Posts: 9
Joined: 02-18-17
Last post: 2155 days
Last view: 2120 days
Current status:
Weaving's a pain to rank on a smaller server. A good portion of the higher end materials from it can now be obtained from custom content in bulk, leaving less reason for the average player to bother. Given that our server only has one channel, there's a lot of sharing being done between what seems like less than four spots for cobwebs (rank 8, and 9 to a lesser extent), and sheep being common but incredibly annoying to work with for a number of reasons. However, the most recent issue affecting the difficulty of ranking the skill has been the unstable monster server, currently causing all non-NPC mobs randomly despawn and respawn more than a minute later depending on location in their natural state. This effectively kills all player efforts to 'stick' sheep or maintain spider farms, sometimes on what seems like an hourly basis.
This is all on top of the 'random' outcome chances for creating fabrics and silks, the necessary quality success rates for which are between low double (finest fabric: 14.7% chance for .4% progress out of a required 15.0, fine fabric: 20.2% chance for .2% progress out of the same, and common fabric: 36.7% chance for .1% progress as a training requirement that's quickly maxed out) and moderate single (finest silk: 6.1% chance at rank 9 and 6.0% chance at rank 8 as the sole training method at 2% progression for either) percent chances. not counting the expensive and irreparable gloves required to make either.
It's entirely possible to burn through over an hour's worth of gathering materials with no skill training progress.
And given that it's a smaller server, it's effectively impossible to buy these materials from other players.
Potential solutions:
There's a few potential solutions that could help with either of these 'hell ranks':
A: Changing the quality outcome odds for fabrics and silks at a loom to something further in favor of fine and finest of either,
B: Significantly increasing the training experience awarded for these requirements at their relevant ranks,
C: Adding the option to buy stacks of thin and thick threads from Shyla in exchange for red fomorian coins (2~3 per stack, equal to 8k or 12k gold at current exchange rates).
Assuming the original post can be edited later, more options could be added.
Feel free to discuss it here; this thread was created in response to Discord discussions on the skill between several players.