I'd REALLY appreciate if the some tweaks to the manual patching process were done.
Either redesign the auto-launcher to accept manually downloaded patches instead of freezing up and refusing to work if the patch archive is present. (have it do a verification check like normal, and if it works, it installs the patch. If it doesn't work, it deletes the archive and tries to re-download).
or change the launcher version file to be easily edited so If I'm having trouble with a patch, I'm not forever prevented from using the auto-launcher ever again.
I can just edit the version to the patch I manually installed and be able to use it for the other patches till I get to another one that refuses to download properly in the launcher.
Or at least include a launcher version update in the manual patches so the launcher can pick up and do the next one in order if i had to manual patch.
Our next launcher update, which there is currently no ETA for, solves a majority of these issues.