirm anything but I suppose that bitmap fonts are indeed less resource consuming, especially with all the characters of different languages (I remember the "font lag" from my early days in mabi NA before modding).

Correct me if I'm wrong: if someone wanted it, it should be possible to force the ttf mode through a modded dll similarly to the bitmap mode incorporated in several modded dll for mabi na, right ?
Posted at 06-08-17, 12:48 pm Link | #

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oh noez another leak
To stop the leaks you can try to put some caulk.... Don't ask me where exactly thought

Well I guess I'll dig into this mod when I get some time. For now I need to rank refining and enchanting.
Posted at 06-15-17, 10:17 am Link | #

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This idea came out of nowhere during a Tara banquet but I though it was quite interesting in the end:

What about an event in which Neid is stranded and slowly dying. The players would need to make it survive with water canon (and maybe ice-type spells) until Neid is back to full life rewarding a price to the participants.
This could be done in an instance to make it simpler.

This could also be a "faction" kind of event with part of the players trying to keep Neid alive while the other ones are trying to roast it with fire-type attacks. The winning faction would get different prices whether Neid is killed or saved.

Another idea that came up during the banquet was to push Neid back in the water. This could involve some strategy: all attacks would push him but non water-type attack would remove health, so you have to push him while trying not to kill him before reaching the water.

I understand that this is a non existent event and would need to be created but I suppose it's not impossible. So, in the long run, when most of the urgent matters are done on this server, this idea might be interesting to explore (if you like it of course).
Posted at 06-19-17, 12:22 pm Link | #

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Hello dear milletians,

We all know the eternal fame awarded to seal breakers (well, at least until a server is closed) but we also know the frustration and envy that might come for all other players (especially when seal breakers leave the game). We can remember some asian players coming in mabinogi NA early days just to obtain the seal breaker titles and leave forever. Also, any player who was not there during the very first day(s) the server went live never had a chance to compete for one of these titles.

With the coming of Iria in season 2, DevCat got a good idea in my opinion: make such "unique titles" obtainable periodically which they did with the maiz, longa, karu, rano-connous titles.
Would it be a good idea to give the same treatment to the seal breaker titles ? Regenerate the seal stones once a week ?
Of course, the fact that only one seal breaker title can be obtained per character would remain making it a tough decision to choose what seal to break on your beloved character.

There are pros and cons of course, it's open to discussion.
post rev. 1 by redclad on 06-19-17, 02:26 pm
Posted at 06-19-17, 02:15 pm Link | #

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Well I imagine something similar to maiz, karu and longa titles.
Those can also be camped by a single player but it doesn't seem to happen.
Every previous discoverers keep the title after the ruins have been rediscovered.

I believe this system works well and I can't see any issue with it.

The weekly regeneration was a proposition based on the ruin discovery schedule. It could be monthly (30 days) but I think yearly would be too much considering it wouldn't answer the reasons to make it regenerate in the first place.
Also to avoid the camping on a specific time, there could be some rng involved.

I understand that the main issue with this system is the removal of the fame involved with these titles. Those who get it wouldn't be proud of it anymore and I cannot argue with that (after all, I was proud of my seal breaker title on mabi EU). Yet, I don't know and never saw most of the seal breakers on this server. I can't even tell "whoaaa I know him/her, it's the xxx seal breaker".... so no fame for most of them anyway.

Another solution might be to regenerate the seal stone after a certain time of absence of the seal breaker. This would reward the active players. I don't like this idea though but it's a personal opinion.
Posted at 06-21-17, 09:56 am Link | #

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I've never saw 'fame' as part of the seal breaker title. Not once in my life on the Ruairi server, did I think twice about the seal breakers (or even see any) and go "Oh that person's so cool!" Instead I just ran past every Seal that was opened up to do what I wanted to do. At most I'd think "Thanks whoever you are for doing whatever it took to open this." That was only during the early days when I started. After a while I didn't even look at the seal breakers name or even care.

If anything, the only time I cared about who did something was with the discoverer of the dungeon titles or the bridge connecting. Not out of fame either, out of "God damn it! I'm never going to get this damn title."

I've never considered this aspect.... The fact that the ruins titles can still be obtained makes you pay more attention to them than truly unique titles. (at least for some players apparently)
Posted at 06-21-17, 09:59 am Link | #

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Would be cool if we got one if we r1 everything under a skillset
Either that or obtain the master titles under a skillset. It would make it more interesting to actually obtain the master titles since most of them are completely useless.
Or even in two parts:
- Obtain all or several r1 => sniper
- Obtain all or several master titles => the master sniper
Posted at 06-23-17, 12:03 am Link | #

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Slightly off topic but, do you have access to the exact conditions for the legendary "friend of ferghus" title ?
Might be interesting to make it obtainable if it's currently impossible (or almost).
In a similar way, "the king of diligence" was designed for multiple years of playing. Make it obtainable at 1000 ptj instead of 10 000 ptj would make more sense in my opinion.

Back on topic:
Why not add some "xxx slayer" titles related to field bosses instead of the simple bear/golem/succubus/ogre slayer currently implemented.
We could have

The Dragon Slayer Attack speed increase +5 (need +10 with enchants/equipment to be effective)
Get the finish on a prairie/desert/red dragon. (neither Krumena nor Cromm Cruaich)

The Ifrit Slayer Fire element +50% (similar to 4~5 fire element infused equipments)
Get the finish on Ifrit.
If possible it could also add fire effect on weapons like the sword of Elsinore.

The Mammoth Slayer Ice element +30% and Stomp resistance +3 (need +10 with enchants/equipment to be effective)
Get the finish on a Mammoth.
Posted at 06-30-17, 09:45 am Link | #

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I suppose it's a work under progress but having more donation options than bitcoin would help.
I considered donation with bitcoins but without properly starting something serious, I couldn't find a good way to buy any without extensive taxes.
Posted at 07-07-17, 02:31 am Link | #

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If they were introduced, I would prefer without the spawn effect but I wouldn't mind if it was one of the other proposed solutions.

To limit to 1~3 pet(s) per account, it could be a quest reward.
post rev. 1 by redclad on 07-07-17, 02:26 pm
Posted at 07-07-17, 02:25 pm Link | #

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In the end, is there any counter argument about introducing these pets without the AoE effect ?
The original idea to implement them is to have access to stylish pets, right ? No one asked for them specifically for the AoE effect (or at least I don't think anyone did).

So if any other solution than removing the AoE effect do have one or several counter arguments, it would be best to go with the only solution everyone would be ok with.

(on a personal note, I never played with AoE pets nor did I see any in action while playing so I can't really judge the usefulness/game breaking potential)

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