post rev. 1 by Drahan on 09-29-18, 02:24 pm
Posted at 09-29-18, 12:53 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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Hello everybody!

Recently, I identified a major source of instability on our HA node system which load balances MabiPro's connections.
The bug was fixed last night (9/28/18) and an update was pushed to correct this.

This should result in increased server stability (less random disconnections).

Latency Correction System

Alongside this update is a new system for helping players with high latency: the skill load latency correction system.
This allows you to subtract the latency caused by your high latency connection and load skills in real-time.

To use it, you need to measure your latency (you can do so by pinging any of MabiPro's HA nodes, e.g in the Windows Command Prompt.

After you have determined your approximate latency, you can run >skill (insert latency here) to activate the latency correction system.

If your measured ping is too large, the game server will notify you to lower the ping you have chosen. Fine tune it to a point where it is just under the point where it notifies you.

This system is in beta, so please report any bugs you may find.
One such bug we are aware of is an issue with the notification telling you to lower your number - it sometimes triggers 100% of the time.

If you find any other bugs, please let us know in a ticket.

Otherwise, enjoy the feature and enjoy your time at MabiPro.
Posted at 09-29-18, 02:16 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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To start out, the amount of pets/characters does not affect server stability.
When we first started, we had a lot more money and less resource demand.

MabiPro is severely under budgeted and in debt.
Our hosting has changed in favor of cheaper hosting due to lack of funding. This is the primary reason that the server is unstable, and we cannot afford to do anything about it.

Whenever the issue of the server's funding comes up, a common line is that people would like to donate, but they are disincentivized because they see donating in bitcoin as a barrier. I know it's been said amazon coins/giftcards are an alternative, but what other means might there be that would allow people to donate? Otherwise, maybe it would be beneficial to teach people how to donate in bitcoin or educate them about bitcoin so that they are not as hesitant. Why is it so necessary for bitcoin to be the main/sole method for donating?

Getting bitcoin to donate is actually insanely easy, it's the smaller or less known coins that're harder. Coinbase is the easiest way to do it-make account, wire bank acc and wait a week after buying for transaction to go through. Now, I'm not exactly sure why they don't just accept paypal or something, since that's much faster and not prone to major jumps and crashes like bitcoin goes through on an hourly basis.

There should be a donate page on the navbar between SUPPORT and NEWS with a guide on how to do that then, crypto currency is still a very new thing to the masses. Donations generally need a level of incentive even if purely cosmetic or vanity status and there needs to be a level of advertisement for the server possibly on private server aggregation sites like gtop100 and a vote to receive cash shop points for obtaining cs items to get more players towards the server which will mean more donations.

GTop100 wouldnt work out very well considering there is only 1 Mabinogi private server to begin with haha

I haven't checked if this was a way since I'm at work and don't have much time to surf the site RN, but would PayPal or a Patreon be a good option? Most everyone knows how to use those, so it wouldn't be a stretch.

We are only able to accept Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Posted at 10-01-18, 08:40 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Welcome to the server!
Posted at 10-01-18, 08:40 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Welcome to the server!
Posted at 10-19-18, 07:09 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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This is not possible.

Some of the game is Japanese and we do have the full Japanese locale - however our main audience is English players - we are slowly translating the game from Japanese to English.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change text between Japanese and English selectively, so anything that is English will stay as is.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Posted at 11-07-18, 04:43 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Hello, any precision about where to do the "run >skill (insert latency here)" ? i'am a bit confused about that !


Chat message
Posted at 11-07-18, 09:56 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Hello, any precision about where to do the "run >skill (insert latency here)" ? i'am a bit confused about that !


Chat message

Hum, should i have any particular message to let me know it worked or something ?
like i typed run >skill 100 in the "all " chat, and i just saw my character say what i've typed, and.. nothing else, ( even tried to use the ( ) )

It will show a message in chat and on the screen that tells you it is enabled.

Make sure you are typing it in the local chat, and not using the popup chat log window.
Posted at 12-09-18, 11:19 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Posted at 12-09-18, 11:49 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Machine translation is possible, however there is no developer working on such a project.

In terms of "copy/pasting from the official servers": this isn't possible. Text is stored server-side, so we don't actually have the text to copy paste from.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 03-10-19, 08:57 am
Posted at 03-10-19, 08:46 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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A new beta HA node command ">vc" has been added. This command allows you to send full color visual chats to other users ingame.
Since the client will not load these visual chats, you must upload the images to a image host like Imgur.

What works:
* Full color - images support full 256 bit color.
* Opacity - images support full transparency and even variable opacity.
* Automatic image resizing - images larger than 256x96 will be resized to 256x96 automatically.
* PNG loading

What doesn't work and will probably never work:
* Saving images
* User signature (all images are signed by Drahan when using this command)

What doesn't work but is supposed to work:
* Images larger than 32kb in size. 32KB is just under the average file size for resized images so some images fail... a lot.
* Error handling - actually, it works, it's just done wrong right now. You get kicked when an error occurs, and since this feature is still beta.
* HTTPS loading on Vier node - Vier fails all HTTPS requests due to some configuration issues, but will be fixed soon.
* Most JPGs and other file formats that aren't PNG.

Example of how to use it:

We recommend using Imgur to host images, and use PNG file format as it is the best supported.

This feature is currently a work in progress. It is not perfect, and it is extremely finicky about what images you use and where they are hosted; additionally being kicked every time an error occurs is pretty problematic as well.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Posted at 03-11-19, 06:14 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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This isn't a false positive, but it's also not malicious.

I can break down that detection for you, though:
Win64 means that it is a 64 bit binary. Packed means that the file is compressed and obfuscated - this is usually done to prevent analysis and prevent modifications to the binary. GoLang is actually the programming language that the file was written in, as we use Go for internal development at MabiPro.

Most antiviruses will flag packed files by default, because they cannot tell if they are malicious or clean since they are unable to analyze them.
Nexon's Client.exe is also packed with Themida, and there is flags on AVs related to this too.

Actually, this file was a trial of our clientside anticheat, a replacement for Nexon's NGS, however, it was disabled after less than a week, which is why it is no longer used in your updated client.
Given that it's an anticheat, it is packed to prevent hackers from analyzing and modifying it.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 03-20-19, 07:12 am
Posted at 03-20-19, 04:36 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 03:11AM 03/20/19 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Please update your client.
Thank you for your patience.

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
01:00AM 03/20/19 to 03:00AM 03/20/19 (EST)
  • Added Kurayama Village
  • Goblin Tag event will be started
  • Server time configuration changes

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff
post rev. 2 by Drahan on 03-21-19, 03:20 am
Posted at 03-21-19, 02:18 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 10:33PM 03/20/19 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Please update your client.
Thank you for your patience.

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
10:20PM 03/20/19 to 11:20PM 03/20/19 (EST)
  • Resolved an issue where certain conditions could crash the client when using Charge
  • Fixed using certain keywords on Lady Yuuka and Shion making the player stuck
  • Added model for the shadow in bamboo forest
  • Fixed XP Support in the client we tried
  • Goblin Tag Event rebalanced and data bugs removed.
  • Missing Set Item Bonuses on newly created items fixed.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 03-23-19, 02:34 am
Posted at 03-23-19, 02:34 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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It doesn't look like you installed the game correctly. Install using one of the Full client downloads and try again.
post rev. 3 by Drahan on 03-28-19, 06:22 am
Posted at 03-28-19, 05:47 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 02:05AM 03/28/19 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Please update your client.
Thank you for your patience.

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
01:46AM 03/28/19 to 02:46AM 03/28/19 (EST)
  • Adjusted extended functionality for balance of new items including Ludicrous, Spin Gai Gu, and Magic Hosei.
  • The texture of Twin Blade Armor has been tweaked for more accurate color display on sleeves. Missing scarf added to human's model.
  • Several misalignments fixed on Hats, including adjustments for Giants.
  • Drop rate increased from Goblin Tag Chests to celebrate high event participation.
  • The Goblin Tag Event will end on Sunday Mar 31.
  • Global chat Discord integration has been re-enabled.
  • Fixed Skill Reset Capsule not allowing any skill to be deranked.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff
Posted at 04-06-19, 06:46 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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read FAQ faq Frequently Asked Questions from MabiPro's Tech(..)
Posted at 04-10-19, 03:20 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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Missing MSVCP140.dll and VCRUNTIME140.dll upon hitting "Start Game". Googled it. Said to install Visual Studio C++ 2015 Redistributable. Downloaded it. Wouldn't install because of a preexisting version. Brand new laptop though. Any tips?
Install X86 version
post rev. 2 by Drahan on 04-29-19, 11:43 pm
Posted at 04-29-19, 10:41 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 07:19PM 04/29/19 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Please update your client.
Thank you for your patience.

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
06:39PM 04/29/19 to 07:19PM 04/29/19 (EST)
  • Stability fixes.
  • New crash handler implemented.
  • NPC Client fixed (maybe).
  • Discord global chat integration disabled due to instability, sorry! We will attempt to fix it in the future. Something happened.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff
Posted at 05-01-19, 01:23 am Link | #
Drahan GM

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After the maintenance (an assumption, weird things happen to me all the time) I cannot successfully launch the game. My launcher is displaying the following message: "Failed to update: Mabinogi is currently running." There is no instance of Mabinogi running in the background according to Task Manager. Additionally, I've installed/re-installed using different versions of the full client installer (sometimes trying to see if the primary launcher helped; to no avail). Using the primary launcher displays the following message: "Error retrieving local version, is the game installed?" Help?

That error message is caused by anything in your process list containing the name "Client".
As for error retrieving local version, this means the launcher is not accompanied by the game files, so it can't find the game.
Posted at 05-10-20, 03:55 pm Link | #
Drahan GM

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Reinstall using the latest installer

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