I have made my choices for many of the questions and will only discuss those that are unclear for me.
Question 11 Should the rate at which MP is regenerated through the use of the Meditation skill be increased? (This question resolves to No unless at least 75% of votes are scattered across "Yes" options, in which case the question resolves to the most popular "Yes" option.)
- Yes, make it as strong as it is in Nexon's Mabinogi
- Yes, but not quite as strong as it is in Nexon's Mabinogi
- No
- Skip question
I want to say yest but less strong that nexon's mabinogi. So the question is: what would be the new rates ?
I propose to make rank 1 accessible and double the current rates (
https://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/index.php?title=Meditation&oldid=286604 )
This would make rank F at 300% (so less than rank F on live but more than our current cap at rank 9)
and make rank 1 at 600% (so less than live cap at rank 8: 940%).
Yet, with this solution, you need to invest ap to actually benefit of the full potential of this skill.
Question 17 If a guild's leader stops playing, should there be a process guilds can use to replace them with a new leader?
I will probably answer yes but.... what does "stops playing" means ? One week ? One month ?
Some people can go on vacation or not have access to internet for one month. Does it means they stopped playing ? Not forcefully.
I suppose the best way to address this question would be to make a poll among all guild members after some time of complete inactivity of the leader (no activity in the game, forum, discord).
Question 18 Currently, a charged lightning bolt will disappear after 15 seconds. Should this time limit be removed?
This question troubles me. This "fix" can be applied extremely easily by changing an xml file in the data folder. To be honest I did mod this on live years ago and I'm using this here too. So if anyone can do it without control, then it would be fair to put everyone on an equal foot and remove the limit => "yes".
FYI: it's in \data\db\skill\skillinfo.xml
Just read the line for lightning bolt and it will be obvious.