post rev. 1 by Drahan on 12-09-17, 09:06 pm
Posted at 12-09-17, 09:06 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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It's unfinished, but it works.
Posted at 12-10-17, 05:17 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Would there be any way to automate this process via another launcher? I'd like to use Hyddwyn Launcher since it is the most efficient launcher I've used thus far and it allows custom server profiles. Some of the values were already there as placeholders and I've input a few values but I have no idea if/how I can get some of the others.
You would have to ask the developer of that launcher, not us.
post rev. 2 by Flipend0 on 12-23-17, 06:34 am
Posted at 12-15-17, 11:02 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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Jasper Santa wishes to celebrate Christmas in a spectacular way: Playing a song from a different universe, titled "12 Days of Christmas".
However there was an issue! Jasper went to the library to get the song, but it appears that the monsters roaming around Erinn have stolen the music notes!
Jasper Santa requests help from you Milletians to recover the notes in order to save the Christmas spirit!

Event Details:
*This event will be active from 12/15~12/26
* Jasper can be found at Tir Chonaill.
* When defeating monsters, they will have a small chance to drop a page.
* If you wish, you can exchange single page for a small gift to yourself.
* If you're feeling more generous and collect all 12 pages, you can gift the entire server a gift.
* You must have 10 stacks of the gachapon to be able to open 1.
* You must be a total level of 60 to be able to open the gachapon.
* The gift cannot be opened until 12/25/17.

Special Thanks to "Rydian" for providing the MML Code for the "12 days of Christmas" song.
Posted at 12-16-17, 08:17 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Yes, this is planned. Unfortunately, we're grossly lacking in developer time so plans like this get put on the backburner while more important things are worked on.

Maybe it's not my place to ask, but what kind of "more important things" are being worked on? I'm just curious is all. I know you guys are trying to keep things up-to-date on events, bugs, even translations... But if this being on the back-burner, I was just curious on what is being worked on.
Hope you don't mind my curiosity. lol...
Exactly what you described. We have a small development team and most of the time we cannot afford to spend time on features like this.

Also works decently fine on Windows Vista here
I seem to have forgotten that Vista existed - but yes, it's also included in that list with XP and 7.
Posted at 12-16-17, 08:19 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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I don't think it's feasible to add another one, however it is possible to change the time at which it happens.
Posted at 12-16-17, 08:26 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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I'm not really sure what your question is due to lack of grammar, however you can purchase pets with Red Coins that drop from monsters around Erinn.

Talk to Shyla to learn more.
Posted at 12-20-17, 05:24 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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The common mana preservation stones only give like 100 to you, which is kind of a pittance though.
But no mana evaporation is a super crazy buff to mages! maybe being out of combat for 10-30 minutes turns off evaporation?

It would just be a nice quality of life thing since i really hate that i cant touch my second slot if theres a wand there =u=''

If you're not in combat, then what's it matter if your mana evaporates?
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 12-20-17, 05:26 am
Posted at 12-20-17, 05:26 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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Honestly, if they could somehow add HS's into Mabipro, how hard would it be to just plain remove the ability to plant herbs? I'm not a programmer at all, but I would think it would be as simple as highlighting all the code to add the herbs and then hitting delete/backspace.

Currently, the "code" for homesteads literally doesn't exist at all.
If we added it, we'd be re-creating it all from scratch and could simply not add anything related to herbs if so desired.

The amount of work required to actually add homesteads is in the hundreds of hours and to be quite honest, it's not really feasible for us to do.
Posted at 12-20-17, 05:28 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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Wheat Flour
change ingredients from 10 Wheat to either 5 Wheat or 2 Wheat
make stackable to at least 5 (currently unstackable)

Barley Flour
change ingredients from 10 Barley to either 5 Barley or 2 Barley
make stackable to at least 5 (currently unstackable)

increase stack size from 5 to 10 (this is something Live Mabi has done)

increase stack size from 5 to 10 (this is something Live Mabi has done)

Windmill (skill)
no changes requested

Windmill (production station)
Enable auto-production (currently you are only able to create one Flour at a time)

I am unsure about the immediate implications of changing the ingredients, but I think the rest of the suggestions are perfectly acceptable.

Changing stack sizes has no real effect outside of convenience, and auto-production is client-sided.
Posted at 12-20-17, 05:58 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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These are all great constructive suggestions.
We love hearing about your creative ideas to improve the server.

Here's some of the thoughts I have on the subject:
  • The final product should be tradable to promote economic activity.
  • The ingredients required to formulate the potion should be diverse and obtained through multiple economic sectors.
  • The prerequisite skill levels required to formulate the potion should be high level to promote skill training.
  • I like the idea of "multi-stage" crafting - i.e crafting prerequisite ingredients, instead of just having a few simple ingredients drop. This increases economic value and difficulty to obtain, but also gives opportunity to involve other skills as well.
    If we assume that the skill required to make the final product is Potion Making, we can require you to insert an ingredient that must be crafted with Handicraft, or potentially other skills.
  • Any multi-stage ingredients could have multiple ways to obtain them.
    • Crafting?
    • Rare monster drops?
    • Events?
    • Dungeon chest drops?
    This allows for more dynamic gameplay - you can choose the way you want to play. If you prefer to run dungeons all day, then you have a chance to obtain what you wish by running dungeons. If you are lucky, you might be able to purchase the ingredient off of a player who obtained one through a rare monster drop or event.
    If all else fails, you may be able to slowly gather the lower level ingredients to craft your higher level ingredient manually if you seem to have run out of options.
  • Any ingredient required to craft the final product should not be time restricted or expire. In other words, you should be able to take a week, month, or even a year to finalize your product.
  • Any ingredient required to craft the final product should not come from any "personalized event" - which is any event that is well, personal to a specific player. For example, jousting is personalized. As mentioned previously in the thread, jousting can be manipulated and the final result can be tampered with by players.
  • Ideally, the active game play time required to craft the product would be approximately 8 weeks. This means the final product would be quite expensive and be reserved for "extremely important" enchants/items.

These are a combination of things discussed in game as well as things floating around in my head.
Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: These are simply my opinions on the subject, and are in no way a representation of what the team thinks or is actually doing.
Posted at 12-21-17, 02:28 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Ideally, the active game play time required to craft the product would be approximately 8 weeks. This means the final product would be quite expensive and be reserved for "extremely important" enchants/items.

I'm not sure what is active game play for you.... is it full time grind or simply a couple hours a day ?
In any case I feel like 8 weeks is a bit overkill since you will probably need several protection potions prepared before attempting to enchant since you're likely to fail enchanting one or few times which would blow up the protection after each fail.
If I want to enchant a rank 5 enchant with protection potions, I would probably prepare at least 3 potions before even attempting the actual enchantment which would take me 24 weeks (assuming I'm making them alone), almost 6 months before even attempting an enchantment. And that's when we are already high level to be able to make the potion in the first place.
Two to four weeks seems more reasonable to me. Now, that's my personal opinion.


If the current enchant system remains (i.e. ridiculously low success rate with ranks 9+ and the destruction of the item if the enchant fails at r6+ ES) anything above 4 weeks is going to be overkill. If the main issue is not addressed to balance the p2w system, the making of the pot should not be a 1 year project for people, as it only saves your item from breaking. You are still facing the RNGesus for everything else.

I can agree with what's been said.
8 weeks does seem a lot longer than ideal now that I think about it more; however the figure came from a "worst case scenario" state of mind.
Randomization and chance is hard to balance.

Maybe 2-4 weeks is more reasonable.
Posted at 12-22-17, 05:57 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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Thanks for letting us know.
This is more suited for a ticket, since it's a bug.
The textures were not properly imported.

It is fixable.
Posted at 12-23-17, 02:25 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Nicehash is back~ And they promise return all what being stolen by hackers.
That's good news, but their fundamental problems still exist.

The effects of their hot wallet being hacked were so detrimental because they were not paying people out the money they deserved at lower intervals.

Their payout amount was 0.01 BTC, which (as of writing this post) is worth $153. They should have lowered their payout minimum with the rise of Bitcoin's price.
The price increased by 10X and yet they left the payout amount the same.
Greed? Definitely.
They are expecting people to mine for them and never reach the payout, so they can collect all of the juicy funds that people lost by not reaching the minimum.
And even now, they set a minimum for how much you had to have mined in order to be reimbursed for their own mistakes.
Luckily, we reach that minimum, but how many thousands of people didn't?

I won't be endorsing NiceHash in the future unless they correct these fundamental problems.
Posted at 12-23-17, 02:27 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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I believe the dev's already responded to an earlier thread that its not possible for them to implement it.

It's most likely not possible to easily implement it, be it custom, or how it was on live, without a lot of work. In the past it would have been impossible because the dev team lacked someone who could REALLY do work in Mabinogi's code, but now they do. Granted if they did want to implement something like this, it would take a long time and the new coder would have to spend all their active time working on it and nothing else to make any real progress.

This is true.
It's not easy, but it is theoretically possible.
I'm not sure that we can justify time being spent to implement this feature over smaller, more important things though.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 12-23-17, 02:35 pm
Posted at 12-23-17, 02:34 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Bad publishers was my problem

Bad devs and publisher. Not unless Nexon purposely forced then not to upgrade the game engine or anything else people wanted along these lines.
They have no choice.
There is no game engine that can replace Pleione.

To "upgrade" it is to rewrite it from complete scratch which is problem in itself.
I don't want to explain why this is a bad idea in depth, so if you're curious read that blog post.

Nexon, in a way, did force them not to upgrade the game engine. Nexon is their bank roll, and can they really justify going through all of the hell that they'd have to go through to rewrite the entire game from scratch to their bank roll?
No, obviously not.

Pleione is hooked deep in every single part of this game. It's not easy to just "upgrade" it. Mabinogi's codebase has thousands and thousands and thousands of lines of code that are interlinked with the "engine".
Pleione isn't really even a game engine, it was a project "base", not an "engine". Everything in this game is built around Pleione and interlinked with it.
Pleione is the game itself.

To put it simply, it would cost probably a few million dollars to "upgrade" Pleione, and the process would be equivalent of writing a new game from scratch.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 12-23-17, 02:57 pm
Posted at 12-23-17, 02:55 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Ah~ You completly wrong Nicehash is not mining pool, it's cloud mining provider~ You just lend them computing power, they sell it and pay you for it based on selling price. That's all.
0.01BTC for anyone who invested in equipment is not a barrier. Even more - they have option to register account and then you can payout from 0.0015btc but commission fee is huge in BTC network~
Huge share that holded in old wallet - i mined alone on my middle-grade gpu at free time when I'm not at home.
I'm aware that they aren't a mining pool, not directly anyway. However, at a fundamental level, they are a pool. There's a reason you're pointing your miners at their scrypt server.

The problem is when you lend them computing power, they sell it, and they never pay you because your computing power was "too insignificant".
post rev. 3 by Drahan on 12-23-17, 03:46 pm
Posted at 12-23-17, 03:16 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Nice. But that is lie. They can upgrade Pleione.
Because I saw exactly same situation - Ragnarok Online - it have even older engine. And I saw two fan worked fan projects that completly replaces Ragnarok Online own engine. One make game work in browsers via WebGL and one make game work on android tablets. And that done by small group (or even by one man) without millions from publishers.

I played game via that client on some private server and it's completly fine.

It's not a "process would be equivalent of writing a new game from scratch" - it's just devcat abandon game and milking their playerbase via new payd content.

Comparing Ragnorak Online to Mabinogi is kinda silly.
Ragnorak Online has a much more simple protocol, simple rendering system, and simple fundamental mechanics.
It's also fully documented and most of it's code is easy replicable.
That's why people are able to replicate it easily.

If it was easy for 1 man to completely replicate Mabinogi, we wouldn't be running on Nexon's server binaries or their client.

I've seen projects to replicate Mabinogi all end up failing when it comes to the intricate mechanics.
Creating a client and rendering is not the hard part, we've done it before and could do it again. However, the rendering is not Pleione's only purpose.

There's a reason we're the only successful private server that exists for Mabinogi, and the emulators/replicas of the game aren't fully functional.
This game is far more complex than Ragnorak Online.

If Nexon wanted to abandon Pleione and use a new engine (read as: write a new engine), they would be tearing the entire project apart and basically all of the code would be useless.
In other words, they'd be writing the game from scratch.
Posted at 12-25-17, 12:38 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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The change is just silly to me. It would make more sense to make getting gift box harder instead of completely nerfing them. The whole point of event is for ppl to advantage them. What's the point of having event in the first place when you are going to nerf them when ppl just decided to participate?

getting gift box harder
That's...exactly what we did. We made it 10x harder...
Posted at 12-26-17, 05:15 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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Not trying to fight/argue with a GM because I know that will get me either kicked from the server or even just temporary banned
We encourage as much feedback as possible. We would not exile you for speaking your mind.
It's sad to see that you even consider such things as a possibility.

I've lost faith in the MabiPro team due to this event. This event is meant to give happiness and joy, but instead you guys gave out harder ways to obtain the event.
This event has been harder for us than it has for you guys. We tried our best to rectify our mistakes in the best way possible, but unfortunately it's not possible to make everybody happy.

We've certainly learnt from our mistakes and will avoid situations like this in the future.
Posted at 12-29-17, 10:38 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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If you are on Windows 10, try the Windows 10 related fixes here: faq Frequently Asked Questions from MabiPro's Tech(..)

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